Miconia reitziana (Cogn. & Gleason ex Gleason 1939a: 115–116 ) Gamba & Almeda 2014

Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 117-122

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Felipe (2021-08-02 17:44:20, last updated 2023-11-09 10:25:01)

scientific name

Miconia reitziana (Cogn. & Gleason ex Gleason 1939a: 115–116 ) Gamba & Almeda

comb. nov.

27. Miconia reitziana (Cogn. & Gleason ex Gleason 1939a: 115–116) Gamba & Almeda View in CoL , comb. nov. Basionym : Clidemia reitziana Cogn. & Gleason ex Gleason. Type : COSTA RICA. Puerto Viejo, 1893, Biolley 7452 (holotype: US-internet image!; isotypes: BR-3 sheets-internet images!, CAS!).

Suffrutescent herb or shrub (0.35–)0.5–4(–6) m tall with open and lax branching, bark green-brown. Upper internodes (3.1–4.5 cm long) and cauline nodes terete, nodal line absent. Indumentum on branchlets, petioles, primary and secondary leaf veins abaxially, inflorescence axes, bracts, bracteoles, pedicels, and hypanthia densely to moderately composed of brownish sessile to thin-stipitate dendritic trichomes 0.15–0.23 mm long with short axes and few-moderate number of terete arms, copiously intermixed with red or pink elongate smooth trichomes mostly 1.5–3(–4) mm long. Leaves of each pair isophyllous in size when young, the older pairs becoming


Phytotaxa 179 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press 117 somewhat anisophyllous; the petiole (1–) 1.5–6 cm long, canaliculate adaxially, shallowly to moderately grooved abaxially, green-brownish; larger leaves 10–22 × 7.8–11 cm, smaller leaves (4.5–)6.5–9 × (2.5–) 4–6.6 cm, ovate to ovate-elliptic, the base broadly rounded to obtuse or slightly cordate, somewhat oblique, the margin vaguely undulate, ciliate-crenulate or ciliate-entire, the apex short-acuminate, chartaceous; mature leaves adaxially moderately to sparsely strigose with pink-red elongate smooth trichomes 1.5–2.5 mm long, the primary, secondary, tertiary and higher order veins glabrous; abaxially sparsely and caducously strigillose with pink-red elongate smooth trichomes 0.7–1.5 mm long, the tertiary and higher order veins glabrescent with a sparse mixture of the general vestiture, occasionally obscuring a sparse resinous indumentum of slightly furrowed sessile glands ca. 0.05 mm long; 5- or 7-plinerved to 5- or 7-nerved, including the tenuous marginals, when plinerved the innermost pair of secondary veins diverging asymmetrically from the primary vein 0.5–0.7 cm above the base, areolae 0.5–1 mm, adaxially the primary, secondary, tertiary and higher order veins flat, abaxially the primary and secondary veins elevated and terete, the tertiary and higher order veins slightly elevated and terete. Inflorescences a pseudolateral group of multiflorous to few-flowered modified dichasia (1.5–) 2–3 cm long, sessile or with a short peduncle to 0.5 cm long, with two or three paracladia from a somewhat elongate axis, moderately to little branched, borne on the upper leafy axils, the rachis light pink to red; bracts and bracteoles 1 × 0.5 mm, subulate to oblong-apiculate, somewhat thick, pink-red, the smooth trichomes absent, spreading, persistent in fruit. Flowers 5-merous sessile or on pedicels to 0.5 mm long. Hypanthia at anthesis 2.5–2.8 × 1–1.2 mm, free portion of hypanthium 1.2–1.5 mm long, subcylindric to campanulate, bluntly 10-ribbed, white to pink or red, the brownish dendritic trichomes sparse and caducous, the red or pink elongate smooth trichomes 0.9–1.2 mm long persistent and spreading, copiously intermixed with resinous slightly furrowed more or less stalked glands ca. 0.05 mm long, ridged on the inner surface, glabrous, the torus adaxially densely to moderately ciliate, the cilia 0.25–0.3 mm long. Calyx open in bud and persistent in fruit, red to pink; tube 0.1–0.2 mm long, adaxially sparsely ciliate to glabrous, abaxially with the same vestiture as the hypanthium; lobes 0.2–0.4(–0.5) × 1 mm, depressed-triangular, the margin entire to vaguely sinuate, the apex bluntly acute to rounded; exterior calyx teeth ca. 1 mm long including the apical trichome, bluntly conic and 1–3–aristate, the aristae pink or red, glabrescent with a few resinous glands and dendritic trichomes, inserted at the base of the calyx lobes and projecting beyond them. Petals 1.2–1.5 × 0.8–1.2(–1.5) mm, oblong, the margin entire, the apex rounded-obtuse, white, densely papillose on both surfaces, reflexed at anthesis. Stamens 10; filaments 1.2–1.5 × 0.22–0.25 mm, white to yellowish, glabrous; anther thecae 1.8–2.5 × 0.25–0.28 mm, linearoblong and subulate, truncate-acuminate at the apex, opening by one dorsally inclined pore 0.1 mm in diameter, light yellow at anthesis; connective yellow, its prolongation and appendage 0.3–0.4(–0.45) mm long, the appendage oblong-spatulate, obtuse at the apex, moderately gland-edged, the glands sessile, minute and rounded. Ovary 5-locular, completely inferior, ca. 1.3 mm long at anthesis, the apical collar absent, the apex 0.3 mm in diameter, somewhat depressed, sparsely ciliate and inconspicuously glandular-puberulent; style 3.8–4.7 mm long, parallel sided (i.e. terete) to tapered distally, white, glabrous; stigma truncate to expanded truncate. Berries 5–6 × 5–6 mm when dry, globose, bright pink turning purple-black when ripe, the hypanthial indumentum persistent in fruit. Seeds 0.29–0.36(–0.6) × 0.12–0.2 mm, ovoid, angled, light-brown; lateral and antiraphal symmetrical planes ovate, the highest point toward the chalazal side; raphal zone suboblong, ca. 60% larger than the corpus of the seed, extending along its entire length, ventrally and longitudinally expanded; individual cells elongate, anticlinal boundaries moderately channeled, undulate, with Ω- and U-type patterns; periclinal walls convex, low-domed to nearly flat, microrelief punctate.

