Fidicina variegata, Sanborn, 2005

Sanborn, Allen F., 2005, Fidicina variegata, a New Cicada Species from Costa Rica (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98 (2), pp. 187-190 : 187-189

publication ID[0187:fvancs];2


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Tatiana (2023-09-20 12:33:35, last updated 2024-11-29 08:59:37)

scientific name

Fidicina variegata

sp. nov.

Fidicina variegata View in CoL , new species

Fidicina “ variegata ” View in CoL nom. nud. Young (1977): 270, 272 (ecology); Duffels and van der Laan (1985): 93 (catalog, as nom. nud.).

Fidicina n. sp. View in CoL Young (1981): 182 (illustrated), 183- 187, 189 -191 (ecology).

Fidicina sp. 1 , the “variegated” cicada Young (1984): 170 (host associations).

Type Material. COSTA RICA. HOLOTYPE: male, “ Turrialba, Cartago, 23-III-1967, Coll. W.R. Enns ” ( UMRM) . ALLOTYPE: female, “ Turrialba, Cartago, 14-19-III-1967, Enns, Beer, & Peck ” ( UMRM) . PARATYPES: one male, same data as allotype ( UMRM) , one male, “ Puntarenas, Rio Jaba at rock quarry , 1.4 km (air) W Las Cruces, 8.79° N, 82.97° W, 15-III-1991, elevation 1,150 m, Holzenthal, Muñoz, Huisman” ( UMSP GoogleMaps ), one male and one female, “ Heredia Prov., Caribilanco , A.M. Young coll., 8-V-1975,” “Heredia Prov., Caribilanco, A.M. Young coll., 11-VIII-1972 / Ridgetop” ( MCPM) , one male, “ Cartago Prov., Turrialba, 9° 58' N 83° 38' W, VIII-1981, A.M. Young ” ( MCPM) GoogleMaps , one male, “ Heredia Prov., Caribilanco , A.M. Young coll., VII-1972 ” ( UMMZ) , one male, “ Fidicina sp. , Cuesta Angel , 4/25/73 ” ( UMMZ) , one male, “ Turrialba, Cartago Prov., 2- 8-VI-1967, coll. J. Robertson ” ( LACM) , one male and one female, same data as holotype ( AFS) , one female, “ Turrialba, Cartago Prov., 2- 8-VI-1967, coll. J. Robertson ” ( LACM) , one female “ Turrialba, Cartago Prov., 3-VII-1967, coll. R.W. McDiarmid ” ( LACM) , and one female " Limon , Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , Quebrada Gonzalez, 10.160° N, 83.939° W, 12-14-V- 1990, elevation 480 m, Holzenthal & Blahink” ( AFS). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The species is named for the variegated color pattern of the thorax and abdomen.

Description ( Figs. 1–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Head. Slightly broader than mesonotum ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); tawny tinged with green; a black spot on the dorsal supra-antennal plate that connects to postclypeus; an elongated transverse black mark extending across head between eyes with anterior extension to postclypeus at median ocellus. Eye edged anteriorly by a black border that continues as a band below supra-antennal plate; region posterior to eye black. Ocelli enclosed by transverse mark except posterior lateral border of lateral ocelli. Fine silvery hairs cover head with exception of lateral parts of supra-antennal plates; hairs longer and more numerous along posterior border of eye. Antennae fuscous (blackish brown) except tawny distal scape. Postclypeus tawny with a black band dorsally continuous with mark on supraantennal plate. Black marks extending between lateral portions of transverse ridges, connected laterally and expanding over lateral surfaces of anteclypeus; medial portion of anteclypeus tawny. Genae black. Rostrum tawny with tip black extending to between opercula reaching to middle of first abdominal segment.

Thorax. Pronotum greenish tawny with anterior border black ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); a small transverse mark across midline in suture anterior to pronotal collar; a black band extending from edge of eye to anterior lateral edge of suprahumeral plate, terminating at a greenish tawny mark on anterior border of suprahumeral plate. Fine silvery hairs cover prothorax. Mesonotum with a pair of central obconical marks reaching to one-third of mesonotum length and transverse black marks along anterior edge that extend under pronotal collar anteriorly; a small, transverse black mark between anterior arms of cruciform elevation. Fine silvery hairs on dorsal surface of mesonotum, longer and more numerous hairs along lateral and posterior borders and between arms of cruciform elevation. Metanotum greenish tawny with long silvery hairs on posterior and lateral borders. Metasternum greenish tawny with fuscous marks around coxae. Operculum tawny with dark brown markings at base and surrounding meracanthus; meracanthus tawny, dark brown at base. Opercula of male roughly triangular, not meeting medially; opercula of female smaller but similarly marked.

