Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018

Moctezuma, Victor & Halffter, Gonzalo, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Phanaeus endymion species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with the descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 747, pp. 1-71 : 6-7

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Plazi (2021-04-28 10:25:17, last updated by Jonas 2024-12-06 15:12:01)

scientific name

Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018


Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018

Figs 17 View Fig , 18A View Fig , 19A View Fig

Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) arletteae Arnaud, 2018: 4 .

Phanaeus blanchardi ab. viridicollis View in CoL (unavailable infrasubspecific name) – Olsoufieff 1924: 149. — Edmonds 1994: 443. — Arnaud 2002b: 98. — Edmonds & Zídek 2012: 13 (as an unavailable infrasubspecific name referable to P. pyrois View in CoL ).

Phanaeus (Phanaeus) blanchardi ab. viridicollis View in CoL – Martínez & Pereira 1967: 68 (as synonym of P. funereus View in CoL ) (unavailable infrasubspecific name).

Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) viridicollis View in CoL – Arnaud 2002b: 98–99 (as a new combination for P. blanchardi View in CoL ab. viridicollis View in CoL ) (unavailable infrasubspecific name). — Edmonds & Zídek 2012: 13 (as an unavailable infrasubspecific name referable to P. pyrois View in CoL ).

Phanaeus viridicollis View in CoL – Krajcik 2006: 153. — Edmonds & Zídek 2012: 1, 6 (as an unavailable infrasubspecific name referable to P. pyrois View in CoL ).

Non Phanaeus pyrois View in CoL (error) – Moctezuma & Halffter 2017: 55 (in part). — Moctezuma et al. 2017: 114, 130 (in part).

Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) arletteae – Chamorro et al. 2018: 97; 2019: 213 View Cited Treatment , pl. 46a.

Phanaeus arletteae – Kohlmann et al. 2018: 83, 88.

Type material

Holotype (revised from photograph from the original description)

ECUADOR • ♂, Arnaud 2018: 4, pl. 1, fig. a; Guayas, Kilometric point 18 Balzar-Quevedo Road; CPFA .

Type locality

Ecuador, Guayas, Kilometric point 18 Balzar-Quevedo Road.


Pacific slope of the Andes, south-central Ecuador ( Fig. 17 View Fig ).


The genital morphology of this species remains unknown. We were not able to personally revise specimens of Phanaeus arletteae . Nevertheless, the external morphology of the holotype and a female paratype were illustrated by Arnaud (2018). We consider that the diagnostic characters provided by Arnaud (2018) are adequate to separate this species from closely related taxa. The commentaries of previous authors confirmed the validity of this species ( Martínez & Pereira 1967; Edmonds 1994; Arnaud 2002b; Edmonds & Zídek 2012). Particularly, the morphology of the pronotum of the female is unique within the P. endymion species group.

Arnaud P. 2002 b. Phanaeini. Dendropaemon, Tetramereia, Homalotarsus, Megatharsis, Diabroctis, Coprophanaeus, Oxysternon, Phanaeus, Sulcophanaeus. Hillside Books, Canterbury.

Arnaud P. 2018. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Phanaeus d'Equateur et revalidation de l'espece Coprophanaeus (C.) edmondsi Arnaud (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae). Besoiro 26: 3 - 7.

Chamorro W., Marin-Armijos D., Granda V. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2018. Listado de especies y clave de generos y subgeneros de escarabajos estercoleros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) presentes y presuntos para Ecuador. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia 44: 72 - 100. https: // doi. org / 10.25100 / socolen. v 44 i 1.6545

Chamorro W., Marin-Armijos D. & Asenjo A. 2019. Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records. ZooKeys 826: 1 - 343. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 826.26488

Edmonds W. D. 1994. Revision of Phanaeus Macleay, a New World genus of Scarabaeinae dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 443: 1 - 105.