Additional specimens studied:— COLOMBIA. Boyacá: (Puerto Boyacá), Puerto Pinzón, R.N de Aves El Paujíl, Cordillera Oriental, vertiente occidental, Serranía de Las Quinchas , Sendero El Pescadero, 6°2.98’N, 74°15.685’W, 206 m, 26 February 2011, Alvear et al. 1440 ( CAS) GoogleMaps . Chocó : Carretera San José del Palmar-Nóvita, Cerca del campamento de Orundó, Quebrada Guayacana , Río Ingará , 450 m, 31 August 1976, Forero et al. 2395 ( COL, MO, US); (San José del Palmar ) , Hoya del Río Torito (afluente del Río Hábita), declive occidental, Finca "Los Guaduales", 630–730 m, 7 March 1980, Forero et al. 6855 ( COL, MO) ; Carretera Panamericana (en construcción), Río Pató , 5°35’N, 76°56’W, 21 April 1979, Forero et al. 5452 ( COL, MO) GoogleMaps . Risaralda: (Pueblo Rico), corregimiento Santa Cecilia, Quebrada Amurrapa , 540–740 m, 23 October 1991, Lozano et al. 6188 ( COL) . COSTA RICA. Hacienda de Tent , Tonduz 314 ( US) ; Remontando de la cuenca del Río Uren , saliendo de la casa de Calixto Kiamble, hasta la finca de Valerio Morales, 1030 m, 25 October 1985, Gómez et al. 23827 ( CAS, CR, MO) . Alajuela: On the Caribbean slope between San Lorenzo and Los Angeles de San Ramón, above the Río San Lorenzo , 10°14’N, 84°32’W, 620 m, 20 September 1978, Burger & Antonio 11202 (F, MO, NY); ( Guatuso ) GoogleMaps , San

