Miconia rufibarbis ( Triana 1871: 147 ) Gamba & Almeda, 2014
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.179.1.1 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5156367 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03C887CB-FB2C-FFF8-FACB-EA35FC2F5B45 |
treatment provided by |
Felipe (2021-08-02 17:44:20, last updated 2023-11-09 10:25:01) |
scientific name |
Miconia rufibarbis ( Triana 1871: 147 ) Gamba & Almeda |
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comb. nov. |
29. Miconia rufibarbis ( Triana 1871: 147) Gamba & Almeda View in CoL , comb. nov. Basionym: Ossaea rufibarbis Triana. Type: COLOMBIA ( Novae Granatae ). Nariño ( Prov. de Barbacoas ), 800 m, May 1853, Triana 3929 (holotype: BM-internet image!; isotypes: COL-internet image!, BR-internet image!, P; fragment: US; photographs: F!, MO!).
Shrub or small little-branched tree, rarely epiphytic, (1.2–) 1.5–5 m tall, bark rusty-green. Upper internodes [(2–) 2.8–8.5 cm long] and cauline nodes terete, bearing a well defined nodal ridge that is confluent with the abaxial bases of the petioles. Indumentum on branchlets, petioles, adaxial surface of young leaves, primary and secondary leaf veins abaxially, inflorescence axes, bracts and bracteoles abaxially, hypanthia, calyx lobes and calyx teeth copiously to moderately covered with hispid elongate trichomes 2–3 mm long with greatly roughened (substellate) bases, sparsely intermixed with an understory of dendritic trichomes ca. 0.2 mm long with short thin-walled (flattened) arms. Leaves of each pair isophyllous; the petiole 0.5–2.5 cm long, widely canaliculate and depressed adaxially, erect and nearly parallel to the subtending internode, the adaxial canaliculate surface densely and caducously covered with hispid trichomes; blades 14–41.8 × 6.8–15.5 cm, oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, the base cuneate to slightly rounded or tapering to become rounded-cordate, shortly decurrent on the petiole, the margin caducously ciliate, entire to denticulate, the apex acuminate, firm-chartaceous; mature leaves adaxially glabrescent, the primary, secondary, tertiary and higher order veins glabrous; abaxial surface yellowish-green, occasionally brown to purple, glabrous, the tertiary and higher order veins with an indumentum like that of the primary and secondary veins, but sparser and shorter; 5- or 7-plinerved, including the tenuous marginals, innermost pair of secondary veins diverging from the primary vein 1.2–3 cm above the base, areolae 0.4–0.5 mm, adaxially the primary and secondary veins impressed, the tertiary and higher order veins slightly impressed to flat, abaxially the primary and secondary veins elevated and terete, the tertiary and higher order veins slightly elevated to flat. Inflorescences an erect pseudolateral interrupted verticillate spike 6.5–16.1 cm long, each verticil appearing glomerulate-fasciculate, the unbranched peduncle 1.4–5.3 cm long, borne in the axils of upper leaves, the rachis rusty-green; bracts 3–3.5 × 4.5 mm, ovate-triangular to suborbicular, with conspicuous parallel venation, rustytranslucent, glabrous adaxially except for the hispid margins, persistent in fruit; bracteoles 5–5.5 × 2–3 mm, subulate, with conspicuous parallel venation, rusty-translucent, glabrous adaxially, glabrescent abaxially, the indumentum mostly restricted to a center