Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896

Golovatch, Sergei I., Korotayeva, Alyona M. & Martínez-Torres, Daniela, 2024, Three species of the millipede family Platyrhacidae from Costa Rica: a new Barydesmus Cook, 1896 and two oldest Nyssodesmus Cook, 1896 (Diplopoda Polydesmida), Zootaxa 5538 (5), pp. 424-438 : 428

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scientific name

Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896


Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896 View in CoL

Figs 2–5 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 , 14 View FIGURE 14

Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896: 53 View in CoL (original verbal description).

Nyssodesmus alboalatus View in CoL — Moritz & Fischer, 1978: 111 (information on type material consisting of three specimens and a rectified type locality); Hoffman, 1999: 395 (provides type locality information and mistakenly refers to a male holotype); Recuero & Sánchez-Vialas, 2018: 272 (information on type material and type locality, erroneously repeating as if a male holotype was involved).

Type material. Lectotype male ( Moritz & Fischer 1978: ZMB 1391 View Materials , in alcohol), “(Rio) Puerto Viejo, plaines du Rio Sarapiquí , 150 m, Bassin du Rio San Juan, Costa-Rica, legit P. Biolley, IV 92”, designated herewith.

Paralectotypes: 1 male and 1 female, same data as lectotype ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ) .

Additional material examined. 1 male ( VMNH, DMT 98 , in alcohol), Costa Rica, Limón Province, Farm Hamburg, Waldbodan , 10.2846630°N, - 83.410149°W, 10 m a.s.l., 11.I.1934, F. Nevermann leg. ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Differs from congeners primarily by the usually completely dark mid-dorsal parts of metaterga with contrasting light paraterga and darker legs, distinct metatergal granulations, coupled with the rounded gonopodal tip lacking a readily discernible solenomere process ( Figs 3–5 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 ).

Brief descriptive notes. Length ca 70–93 mm (male) or 80 mm (female) ( Figs 2A View FIGURE 2 , 5 View FIGURE 5 ), width of midbody pro- and metazona up to 6 and 12 mm, respectively (male). Coloration mostly brown to dark brown, metaterga usually entirely dark mid-dorsally, with contrasting light, yellow to pallid paraterga (type series, Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), to apparently faded and uniformly greyish ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). Metatergal granulations distinct ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Ozopore on paratergum 10 lying ca 1–2 its diameter off lateral margin ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ). Gonopods ( Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5B, C View FIGURE 5 ) unusually simple, acropodite ribbon-shaped and rapidly bent mesad, divided into a rudimentary solenomere (sl) and a longer, slightly sigmoid, rounded to subtruncate lateral branch (lb).

Remarks. Of the 13 formal Nyssodesmus species so far known, ten have been described from Costa Rica (Recuero & Sánchez-Viales 2018). Among them, the type species N. alboalatus has hitherto remained neither properly described nor illustrated, nor recorded beyond the type locality. Moreover, the name N. alboalatus has remained jeopardized by the older N. python ( Peters, 1865) , a species that is widespread and locally abundant in Costa Rica ( Hoffman 1999). For this reason, all available samples of N. python have also been revised.

Distribution. Presently known only from two places in Costa Rica: one the type locality in Heredia Province and the other a locality in Limón Province (see above). Originally, mistakenly stated as coming from Nicaragua ( Cook 1896), but the provenance subsequently rectified to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica ( Moritz & Fischer 1978).

Cook, O. F. (1896) New American Platyrrhacidae. Brandtia, 12, 51 - 54. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00029890.1896.11998753

Hoffman, R. L. (1999) Checklist of the millipeds of North and Middle America. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication, No. 8, 1 - 584.

Moritz, M. & Fischer, S. - C. (1978) Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 4: Polydesmida. Teil 5. Erganzungen. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 54, 99 - 160. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnz. 19780540106

Peters, W. (1865) Ubersicht der im Konigl. zoologischen Museum befindlichen Myriopoden aus der Familie der Polydesmi, so wie Beschreibungen einer neuen Gattung, Trachyjulus, der Juli und neuer Arten der Gattung Siphonophora. Monatsberichte der Koniglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1864, 529 - 551.

Recuero, E. & Sanchez-Vialas, A. (2018) A new distinctive species of Barydesmus (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Platyrhacidae) from Ecuador, with an annotated bibliographical checklist of the American Platyrhacidae. Zootaxa, 4482 (2), 245 - 273. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4482.2.2

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FIGURE 2. Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896. A. Type series, dorsal view, from up to down, female paralectotype, male paralectotype and male lectotype (ZMB: 1391). Labels reading “noºto: (Rio) Puerto Viejo, plaines du Rio Sarapiquí, 150 m, Bassin du Rio San Juan, Costa-Rica, legit P. Biolley, IV 92.” and “Syntypen”. B–G. Lectotype: B. Tip of antenna, mesal view. C. Left half of head with antenna, oral view. D. Anterior part of body, oral view. E. Head and collum, oral view. F. Anterior part of body until ring 7, dorsal view. G. Midbody rings 8–10, dorsal view. Scale bars: 30 mm (A), 3.0 mm (C–G). Courtesy O. Werb (ZMB).

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FIGURE 3. Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896. Lectotype (ZMB 1391). A. Right paratergum 10, dorsal view. B. Gonopods in situ, ventral view. C. Caudal part of body, dorsal view. D. Telson, caudal view. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (A–C).

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FIGURE 4. Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896. Male paralectotype (ZMB 1391). A–C. Left gonopod, mesal, ventral and dorsal views, respectively. Abbreviations: lb, lateral branch; sl, solenomere. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

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FIGURE 5. Nyssodesmus alboalatus Cook, 1896. Male from Farm Hamburg, Waldbodan (VMNH, DMT 98). A. Habitus, dorsal view. Labels reading “Costa Rica, Farm Hamburg, Waldbodan, Feb. 11, 1934, F. Nevermann leg.” and “DMT 98”. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (B, C).

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FIGURE 14. Distributions of Barydesmus truncatus sp. nov. (yellow triangle), Nyssodesmus python (Peters, 1865) (black square), N. cf. python (Peters, 1865) (blank square), and N. alboalatus Cook, 1896, type locality (yellow circle) and additional record (orange circle).


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