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Rafael, Grecia, Bosque frente a cueva de Venado y Quebrada del Tunel, al Ndel Volcán Arenal, 280 m, 20 August 1963, Jiménez 1083 (CR, F, NY); Near La Laguna, 6 to 8 km Sof Villa Quesada, 1200 m , 19 February 1966, Molina et al. 17521 (F, NY); (San Carlos), Buena Vista, 850 m, 14 August 1964, Jiménez 2290 (CR, F, NY); Near La Laguna, 6 to 8 km Sof Villa Quesada, 1200 m , 19 February 1966, Molina et al. 17540 (F, NY, US); 3.5 km W of fortuna, 2.5 km NW of New Volcán Arenal along sloping base, 10°28’N, 84°41’W, 1500 m, 5 August 1972, Taylor & Taylor 11555 (NY); (San Carlos), San Isidro, San Miguel, 600 m, 29 June 1985, Haber & Bello 1705 (MO); R. Monteverde, Poco Sol 13 km S Fortuna, 10°21’N, 84°41’W, 700–900 m, 20 August 1989, Haber & Zuchowski 9370 (MO); (San Carlos), Villa Quesada , 530–550 m, 15 March 1939, Smith 1791 (F, NY); Vicinity of Guatuso de San Rafael (on Río Frío), 10°43’N, 84°48’W, 80–100 m, 4 August 1949, Holm & Iltis 847 (NY); (San Ramón), R.B. Dendrobates, No protegida, Cuenca del San Carlos, Fortuna, El Bosque (San Martín, El Burrito), Alrededores de Quebrada Piedrita, 10°26’30"N, - 84°37’10"W, 150–1500 m, 26 May 2007, Rodríguez 11128 (NY); About 5 km Sof El Canalete near the Río Zapate and along the new road to Upala, 10°48’N, 85°2’W, 100–200 m, 12 November 1975, Burger & Baker 9981 (CAS, F); (Sarapiquí), Laguna de Río Cuarto, 400 m, 27 August 1984, Gómez-Laurito 10109 (F); 8 km Sof Canalete on road to Upala, 300 m, 2 February 1976, Utley & Utley 3974 (CAS, F); About 8 to 10 km NNW of Bijagua along the road to Canalete and Upala, 10°48’N, 85°2’W, 250 m, 13 February 1982, Burger et al. 11740 (F); About 3 km NNE of Bijagua along the new road to Upala, 10°45’N, 85°3’W, 450 m, 7 November 1975, Burger & Baker 9830 (CAS, F); (San Carlos), La Tigra, Concepción, R.B. Bosque Eterno de los Niños, 10°19’0"N, 84°36’50"W, 700 m, 7 August 2000, Estrada 2381 (F); Monteverde R., Peñas Blancas river valley, Atlantic slope rain forest, 10°20’N, 84°43’W, 800–900 m, 17 September 1986, Haber & Cruz 5652 (CAS, MO); About 9 km Nof Río Naranjo along road to Upala, 400–500 m, 8 July 1976, Utley & Utley 5348 (CAS, MO); Along road between Canas and Upala 4 km NNE of Bijagua on slopes leading into Río Zapote, 400 m, 24 June 1976, Croat 36250 (MO); Along road between Cañas and Upala, 10km Nof Bijagua, 200 m, 26 June 1976, Croat 36468 (MO); Finca Los Ensayos ca. 11 miles NW of Zarcero, 850 m, 15 August 1977, Croat 43576 (MO); (Alajuela), Virgen del Socorro, No protegida, Cuenca del Sarapiquí, 10°15’25"N, - 84°10’20.0001"W, 800 m, 21 July 2002, Kriebel 547 (INB, MO); R.B. Monteverde, Río Peñas Blancas, Parcela de Manuel Rojas, 850 m, 8 August 1988, Bello 279 (CAS, CR, MO); ( Grecia), R.V.S. Bosque Alegre, Cuenca del Sarapiquí, Laguna Hule, 10°17’55.456"N, - 84°12’54.057"W, 700–800 m, 28 July 2002, Kriebel & Larraguivel 651 (INB, MO); (San Ramón), Río Balsa, 7 km antes de Bajo Rodríguez, 10°15’N, 84°31’W, 500 m, 12 July 1991, Jiménez & Soto 979 (CAS, INB, MO); 4 km SE of Fortuna, then 2.5 km SW on jeep road, 10°29’"N, 84°43’"W, 400–500 m, 29 April 1983, Liesner et al. 15207 (CAS); Río Chiquito, apx, 40 km Road to Upala, 800 m, 1 October 1982, Gómez 18632 (CAS, CR); (Upala), Cordillera de Guanacaste, 4 km Wof Bijagua, Canyon of Río Bijagua, 10°43’0"N, 85°6’0"W, 600–700 m, 21 August 1995, Penneys et al. 695 (CAS, INB). Cartago: Valle Escondido, 730 m, 30 March 1966, Schnell 627 (F); (Turrialba), P.N. Barbilla, Cuenca del Matina, Entrada principal, Sendero El Felino, 9°58’20"N, - 83°27’10"W, 300–400 m, 16 August 2000, Mora & Rojas 1362 (INB, MO); Guanacaste: Rincón de la Vieja, Cordillera de Guanacaste, near refugee camp, along road NW of Quebrada Grande, 85–27 N, 500 m, 25 July 1983, Barringer et al. 4073 (CAS, F, MO); Río Chiquito, 6 km NE, next to lake Arenal, On Atlantic side, 10°27’N, 84°48’W, 600 m, 8 May 1986, Haber et al. 4787 (MO); El Arenal, 485–600 m, 18 January 1926, Standley & Valerio 45185 ( US); Los Ayotes, Near Tilarán, 600–700 m, 21 January 1926, Standley & Valerio 45376 ( US); A 2 km al NE de Tilarán, 850 m, 4 December 1963, Jiménez 1338 (F); (Tilarán), Quebrada Grande, Río Chiquito, 10°25’N, 84°51’W, 750 m, 10 June 1989, Bello 935 (CR, MO); (Bagaces), Z.P. Miravalles, Cuenca del Tempisque, Sector Caralampio, 10°42’33.062"N, - 85°7’3.614"W, 1250 m, 8 March 2000, Chaves 242 (INB, MO); (Tilarán), P.N. Volcán Tenorio, Cuenca del San Carlos, Sector Rancho Capú, 10°34’48"N, - 84°59’1"W, 700 m, 9 April 2000, Chaves et al. 386 (INB, MO). Heredia: Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí, West River Road, 0–200 m line, in a light gap, 100 m, 17 March 1981, Folsom 9373 (CAS, F); Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí, W River Road, 400 m line, 100 m, 30 May 1980, Hammel 8880 (CAS); Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí, trail opposite Plot I trail, 100 m, 29 May 1980, Hammel 8841 (CAS); (La Virgendel Socorro), Ca, 5 km Eof Cariblanco, 850 m, 13 August 1974, Maas 1286 (F, US); La Selva, Near Puerto Viejo, River Road, 90 m, 21 May 1972, Opler 825 (F, MO, US); La Selva de la Sarapiquí, 500 m, 31 October 1965, Schnell 308 (F); (Colonia Virgen del Socorro), Barranca del Río Sarapiquí, 3 February 1984, Gómez-Laurito 9866 (F); (Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí), Finca La Selva, Along W River Road, 12 July 1979, Grayum 1787 (F, MO); Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just E


