Tagalis Stål, 1862

Gil-Santana, Hélcio R., Pinto, Fernando B. & Zeraik, Soraya O., 2010, Tagalis evavilmae sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Saicinae), an inhabitant of birds’ nests in Amazonas, Brazil with taxonomical notes and a key to the species of Tag ali s Stål, Zootaxa 2721, pp. 1-14 : 3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.199911



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scientific name

Tagalis Stål, 1862


Tagalis Stål, 1862 View in CoL

Redescription. Adults. Head: Transversal sulcus reaching eyes at hind margin; posterior lobe subglobose. Eyes globose in dorsal view; larger in males. Strong setigerous spines inserted anteroventrally and posteroventrally from eyes, and another pair ventrally between eyes and neck. Antennal segments slender; segment I longest, clothed with long fine projecting hairs in males; segment II and III a little longer and shorter than half as long as first segment, respectively; segment IV shortest. Rostrum: segment I slender, elongate, curved, reaching posterior margin of eyes, with pair of stout spines at approximately midpoint; segment II swollen mainly in first third, and another pair of stout spines are located; segment III slender, about as long as second, tapering. Thorax: prothorax divided by a deep furrow between anterior and posterior lobes of pronotum. Anterior lobe with two rather prominent rounded or somewhat acute dorsal swellings or humps anteriorly, and two less prominent ones posteriorly; this lobe subquadrate, with a longitudinal median furrow; posterior lobe becoming than posterior margin; humeral angles rounded. Lateral shallow ridge reaching from tubercles of anterolateral angles towards swellings of fore lobe. Prosternal processes with a pair of setigerous spines, anterodorsal spine more developed than posteroventral one, which may be very thin. Scutellum base broad, tapering into a erect, glabrous spine; metanotum with short erect tubercle followed by erect spine subequal in length to scutellar one. Prosternum larger on anterior margin; stridulitrum long, narrow. Mesosternum larger than prosternum and metasternum. Prolegs stouter and shorter than others; procoxa with a long spine on basal third of anterior surface, and two or three spines on inner face; mid and hind coxae ovoid; trochanters triangular, tapering; protrochanter with two to four spines of variable size on inner side; profemora slightly swollen or enlarged ( T. femorata ), armed ventrally with a row of very short spines, a few longer ones intermixed, and a row of long spines on inner surface, whose number may be variable in the same species and even in the same individual on either sides; protibia slightly curved in lateral view, thicker at apex, with three or four ( T. femorata ) curved and very strong spines on inner surface, two or three of these located on basal half and other approximately at or just distal to midpoint of the tibia. Mid and hind legs long and slender. Tarsi with three segments; first is longest; claws simple. Forewings with two closed cells; distal cell much larger than basal one. Abdomen elongate. Pygophore with a medial process; parameres symmetrical, elongated.













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