Dacryopinax G.W. Martin, Lloydia, 1948

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda, 2020, Dacryopinax (Fungi: Dacrymycetales) in Mexico, Phytotaxa 446 (1), pp. 6-22 : 9-10

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Felipe (2024-10-02 00:23:56, last updated 2024-10-02 02:00:04)

scientific name

Dacryopinax G.W. Martin, Lloydia


Dacryopinax G.W. Martin, Lloydia View in CoL View at ENA 11: 116 (1948).

Basidiome cylindric when young, stipitate to substipitate, cup-shaped, spathulate, petaloid, lobulate, or even morchelloid pileus when mature; consistency tough-gelatinous to cartilaginous. Sterile parts of the pileus and the stipe normally covered with a layer of thick-walled marginal hyphae (hairs). Hymenium unilateral, smooth, folded, or papillate. Basidiospores curved-cylindrical, aseptate when immature, uniseptate to triseptate when mature, germination by germ tubes or conidia. Probasidia cylindrical to clavate; metabasidia aseptate, bifurcate; sterigmata cylindrical, attenuated at the tip when mature.

Type species: Dacryopinax elegans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849: 239) G.W. Martin (1948: 116) .

Observations: Kennedy (1958) described the context of the basidiome as follows: “composition homogeneous, of thick-walled fibrous hyphae with bulbous septa”. McNabb (1965b) refuted to consider it for the entire genus by mentioning that only two species ( D. dennisii and D. indacocheae ) could be included under the definition of Kennedy (1958). McNabb (1965b) mentioned the wide variation in basidiome shape, and that the internal organization of Dacryopinax was not as clearly defined as that of Calocera (Fr. 1821: 485) Fries (1828: 233) and Heterotextus Lloyd (1922: 1151) . On the other hand, Donk (1941) and Nannfeldt (1947) mentioned some similarity between the context of the Dacryopinax and some species of Calocera .

Donk, M. A. (1941) Nomina generica conservanda and confusa for Basidiomycetes (Fungi). Bulletin of the Botanic Gardens Buitenzorg 3: 155 - 197.

Fries, E. M. (1828) Elenchus Fungorum, sistens Commentarium in Systema Mycologicum (Greifswald) 1: i, 1 - 238.

Kennedy, L. L. (1958) The genera of the Dacrymycetaceae. Mycologia 50: 874 - 895. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00275514.1958.12024781

Lloyd, C. G. (1922) Mycological Notes 66. Mycological Writings 7: 1137 - 1168.

Martin, G. W. (1948) New or noteworthy tropical fungi. IV. Lloydia 11: 111 - 122.

McNabb, R. F. R. (1965 b) Taxonomic studies in the Dacrymycetaceae. III. Dacryopinax Martin. New Zealand Journal of Botany 3: 59 - 72. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 0028825 X. 1965.10432062

Nannfeldt, J. A. (1947) Sphaeronaema rufum Fr., a misunderstood member of Dacrymycetaceae. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 41: 321 - 338.