Phytotaxa 179 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press 119 of its junction with the Río Sarapiquí, Sendero Tres Ríos , 100–400 m, 25 June 1995, Whitson 266 ( MO) ; Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí , On steep slope along Río Sarapiquí on Ebank of River at the crossing of new property, 100 m, 20 April 1982, Hammel 11767 ( CAS) ; Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí , Sendero Wnear Quebrada Leonel about 0200 m line, 100 m, 24 May 1985, Wilbur 37347 ( CAS) ; Finca La Selva, The OTS Field Station on the Río Puerto Viejo just Eof its junction with the Río Sarapiquí , W River Road to the point, 31 July 1980, Wilbur 30134 ( CAS) ; Near confluences of Ríos Sarapiquí and Puerto Viejo , 100 m, 1 August 1968, Schnell 1016 ( US) . Limón: (Limón), Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa near Limón , 20 m, 17 September 1968, Davidse & Pohl 1244 ( US); (Matina) , Cordillara de Talamanca, 200 m abajo de la confluencia de Quebrada Cañabral con Río Barbilla , margen derecha, siguiendo el curso de la Quebrada Camagre, 10°0’10"N, 83°25’30"W, 100 m, 5 November 1988, Herrera 2288 ( CAS, CR, F, MO, US); (Talamanca) GoogleMaps , Sixaola, Gandoca, 1.5 km al NW de la Escuela de Mata de Limón , 9°33’30"N, 82°37’25"W, 10 m, 5 April 1995, Herrera 7716 ( CR, F, MO); (Talamanca) GoogleMaps , Bribri, 7 km NW del pueblo, en dirección hacia la Fila Carbón, Bosques aledaños a la nueva toma de agua, 9°39’0"N, 82°53’0"W, 100–200 m, 18 July 1995, Cascante et al. 542 ( CR, F) GoogleMaps ; Rainforest slopes of Cerro Skopte Wof Río Coén about 7 km beyond Coroma , 450–700 m, 19 February 1992, Almeda & Daniel 7035 ( CAS, MO); (Talamanca) , Sur les rives de l'Amoura à Shirores , 100 m, 1 February 1895, Tonduz 9349 (F, US); (Talamanca) , Sur les rives de l'Amoura à Shirores , 100 m, 1 February 1895, Tonduz 7266 (F, US); (Talamanca) , Tsaki, Forêts de Tsâki , 200 m, 1 April 1895, Tonduz 9603 (F, US) ; Hacienda Tapezco-Had La Suerte , 29 air km W of Tortuguero, 10°30’N, 83°47’W, 40 m, 14 August 1979, Davidson & Donahue 8267 ( US); (Matina) GoogleMaps , P.N. Barbilla, Cuenca del Matina, Sendero Las Pitas , Quebrada El Dulce , 9°59’5"N, 83°23’50"W, 600–700 m, 10 April 2000, Mora 1024 ( INB, MO, NY) GoogleMaps ; Less than 1 mile SW of Bribri near Paramanian frontier, <50 m, 12 August 1977, Croat 43232 ( CAS, MO) ; 5 miles up from mouth of the Estrella River, 18 April 1952, Stork 4600 ( NY); ( Tortuguero ) , Suretka , 200 m from RECOPE oil drilling platform, 9°34’N, 82°56’W, 27 June 1984, Barringer et al. 3589 ( CAS, F) GoogleMaps ; Nend of Tortugureo N.P, and near the Boca de las Lagunas de Tortuguero , 10°34’N, 83°32’W, 0–30 m, 23 September 1978, Burger & Antonio 11239 ( CAS, F) GoogleMaps ; Hitoy Cerere R., Vicinity in Valle La Estrella Sof Finca Concepción, in woods on slope along Río Cerere , 9°42’N, 83°2’W, 100–200 m, 31 July 1985, Hammel & Grayum 14303 ( CAS, MO) GoogleMaps ; R.B. Hitoy Cerere, Subiendo las filas entre el margen izquierdo del Río Cerere y las cabeceras del Río Moín , 9°39’50"N, 83°1’50"W, 400 m, 2 June 1990, Herrera 3945 ( MO); (Guápiles) GoogleMaps , Los Angeles, San Miguel, Bosque aledaño a la catarata, Río Blanco , 10°7’30"N, 83°50’45"W, 700 m, 24 February 1990, Herrera & Schik 3794 ( CAS, MO); (Limón) GoogleMaps , R.B. Hitoy Cerere, Cuenca del Estrella, Sendero Bobocara , 9°40’25"N, - 83°1’35.0001"W, 100–200 m, 5 November 1999, Rodríguez et al. 4886 ( INB, MO); (Matina) GoogleMaps , P.N. Barbilla, Cuenca del Matina, Entrada principal, 9°59’30"N, - 83°22’40"W, 300–400 m, 21 August 2000, Mora 1418 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Hacienda Tapezco-Hda , La Suerte, 29 air km Wof Tortuguero, 10°30’N, 83°47’W, 40 m, 18 August 1979, Davidson & Donahue 8495 ( MO); (Bajo Telire) GoogleMaps , Río Telire , 400–600 m, 1 July 1984, Gómez 24130 ( CAS, CR, MO); (Talamanca) , San Miguel, Cuenca del Sixaola, Bosques sometidos a explotación de madera entre San Miguel y Gandoca. siguiendo el curso de Quebrada innominada (aparentemente Mile Creek ), 9°34’30"N, 82°40’0"W, 30–100 m, 21 January 1997, González et al. 1692 ( INB, MO); (Limón) GoogleMaps , R.B. Hitoy Cerere, Cuenca del Estrella, margenes de la Quebrada Barrera , en cercanías de la Estación , 9°40’15"N, 83°1’34"W, 160 m, 24 June 1998, Rodríguez & González 3528 ( INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; R.B. Hitoy Cerere, Rainforest along the sloping banks of Río Cerere from the R, Station to the big waterfall, 100 m, 27 February 1991, Almeda et al. 6830 ( CAS, CR); (Limón) , Faja costeña de Limón, San Rafael de Pandora , 9°48’10"N, 82°59’50"W, 220 m, 10 September 1995, Rodríguez 854 ( CAS, INB); (Talamanca) GoogleMaps , Amubri, Camino entre Amubri y Soki, Siguiendo el Río Ñabri hacia Alto Soki , 9°29’50"N, 82°59’10"W, 150 m, 1 July 1989, Herrera 3122 ( CAS, CR); (Pococí) GoogleMaps , La Bomba, Asunción, Llanura de Santa Clara, Fila de Matama , 9°53’30"N, 83°11’30"W, 400 m, 5 September 1995, Rodríguez & Abarca 902 ( CAS, INB) GoogleMaps ; Hacienda Tapezco-Hda, La Suerte , 29 air km Wof Tortuguero, 10°30’N, 83°47’W, 40 m, 28 August 1979, Davidson & Donahue 8893B ( CAS) GoogleMaps . Puntarenas: Osa Península, Near the airfield about 4 miles Wof Rincón de Osa, 8°42’N, 83°31’W, 30 m, 4 June 1968, Burger & Stolze 5526 (F, MO, NY) GoogleMaps ; Osa Peninsula, Corcovado N.P., near Los Chiles , 8°31’N, 83°31’W, 300–400 m, 10 July 1977, Liesner 3158 ( MO); ( Ricon de Osa ) GoogleMaps , Ridge trail above field station, Rincon de Osa , 50–200 m, 17 May 1971, Burch 4469 ( MO) ; P.N. Corcovado, Sirena, Ollas Trail , 8°28’N, 83°35’W, 1–20 m, 12 September 1989, Kernan 1273 ( CR, MO) GoogleMaps . San José: (Pérez de Zeledón), Along road between San Isidro General and Dominical, Fila Tinamastes, 9°18’24"N, 83°46’11"W, 990–1100 m, 9 September 1996, Croat & Hannon 79128 ( CAS) GoogleMaps . NICARAGUA. Jinotega: (Bocaycito) ,