band, persistent in fruit. Flowers 5-merous, sessile. Hypanthia at anthesis 1.8–2 × 1 mm, free portion of hypanthium 0.8–1 mm long, subcylindric to campanulate, bluntly 10-ribbed, green, ridged on the inner surface, copiously beset with sessile rounded glands sparsely intermixed with caducous hispid trichomes like those of the general indumentum, the torus densely glandular-puberulent and scaly adaxially. Calyx open in bud and persistent in fruit, green-brown; tube 0.5 mm long, with the same vestiture as the torus adaxially and as the hypanthium abaxially; lobes 0.5 × 0.8 mm, depressed-rounded, the margin vaguely undulate, the apex obtuse; exterior calyx teeth 0.2 mm long, inconspicuously bluntly triangular, inserted at the base of the lobes and not projecting beyond them. Petals 4–4.5 × 1.1–1.3 mm, lanceolate-triangular, the margin entire, the apex bluntly acute, translucent light green to white, adaxially sparsely papillose, abaxially glabrous, reflexed at anthesis. Stamens 10; filaments 1.6–1.8 × 0.25 mm, white-greenish, glabrous; anther thecae 1.5 × 0.3 mm, oblong-clavate, emarginate at the apex, opening by one dorsally inclined pore 0.1 mm in diameter, white to pale yellow; connective yellow, its prolongation and appendage 0.4–0.6 mm long, the appendage oblong, obtuse-rounded at the apex, copiously glandular on the edges and on both surfaces of the appendage and throughout the connective, the glands
Phytotaxa 179 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press 125 on linear to subulate stalks. Ovary 5-locular, completely inferior, ca. 1 mm long at anthesis, the apical collar 0.9 × 0.7 mm, urceolate, sparsely to moderately glandular-puberulent; style 4.5 mm long at early anthesis, parallel-sided (i.e. terete), white, glabrous; stigma truncate. Berries 3–4 × 2–2.5 mm when dry, globose, green to orange, turning white when ripe, the hypanthial indumentum persistent at maturity. Seeds 0.32–0.37 × 0.19–0.22 mm, ovoid, angled, occasionally pyramidal, brownish; lateral symmetrical plane typically ovoid, occasionally triangular, the highest point toward the chalazal side; antiraphal symmetrical plane suboblong; raphal zone suboblong, nearly as long as the seed; individual cells elongate, anticlinal boundaries channeled, undulate, with Ω- and U-type patterns; periclinal walls convex, low-domed to nearly flat, microrelief slightly striate or absent.
Additional specimens studied:— COLOMBIA. Chocó: Hills near highest point of Bagado-Certegui trail, 5°25’N, 76°28’W, 130–180 m, 8 December 1983, Juncosa 1544 ( MO, US); ( Tado ) GoogleMaps , Gingaraba , 25 April 1991, Lozano et al. 6090 ( COL) ; Along road between Quibdó and Istmina , at 14 km Sof Quibdó, 5°32’N, 67°37’W, <100 m, 17 December 1980, Croat & Cogollo 52186 ( COL) GoogleMaps ; 2 km Sof Las Animas on road to Istmina , 150 m, 13 August 1976, Gentry & Fallen 17618 ( MO, US) ; Hoya del Río San Juan, Río Fujiadó, afluente del Río San Juan , 4°36’N, 76°54’W, 7 April 1979, Forero et al. 4824 ( COL, MO, US) GoogleMaps ; 6–10 km Eof Quibdó on road to Tutunendo , 180 m, 12 June 1982, Gentry & Brand 36761 ( COL, MO) ; Quibdó-Tutunendo road ca. 3 km Wof Tutunendo, 5°46’N, 76°35’W, 80 m, 5 January 1981, Gentry et al. 20162 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Road to Lloró (under construction) 1–2 km SE of Yuto, ca 30 km Sof Quibdó, 80 m, 7 January 1979, Gentry & Renteria 23756 ( COL, MO); ( Quibdó ) , Carretera Yuto-Lloró, 80 m, 30 June 1983, Forero et al. 9642 ( COL, MO); ( Istmina ) , Quebrada Raspadura, entre Raspadura y Quibdó, Divorcio de aguas de las Hoyas del Río Atrato y del Río San Juan , 5°15’N, 76°38’W, 18 April 1979, Forero & Jaramillo 5320 ( COL, MO) GoogleMaps ; Trail from Tutunendo-Quibdó road to Tubadó, ca 14 km NE of Quibdó, Transect line 3, 90 m, 19 January 1979, Gentry & Renteria 24479 ( COL, MO) . Nariño: (Barbacoas), Diviso, Vía El Diviso-Tumaco a 27 km, Altaquer , 680 m, 12 March 1995, Lozano et al. 6922 ( COL) . Valle: (Darién), Bajo Calima, Granja agroforestal, camino hacia el Jardín Botánico, Ecasa hacia el Jardín Botánico, 40 m, 26 October 1983, Devia 426 ( CAS, COL, MO, TULV) ; Bajo Calima, Concesión Pulpapel, ca 100 m, 20 January 1988, van der Werff & Monsalve 9670 ( CAS, MO) ; Bajo Calima, Cartón Colombia transect "El Dindo", 30–50 m, 26 May 1982, Murphy et al. 515 ( CAS, MO); ( Buenaventura ) , About 18 km Eof Buenaventura, 50 m, 14 February 1939, Killip & García 33274 ( US); ( Buenaventura ) , Anchicayá, Eof Buenaventura, across river from power plant, 22 January 1971, Kennedy 735 ( US); ( Buenaventura ) , Along highway, 10–15 km Eof Buenaventura, near 0 m, 12 April 1939, Killip 34920 ( COL, NY, US); ( Buenaventura ) , Chanco, Orilla Río Calima, campamento CVC, 600 m, 18 February 1989, Devia & Prado 2504 ( TULV, US); ( Buenaventura ) , Bajo Calima, ca 10 km due Nof Buenaventura, Cartón de Colombia concession, Transect 5, 3°56’N, 77°8’W, 50 m, 10 December 1981, Gentry 35559 ( COL, US); ( Buenaventura ) GoogleMaps , Bajo Calima, Concesión Pulpapel / Buenaventura , 3°55’N, 77°W, 100 m, 14 August 1986, Monsalve 1051 ( CUVC, F) GoogleMaps ; Costa del Pacífico, Río Yurumanguí, Veneral , 5–50 m, 28 January 1944, Cuatrecasas 15747 (F, US); ( Buenaventura ) , Bahía de Buenaventura, Costa del Pacífico, Bahía de Buenventura, Quebrada de San Joaquín, 0–10 m, 21 February 1946, Cuatrecasas 19902 (F, NY); (Córdoba) , Cordillera Occidental, vertiente occidental, Hoya del Río Dagua , 39–60 m, 14 November 1945, Cuatrecasas 19840 (F) ; Puerto Merizalde, Costa del Pacífico, Río Naya , 5–20 m, 20 February 1943, Cuatrecasas 13985 (F, NY) ; R.N. del Río Escalerete, 100 m, 16 September 1993, Devia et al. 4461 ( COL, TULV); ( Buenaventura ) , Km 14 Carretera Cali - Buenaventura , 14 August 1959, Maguire & Maguire 44006 ( COL, NY) ; Estación Agroforestal del Bajo Calima, Secretaría de Agricultura y Fomento, Parte NE del campamento, 40–60 m, 5 August 1979, Cabrera 5182 ( CUVC, MO,); ( Buenaventura ) , Bajo Calima Region, Along road from Buenaventura to Malaga vicinity, Pulpapel Headquarters (located at km 11), at km 9, 3°56’N, 77°1’W, 185 m, 3 February 1990, Croat 70102 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Bajo Calima Region, Dindo area, 3°59’N, 76°58’W, 100 m, 11 July 1984, Gentry et al. 47890 ( MO); ( Buenaventura ) GoogleMaps , San Cipriano, R.N. de Escalerete, Transecto B, 100 m, 26 March 1993, Devia et al. 3828 ( COL); ( Buenaventura ) , Bajo Calima, Concesión Pulpapel / Buenaventura , 3°55’N, 77°W, 100 m, 29 August 1984, Monsalve 262 ( COL, MO); ( Buenaventura ) GoogleMaps , Bajo Calima, Cartón de Colombia lumber concession area, Carretera Gasolina 6 km Sof main road Cali–Buenaventura highway and Canalete , 3°56’N, 77°7’30"W, 50–80 m, 19 July 1988, Croat 