Lophophaena sp. O

Trubovitz, Sarah, Renaudie, Johan, Lazarus, David & Noble, Paula, 2022, Late Neogene Lophophaenidae (Nassellaria, Radiolaria) from the eastern equatorial Pacific, Zootaxa 5160 (1), pp. 1-158 : 72-73

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Lophophaena sp. O


Lophophaena sp. O

Plate 27, Figs. 6A View FIGURE 6 – 7B View FIGURE 7 .

Lophophaena witjazii cf sp 1, Trubovitz et al., 2020, supplementary data 7.

Remarks. This species has a crown of bladed spines in the upper third of the cephalis, which is very elongated. It differs from L. witjazii (Pl. 25, Figs. 5A–B View FIGURE 5 ) in that its cephalis is more elongated and does not flare outward at the top, instead forming a cylinder shape. As only four specimens were observed, the range of morphology is not well understood.

Material examined. 4 specimens observed from samples 321-1337A-12H-5, 23–26cm (Late Miocene), 321- 1337A-3H- 2, 103–106cm (Middle Pleistocene), 321-1337A-2H-3, 76–79cm (Late Pleistocene), and 321-1337D-1H-1, 0–3cm (Recent).

Range. Latest Miocene—Recent, EEP ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

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