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Cordillera Isabelia, 117 km from Matagalpa, Near Río Bote , 6 May 1976, Neill 298 (7173) ( CAS, MO); (Santa Cruz) , El Calvario, Al SW del Cerro Kilambé , 13°34’N, 85°40’W, 900–1000 m, 27 March 1981, Moreno 7712 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Cara Edel Macizo Kilambé , 13°35’36"N, 85°39’40"W, 1200–1300 m, 26 July 1980, Sandino 241 ( CAS, MO); (Cua Bocay) GoogleMaps , Comunidad de San Andrés, R. de Bosawas, Caño Susumwas , transecto 4 en zona de Conservación, Mari Ilkara , 14°22’21"N, 85°3’50"W, 185 m, 27 June 2005, Coronado et al. 1822 ( MO); (Wiwili) GoogleMaps , Zona de amortiguamiento Bosawas, Comunidad Aniwas , Transecto 10 en zona agrícola (was Ulwa Sirpi tingni), 14°28’15"N, 85°2’48"W, 170 m, 22 November 2005, Coronado et al. 2854 ( CAS); (Wiwili) GoogleMaps , R. de Bosawas, Comunidad de Inipuwas , Caño Wayawas , 14°24’16"N, 85°9’46"W, 135 m, 13 November 2005, Coronado et al. 2656 ( CAS) GoogleMaps . Matagalpa: Macizos de Peñas Blancas, SE side, drainage of Quebrada El Qubradón , slopes Nof Hda, San Martín, 13°14–15’N, 85°39’W, 950–1000 m, 24 November 1981, Stevens & Riviere 20883 ( CAS, MO) ; Falda NW del Cerro Musún , trocha de Palán, 300–600 m, 14 May 1980, Araquistain & Moreno 2424 ( MO) ; Macizos de Peñas Blancas , SE side, drainage of Quebrada El Qubradon, slopes Nand Wof Had, San Martín, 13°14–15’N, 85°38–39’W, 1000–1400 m, 18 January 1982, Stevens et al. 20992 ( MO) . Río San Juan: Near Caño Chontale , 20 km NE of El Castillo, 200 m, 18 April 1978, Neill & Vincelli 3500 ( MO); ( El Tambor) , Alo largo de 15 km al Ndel Puesto MARENA, 10°44’0"N, 83°26’0"W, 50–200 m, 9 July 1994, Rueda et al. 1891 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Near Caño Chontaleño , 20 km NE of El Castillo, 200 m, 18 April 1978, Neill & Vincelli 3523 ( MO) . Rivas: (Isla Omepete), localidad de "Las Cuchillas", Volcán Maderas , 11°27’N, 85°28’W, 400–800 m, 2 June 1985, Robleto 1984 ( MO) GoogleMaps . Zelaya: ca. 6.3 km Sof bridge at Colonia Yolania and ca. 0.8 km Sof ridge of Serranías de Yolania on road to Colonia Manantiales ( Colonia Somoza), 11°36–37’N, 84°22’W, 200–300 m, 29 October 1977, Stevens 4801 ( CAS, MO) ; Bosque lluvioso de montañas de Esquipulas y Alemán, drenaje de Río Alemán, 150 m, 27 November 1951, Shank & Molina 4767 (F, US) ; Cuesta El Bálsamo, 13°39’N, 84°58’W, 200 m, 24 February 1983, Moreno & Robleto 20671 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; 6.3 km Sof bridge at Colonia Manantiales of Nueva Guinea , 200–300 m, 13 February 1978, Vincelli 215 ( CAS, MO) ; Along trail from Cerro Saslaya to San Jose del Hormiguero , between Caño Majagua and Caño Sucio , 13°45’N, 84–85°59–0’W, 600–800 m, 10 March 1978, Stevens 6865 ( CAS, MO) ; ca. 6.3 km Sof bridge at Colonia Yolaina on road to Colonia Manantiales ( Colonia Somoza), 11°36–37’N, 84°22’W, 200–300 m, 13 February 