Edmonds W. D. & Zidek J. 2012. Taxonomy of Phanaeus revisited: Revised keys to and comments on species of the New World dung beetle genus Phanaeus Macleay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Phanaeini). Insecta Mundi 274: 1 - 108.

Kohlmann B., Arriaga-Jimenez A. & Ros M. 2018. Dung beetle vicariant speciation in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, with a description of a new species of Phanaeus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae). ZooKeys 743: 67 - 93. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 743.23029

Krajcik M. 2006. Checklist of Scarabaeoidea of the World. 1. Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Animma. X. Suplement 3: 1 - 189.

Martinez A & Pereira F. S. 1967. Notas escarabeidologicas III (Col. Scarabaeidae-Scarabaeinae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 29: 53 - 69.

Moctezuma V. & Halffter G. 2017. A new species of Phanaeus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Los Chimalapas, Oaxaca, Mexico. The Coleopterists Bulletin 71: 47 - 56. https: // doi. org / 10.1649 / 0010 - 065 X- 71.1.47

Olsoufieff G. d'. 1924. Les Phanaeides (Coleoptera-Lamellicornia). Famille Scarabaeidae - Tr. Coprini. Insecta, Revue illustree d'Entomologique 13: 4 - 172.

Gallery Image

Fig. 17. Distribution of the Phanaeus endymion species group in South America. Phanaeus malyi Arnaud, 2001 was reported from Colombia without accurate locality. Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018 was modified from Arnaud (2018).

Gallery Image

Fig. 18. Pronotum of females within the Phanaeus endymion species group. A. Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018 (modified from Arnaud 2018). B. Phanaeus bravoensis Moctezuma, Sánchez-Huerta & Halffter, 2017 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta).C. Phanaeus chiapanecus sp. nov. D. Phanaeus edmondsi Moctezuma, Deloya & Halffter, 2019 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). E. Phanaeus endymion Harold, 1863. F. Phanaeus funereus Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev. G. Phanaeus halffterorum Edmonds, 1979 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta).H. Phanaeus huichol Moctezuma, Sánchez-Huerta & Halffter, 2017 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). I. Phanaeus jackenioi sp. nov. J. Phanaeus malyi Arnaud, 2002. K. Phanaeus olsoufieffi Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev. L. Phanaeus pacificus sp. nov. M. Phanaeus panamensis sp. nov. N. Phanaeus porioni Arnaud, 2001 stat. rev. O. Phanaeus pyrois Bates, 1887. P. Phanaeus rzedowskii sp. nov. Q. Phanaeus zapotecus Edmonds, 2006. R. Phanaeus zoque Moctezuma & Halffter, 2017.

Gallery Image

Fig. 19. Elytral integument of species within the Phanaeus endymion species group. A. Phanaeus arletteae Arnaud, 2018 (modified from Arnaud 2018). B. Phanaeus bravoensis Moctezuma, Sánchez- Huerta & Halffter, 2017 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). C. Phanaeus chiapanecus sp. nov. D. Phanaeus edmondsi Moctezuma, Deloya & Halffter, 2019 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). E. Phanaeus endymion Harold, 1863. F. Phanaeus funereus Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev. G. Phanaeus halffterorum Edmonds, 1979 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). H. Phanaeus huichol Moctezuma, Sánchez-Huerta & Halffter, 2017 (by Jose Luis Sánchez-Huerta). I. Phanaeus jackenioi sp. nov. J. Phanaeus malyi Arnaud, 2002.K. Phanaeus olsoufieffi Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev. L. Phanaeus pacificus sp. nov. M. Phanaeus panamensis sp. nov. N. Phanaeus porioni Arnaud, 2001 stat. rev. O. Phanaeus pyrois Bates, 1887. P. Phanaeus rzedowskii sp. nov. Q. Phanaeus zapotecus Edmonds, 2006. R. Phanaeus zoque Moctezuma & Halffter, 2017.


P and F Arnaud











