Macellomenia Simroth, 1893

Kocot, Kevin M. & Todt, Christiane, 2014, Three new meiofaunal solenogaster species (Mollusca: Aplacophora) from the north-east Pacific, Journal of Natural History 48 (45 - 48), pp. 3007-3031 : 3011

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2014.961987

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scientific name

Macellomenia Simroth, 1893


Genus Macellomenia Simroth, 1893 View in CoL

Type species: Paramenia palifera Pruvot, 1890 designated by Salvini-Plawen, 1978.


Pholidoskepia with distinct, nail-shaped sclerites. Common atrio-buccal opening or mouth separate from atrium (vestibulum). Ventrolateral foregut glands type A (muscular ducts with extraepithelial glandular cells). Secondary genital opening unpaired. With seminal receptacles. No copulatory stylets. Abdominal spicules present or absent.


European Atlantic Ocean, European Mediterranean Sea; the new species described herein from the American north-east Pacific.

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