1978, Stevens 6425 ( CAS, MO) ; Bosque lluvioso de montañas de Esquipulas y Alemán, drenaje de Río Alemán , 150 m, 27 November 1951, Shank & Molina 4865 (F) ; Montañas y bosques lluviosos entre Toro Bayo y Esquipulas , Drenajes de los Ríos Jícaro y Esquipulas , 130 m, 20 November 1951, Shank & Molina 4094 (F) ; 6.3 km Sof bridge at Colonia Yolaina on road to Colonia Manatiales of Nueva Guinea , 200–300 m, 13 February 1978, Vincelli 244-A ( CAS, MO) ; Along new road from Río Blanco to Río Copalar , ca 26 km Eof Río Blanco, 12°50–55’N, 85°00–05’W, 200–400 m, 14 February 1979, Stevens 12219 ( MO) ; Cerro Saslaya , 20 km Wof Siuna, along Eridge of mountain, 1100–1400 m, 5 May 1977, Neill 1873 ( MO) ; 5 km Nde Colonia Jacinto Baca Jerez , 11°54’N, 84°24’W, 160 m, 20 October 1984, Sandino 4664 ( CAS, MO) GoogleMaps ; 2 km de Colonia Serrano, Comarca El Escobillo, 11°34–35’N, 84°21’W, 80–100 m, 28 July 1982, Sandino 3314 ( CAS, MO) ; Sector de Negro Wás , entre El Empalme y Rosita, 13°45’"N, 84°25’"W, 200 m, 30 September 1984, Ortiz 2190 ( MO) ; Vecindades de Waní , 1 March 1983, Ortiz 890 ( MO) ; Cerro El Escobín, 4 km de Colonia Serrano, 11°33–34’N, 84°21–22’W, 120–130 m, 30 July 1982, Sandino 3379 ( CAS, MO); (Nueva Guinea) , Cerro cerca de Colonia Yolaina, 11°38’N, 84°21’W, 300 m, 13 August 1982, Araquistain 3113 ( CAS, MO); ( Siuna ) GoogleMaps , Santa Rosa , 6 September 1982, Ortiz 75 ( CAS, MO) . PANAMA. Bocas del Toro: Ca, 15 km up the Changuinola River to I.R.H.E, Damsite #1, Near campside on trail to ridge NE of campsite, 244–274 m, 12 December 1979, Antonio 3072 ( CAS) ; Río Changuinola , alrededor del campamento del IRHE, 16 December 1979, Carrasquilla & Mendoza 1149 ( CAS, MO) ; Forest on hill above RR station at Milla 7.5, 27 July 1971, Croat & Porter 16380 ( MO) ; Forest above RR stop at Milla , 7.5, 26 July 1971, Croat & Porter 16285 ( MO) ; On slope above Milla 7.5 railroad stop, 10 km, NW of Almirante, 100 m, 2 January 1975, Nee & Hansen 14088 ( MO) ; Fish Creek Mts., 22 April 1941, von Wedel 2307 ( NY); (Alto Río Guabo ) , Atlantic slope Nof Fortuna Dam site, 4–5 km upriver ( S) from crossing (no bridge) of road to Chiriquí Grande , 8°48’N, 82°12’W, 500–650 m, 27 July 1997, Foster & Torres 15800 (F) GoogleMaps ; Sitio de presa campamento del IRHE, 29 March 1980, Carrasquilla & Mendoza 1338 ( CAS, PMA) ; Al NW del campamento Changuinola 1 de Corriente Grande, Cerro Bracha , 18 January 1980, Correa et al. 3095 ( CAS, PMA) ; Al NW del campamento Changuinola 1 de Corriente Grande, Cerro Bracha , 18 January 1980, Correa et al. 3156 ( CAS, PMA) ; Darién Sslope of W most summit of Cerro Tacarcuna massif between Pucro base camp & Tacarcuna summit camp, 1400–1600 m, 21 July 1976, Gentry et al. 16868 ( MO, NY, US) ; P.N. del Darién, Cerro Mali, head waters of Sbranch of Río Pucuro , ca. 22 km Eof Pucuro, 8°4.5’N, 77°14’W, 1250–1500 m, 20 October 1987, de GoogleMaps