69393 ( CAS, MO) GoogleMaps ; Bajo Calima, Dindo area, 3°59’N, 76°58’W, 100 m, 20 July 1984, Gentry & Monsalve 48408 ( MO); ( Buenaventura ) GoogleMaps , In regione torrida et pluviali S, Bonaventura, de Queremal ad Agua Clara (A), in silva prope "trazado Juanchaco-Pacifico" (B), Locus B, 50 m, 1965, Bernardi 10685 ( CJB, MO); ( Buenaventura ) , Bajo Calima, Concesión Pulpapel / Buenaventura , Carretera La Gasolina , PT3, 3°55’N, 77°W, 100 m, 19 Agosto 1987, Monsalve 1630 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Bajo Calima , ca 10 km due Nof Buenaventura, Carton de Colombia concession, 3°56’N ,
126 Phytotaxa 179 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
77°8’W, 50 m, 5 December 1981, Gentry 35343 ( MO); Gallinero, Along road between Buenaventura and Málaga vicinity of Bajo Calima, km 3.5.2 from main Cali- Buenaventura Hwy , 4°0’N, 77°3’W, 100 m, 15 July 1993, Croat & Bay 75741 ( MO); Bajo Calima, Concesión Pulpapel / Buenaventura , Carretera La Gasolina , Punto final colectados dentro de la parcela GoogleMaps , 3°55’N, 77°’W, 100 m, 26 May 1987, Monsalve 1472 ( MO). Valle-Cauca-Nariño: Carretera Cali-Pasto , 1000–2000 m, 26 November 1962, Saravia & Jaramillo 1776 ( COL) . ECUADOR. Carchi: Border area between Prov. Carchi and Esmeraldas, about 20 km past Lita on Road Lita-Alto Tambo, 550 m, 25 June 1991, van der Werff et al. 11986 ( CAS, MO); ( Tulcán ), R. Indígena Awá, Comunidad San Marcos , 25 km al NW de El Chical , parroquia Maldonado, 1°6’N, 78°14’W, 1500 m, 16 November 1990, Rubio et al. 1066 ( MO, QCNE, US); Border area between Prov. Carchi and Esmeraldas, about 20 km past Lita on road Lita-Alto Tambo , 550 m, 24 June 1991, van der Werff et al. 11910 ( MO, NY); ( Tulcán ), R. Étnica Awá, Comunidad de Gualpi Medio GoogleMaps , 1°1’N, 78°16’W, 900 m, 21 May 1992, Quelal et al. 725 ( MO, NY, QCNE). Esmeraldas: Sof bridge Sof Lita- Alto Tambo road GoogleMaps , 0°53’19"N, 78°31’43"W, 900 m, 21 September 2003, Penneys et al. 1574 ( CAS, NY, US); (San Lorenzo), Awá Indigenous Territory, Río Bogotá community, 2 km Sof Lita-San Lorenzo GoogleMaps road, 0°59’11"N, 78°35’50"W, 350 m, 6 April 2002, Neillet al. 13918 ( CAS); Road San Lorenzo-Alto Tambo-Lita, km 60.5 from San Lorenzo, Fringes of the R. Cotacachi-Cayapas GoogleMaps , 0°53’47.7"N, 78°32’7"W, 879 m, 3 October 2001, Cotton et al. 1819 ( CAS, MO, NY, QCA); (San José), km 321 along railroad from Ibarra to San Lorenzo GoogleMaps , 1°N, 78°W, 350 m, 2 May 1982, Boom 1290 ( MO, NY, US); Alongroadbetween Litaand San Lorenzo GoogleMaps , 0°52’15"N, 78°27’10"W, 425 m, 13 October 2007, Croat et al. 99711 ( CAS); Along road between Lita and San Lorenzo , 0.7 km Nof Alto Tambo GoogleMaps , 0°54’30"N, 78°32’37"W, 800 m, 20 July 2000, Croat et al. 84199 ( MO); Lita-San Lorenzo road, 10–20 km NW of Lita GoogleMaps , 0°55’N, 78°35’W, 800 m, 12 May 1991, Gentry et al. 70147 ( MO); (San Lorenzo), Via Lita-San Lorenzo, Alto Tambo GoogleMaps , 0°56’N, 78°23’W, 600 m, 1 April 1994, Palacios 12203 ( MO, QCNE); (San Lorenzo), R. Étnica Awá, Comunidad "La Unión", Cañon del Río Mira , 10 km Wde Alto Tambo GoogleMaps , 1°2’N, 78°26’W, 250 m, 16 March 1991, Rubio et al. 1114 ( MO, QCNE); km 8 Lita-Alto Tambo, 740 m, 19 July 1988, Dodson & Gentry 17531 ( MO, NY, QCNE); Lita-San Lorenzo road, 11 km Wof El Durango, 9.7 km Wof Alto Tambo GoogleMaps , 1°2’31"N, 78°37’3"W, 380 m, 8 July 1998, Croat et al. 82564 ( MO); Lita-San Lorenzo road, 14.2 km Wof Río Lita Bridge (below Lita ) GoogleMaps , 0°52’11"N, 78°27’16"W, 425 m, 4 July 1998, Croat et al. 82329 ( MO). Los Ríos: (Quevedo), Parroquia Centinela - La Pirámide, Vía Santo Domingo de los Colorados-Quevedo entrando por Patricia Pilar km 41 GoogleMaps , 1°40’S, 79°20’W, 650 m, 25 February 1992, Quelal & Tipaz 202 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps .
Illustration:— None found.
Common names and documented uses:— Ecuador: “hojita lanuda” (Los Ríos, Quelal 202, MO!); “chinul” (Carchi, Quelal 725, MO!) .
Habitat, distribution and ecology:— Locally common in pristine to disturbed lowland rainforests where it grows in flat sites or steep slopes in the Biogeographic Chocó region of Colombia and Ecuador ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ), at 0–900(–1500) m.
Phenology:— Collected in flower throughout the year; in fruit from November through May, July and September.
Etymology:— The specific epithet refers to the dense rusty brown indumentum of this species.
Discussion:— This species is characterized by the dense rusty-hispid indumentum throughout the plant, and the 5-plinerved leaves. The trichomes are roughened at the base but otherwise smooth, a unique character within the Octopleura clade. Its interrupted spicate-verticillate bracteate inflorescence is reminiscent of M. spiciformis , which is a much more slender plant with 5-nerved leaves, an inflorescence with a tomentose indumentum, and much smaller bracts. Phylogenetically these species belong to a well supported subclade that includes M. bractiflora , M. formicaria , and M. magnifolia ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).
The dense indumentum at the point where the secondary veins diverge from the primary vein on abaxial foliar surfaces appears to be a domatium exploited by ants. Some ants were found in these structures.
Conservation status:— This species would be considered Endangered EN B2ab(iii) according to IUCN criteria ( AOO). Astatus of Vulnerable VU is warranted, because it is protected in few parts of its range. Protected in Colombia in the Farallones National Park and in the Río Escalarete Natural Reserve ( Valle ). In Ecuador it is protected in the Awá Indigenous Reserve (Carchi and Esmeraldas) .
Triana, J. (1871) Les Melastomacees. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 28: 1 - 188.
FIGURE 1. Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the Octopleura clade, resulting from a combined molecular dataset of nrITS, nrETS, psbkpsbL, and accD-psa1 sequences. Numbers above branches correspond to estimated posterior probabilities. Numbers below branches correspond to estimated bootstrap support values from the Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree resulting from the same molecular dataset. The three black bars correspond to the three subclades within the Octopleura clade: Approximata, Quinquenervia, and Variabilis.
MO |
Missouri Botanical Garden |
US |
University of Stellenbosch |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
California Academy of Sciences |
Jardín Botánico Juan Maria Cespedes |
NY |
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden |
Universidad del Valle |
Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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