Tegmina and Wings. Tegmina hyaline with eight apical cells ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); costal area greenish with anterior border black to just past node where coloration becomes black; a series of small spines along leading edge of tegmina to about one-half distance of radial cell; basal cell tawny marked with fuscous; cross veins greenish becoming testaceous in distal two-thirds of wing. Tegmina looks milky when light reflects at specific angles. Hind wings with six apical cells; venation proximally testaceous, except cubital vein greenish, becoming black distally.

Legs. Greenish tawny proximally, becoming tawny distally. Tips of claws black. Fuscous or black marks on edges of fore coxae and trochanters; black marks on lateral coxae and trochanters of middle and hind legs. Fore femora armed with two tawny spines, proximal spine longest and parallel to femoral axis, distal spine is upright; a black mark between spines on femur.

Abdomen. Tergites castaneous to reddish brown, medial anterior and posterior margins of second segment edged in black; a large black lateral spot on anterior half of tergite 3. Abdomen covered dorsally with silvery and black hairs, producing variegated pattern. Black hairs form an incomplete arch across abdomen formed by a pair of dorsal black spots connected by a small anterior band on tergite 4, lateral half of tergite 5 connected by an anterior band, and lateral edge of tergite 6 ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Tergite 7 with a medial spot of black hairs. Tergite 8 is marked with black medially on the anterior border and on the lateral surfaces; marked regions also covered with black hairs; long silvery hairs among these dark hairs and along midline of dorsal terminus of segment 8. Timbal cover incomplete covering middle of timbal but exposing timbal dorsally and ventrally ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Sternites tawny. Pygofer tawny with lateral surfaces marked with fuscous. Uncus rectangular with medial lobe arched dorsally and lateral lobes curved ventrally forming an approximate right angle; terminal medial uncus lobe has an ovoid shape into which aedeagus fits ( Figs. 2 View Fig and 3 View Fig ). Segment 9 of female with a black band around segment, an anterior extension of band to anterior edge of tergite on each side of midline ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Black and silvery hairs augment delineations of regions in females. Female sternites marked with fuscous on anterior borders, markings become dominant toward distal segments of abdomen.Subgenital plate of female segment 7 with a single notch ( Fig. 4 View Fig ).

Measurements (in millimeters). N = 10 males or six females, mean (range). Length of body: male 25.2 (22.8 -28.5), female 22.8 (21.9 -24.3); length of fore wing: male 36.4 (33.3-37.6), female 36.1 (34.9-36.6); width of fore wing: male 11.5 (11.0-12.0), female 11.3 (11.0-11.6); length of head: male 3.6 (3.5-3.8), female 3.7 (3.6-3.9); width of head including eyes: male 10.0 (9.1-10.5), female 9.9 (9.6 -10.1); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 10.0 (9.2-10.6), female 10.1 (9.7-10.4); width of mesonotum: male 8.7 (7.9 -9.4), female 8.8 (8.6 -8.9).

Duffels, J. P., and P. A. van der Laan. 1985. Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Homoptera, Auchenorhyncha) 1956 - 1980. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Series Entomologica 34, Dordrect, The Netherlands.

Young, A. M. 1977. Notes on the faunistic complexity of cicadas (Homoptera; Cicadidae) in northern Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 24: 267 - 280.

Young, A. M. 1981. Notes on the population ecology of cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae) in the Cuesta Angel forest ravine of northeastern Costa Rica. Psyche 88: 175 - 195.

Young, A. M. 1984. On the evolution of cicada x host-tree associations in Central America. Acta Biotheor. 33: 163 - 198.

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Fig. 1. Dorsal view of F. variegata n. sp. type male (top) and allotype female (bottom). Bar, 3 cm.

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Fig. 2. (A) Lateral view of the type male genitalia. (B) Posterior view of male genitalia. (C) Dorsal opening to the timbal and timbal cover. (D) Male operculum.

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Fig. 3. (A) Lateral view of male genitalia. (B) Ventral view of male genitalia.

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Fig. 4. (A) Lateral view of female genitalia. (B) Ventral view of female genitalia. (C) Dorsal junction of the thorax and abdomen. (D) Female operculum.


USA, Missouri, Columbia, University of Missouri, W.R. Enns Entomology Museum


USA, Minnesota, St. Paul, University of Minnesota


USA, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee City Public Museum


USA, Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology


USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History