Phytotaxa 179 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press 121 Nevers et al. 8449 ( CAS) ; P.N. del Darién , Slopes of Cerro Mali, head waters of Sbranch of Río Pucuro, ca 22 km Eof Pucuro, 8°4.5’N, 77°14’W, 1300–1400 m, 21 October 1987, Cuadros et al. 3940 ( CAS, MO, US) GoogleMaps ; Between Tres Bocas and Cerro Campamiento on Cuasi-Cana Trail, 1 May 1968, Kirkbride & Duke 1355 ( MO, NY) ; Cana- Cuasi Trail (Camp 2), Chepijana, 1219 m, 10 March 1940, Terry & Terry 1460 (F, MO) ; P. N. del Darién , Cerro Mali, headwaters of Sbranch of Río Pucuro, ca. 22 km Eof Pucuro, 8°4.5’N, 77°14’W, 1250–1500 m, 20 October 1987, de Nevers et al. 8449 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; Middle slopes on W side of Cerro Pirre, 7°57’N, 77°46’W, 550–760 m, 28 June 1988, Croat 68879 ( MO) GoogleMaps .

Illustration:— Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 .

Common names and documented uses:— Colombia: “morita” (Galeano et al. 3622, COL-internet image!); Nicaragua: “jaboncillo” (Ortiz 75, CAS!, MO!).

Habitat, distribution and ecology:— Local, on river banks, understories and disturbed sites in lowland rain forests and premontane wet forests, usually found in deep shade, from Nicaragua through southern Central America to Colombia ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ), at 0–1500 m. In Nicaragua it is found in the Atlantic and North-central zones ( Almeda 2001), in Costa Rica it is present throughout the country, and it has been collected in Panama (Bocas del Toro and Darién) south to Colombia, where it is only known from the San José del Palmar region (Chocó and Risaralda), and was recently collected in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes.

Phenology:— Collected in flower and fruit throughout the year.

Etymology:— From a family name (Reitz). Gleason did not specify derivation of this epithet in the protologue.

Discussion:— This species is distinguished by the dense pink-setose pubescence on internodes, inflorescence rachis, foliar surfaces and hypanthium. Miconia quinquenervia shares similar setose exterior calyx teeth and glandedged staminal connective appendage. Miconia neocoronata also has an adaxially ciliate torus like M. reitziana and resinous-glandular hypanthium, but lacks elongate trichomes on the foliar surfaces and hypanthium. Phylogenetically, M. reitziana is sister to both M. aguilarii and M. quinquenervia ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ), both of which differ from the former in having foliar bases decurrent on the petioles.

Occasionally but not consistently, in all the material studied, the resinous-glandular vestiture is also present on the upper internodes, veins and venules abaxially, but obscured by the more conspicuous asperous indumentum as noted by Almeda (2009). The anisophylly in this species is not present in every pair of leaves of an individual. Some leaf pairs are isophyllous, but every individual has several pair of anisophyllous leaves.

There is a recent collection from the department of Boyacá (Alvear et al. 1440, CAS!, COL) that certainly belongs to the M. reitziana alliance. The vegetative and floral dimensions are congruent, as well as floral characters, and the adaxial torus is ciliate although sparsely so. The hypanthium vestiture consists of rusty asperous trichomes and resinous-glandular trichomes, but with a few smooth pinkish trichomes. Phylogenetically this taxon branches before M. reitziana , but both belong to the same clade. In this part of the tree ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) there is not enough statistical support to separate M. reitziana from this Boyacá population; therefore the exact relationship between these two entities remains to be resolved. The Alvear collection is from the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, a region from which no previous collections of M. reitziana are known. Considering the distance between the known populations of M. reitziana in Colombia, this specimen would represent the easternmost occurrence of this taxon; therefore, the slight morphological differences may be associated with its geographic isolation. More collections are needed for a better understanding of the distribution of this species in the Colombian Andes.

Conservation status:— This species would be considered Endangered EN B2ab(iii) according to IUCN criteria ( AOO). Because it occurs in many protected areas, a status of Least Concern LC is warranted. Protected in Colombia in the Aves El Paujil Natural Reserve (Boyacá). In Costa Rica it is protected throughout the country in several National Parks and Reserves. In Nicaragua it is protected in the Bosaws Reserve (Jinotega). In Panama it is protected in the Darién National Park (Darién).

Almeda, F. (2001) Melastomataceae. In: Stevens, W. D., Ulloa, C., Pool, A. & Montiel, O. M. (Eds.) Flora de Nicaragua Vol. 85, Tomo II Angiospermas (Fabaceae-Oxalidaceae). Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 1339 - 1419.

Almeda, F. (2009) 180. Melastomataceae. In: Davidse, G., Sousa, M., Knapp, S. & Chiang, F. (Eds.) Flora Mesomericana Vol. 4 Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico D. F, pp. 164 - 337.

Gleason, H. A. (1939 a) The genus Clidemia in Mexico and Central America. Brittonia 3 (2): 97 - 130. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2307 / 2804810

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FIGURE 1. Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the Octopleura clade, resulting from a combined molecular dataset of nrITS, nrETS, psbkpsbL, and accD-psa1 sequences. Numbers above branches correspond to estimated posterior probabilities. Numbers below branches correspond to estimated bootstrap support values from the Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree resulting from the same molecular dataset. The three black bars correspond to the three subclades within the Octopleura clade: Approximata, Quinquenervia, and Variabilis.

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FIGURE 16. Distributions of Miconia quadridomius and M. veraguensis, M. quinquenervia, M. radicans, and M. reitziana.

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FIGURE 23. Miconia reitziana. A. Habit, showing detail of abaxial foliar base (bottom), and adaxial foliar surface (top). B. Flower. C. Stamen, abaxial view (left), lateral view (right). D. Berry. E. Seed. Based on Hammel 8880, CAS. Drawn by Sean V. Edgerton.


California Academy of Sciences


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Missouri Botanical Garden


University of Stellenbosch


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Provincial Museum of Alberta