Pocadius majusculus Kirejtshuk, 1984

Cline, Andrew R., 2008, Revision of the sap beetle genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae, Zootaxa 1799 (1), pp. 1-120 : 83-84

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Felipe (2021-07-23 01:42:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 12:27:39)

scientific name

Pocadius majusculus Kirejtshuk, 1984


Pocadius majusculus Kirejtshuk, 1984

(Figs. 29, 70, 113, 156, 197, 235)

Specimens examined. Holotype ♂ (ZMUC): North Thailand; Doi Sutep; 19-6-1958, 1100m; B. Degerbøl leg.; Pr. 5/0 (1-7-59) / Holotypus Pocadius ; majusculus ; det. Kirejtshuk 1982. (1) Paratype ♀ (ZMUC): Loc. Doi Sutep, N. Thailand; 1100m; Dat.: 19-6-1968; Leg.: B. Degerbøl; Pr. 510, Journ. 1/759 / Pocadites ; sp.; ♀ / Paratypus Pocadius ; majusculus ; det. Kirejtshuk 1982.

Diagnosis. The large size, sparse pubescence, and relatively small head delineate this species from others as well as: large umbilicate elytral punctures widely spaced; pronotum markedly narrowing from base to apex with a shallow anterior emargination; tegmen truncate apically with setae of similar size extending from margins; gonocoxites with large blunt apices and no recurrent lateral “teeth”.

Redescription. Length 5.4mm, Width 3.7mm, Depth 1.7mm. Body uniformly brownish-orange, appendages slightly lighter, surface somewhat shining, pubescence short and scattered, pale golden. Pygidium and hypopygidium sparingly setate.

Head surface deeply densely punctate, punctures large becoming smaller and more densely spaced towards orbits, and minute and dense in fronotclypeal region; interspaces alutaceous with some microreticulation. Small punctures 0.75X large puncture, large punctures 7–8X size of eye facet, minute punctures about 0.2X large puncture. Pronotal surface with large and small punctures interspersed, deep. Large punctures 1.5X large punctures on head, small punctures 0.33X large puncture; interspaces 0.25–0.5 diameter apart, smooth to alutaceous with some microreticulation. Scutellar surface scarcely punctate with small punctures similar to small ones on pronotum, microreticulate near apex, interspaces alutaceous. Eytral surface with serial rows of large punctures similar to large pronotal punctures, each giving rise to short fine semierect setae, serial small punctures 0.2X large puncture, giving rise to short fine setae. Small punctures in mostly single or infrequently irregular double rows; interspaces alutaceous, large punctures separated by 0.25 diameter, small punctures separated by 1–2 diameters. Large and small puncture rows separated by 0.5 large diameter. Pygidium densely punctate, punctures equal to small punctures on elytra, interspaces alutaceous with some microreticulation, separated by 0.5 diameter.

Venter with less pubescence than dorsum. Mentum with sparse minute punctation, similar to small punctures on elytra. Prosternum and epimeron irregularly faintly punctate, punctures subequal to large punctures on head, interspaces alutaceous, prosternal punctures separated by 0.25–0.5 diameter, those on epimeron similarly separated. Mesoventrite with faint large punctures laterally, interspaces alutaceous. Metaventrite irregularly punctate, with small faint punctures on disc similar to large punctures on head, interspaces smooth to alutaceous on disc, punctures separated by 2–3 diameters. Abdominal sternite 1 with faint large punctures, apex of abdominal process lacking punctation; interspaces alutaceous, punctures separated by 0.5–1 diameter. Hypopygidium densely deeply punctate, punctures equal to those on sternites 2–4, interspaces alutaceous with microreticulation, separated by 0.25 diameter.

Head wider than long (W:L = 1.4:1). Antennal club compact, oblong oval, densely setose, asymmetrical with last antennomere longer than previous two combined. Antennomeres 6–8 strongly flattened, disc-like, combined length less than antennomere 9. Antennal scape asymmetrical, broadly hemispherical, 2X as long as pedicel. Pedicel cylindrical. Antennal segment 3 subcylindrical, subequal to pedicel. Segments 4–5 subquadrate, narrowing basally, each 0.5 length of segment 3. Antennal club large, 0.75 length of segments 1–8 combined, asymmetrical, terminal segment larger than preceding two segments combined. Mentum with apex acutely pointed anteriorly.

Pronotum widest near base (W:L = 1.875:1), anterior margin broadly shallowly concave. Prosternal process in lateral view with apex somewhat depressed behind coxae. Scutellum large, elongate, apex rounded. Mesoventrite extending to midway between mesocoxae, posterior border broadly truncate. Metaventrite wider than long (W:L = 2.8:1). Metepisternum narrow, slightly concave medially, anterior 0.33 produced anteriolaterally. First abdominal sternite with broadly rounded almost truncate process between metacoxae with short medial acute tip, first sternite 2X longer than sternite 2. Sternites 2–4 subequal. Hypopygidium subequal to first abdominal sternite.

Protibia distinctly curved laterally, faintly crenulate along posterior 0.75 of lateral edge. Apical tooth prominent, subequal to tarsomere 2. Outer apical notch with>90° angle, notch depth equal to tarsomere 1 and part of 2 combined. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomere 1. Protibia with little armature overall. Mesotibia more heavily armed than protibia with row of slender spines along lateral edge. Outer apical process elongate and robust, larger than protibial process and projecting more posteriorly. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomeres 1 and part of 2 combined. Metatibia heavily armed with numerous slender elongate spines. Spines of varying lengths, but longer than those on mesotibia. Outer apical process elongate and robust, equal to inner apical spine, projecting more posteriorly than mesotibial processes. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomeres 1–2 combined.

Male genitalia well sclerotized. Anal sclerite fimbriate (Fig. 29). Spiculum gastrale with moderately wide lateral flanges, medial margins deeply concave, short stiff setae originating from apex (Fig. 70). Tegmen truncate apically (Fig. 113), much longer than wide (w:l = 1:2.5), lateral row of setae visible from median fossa to prior to apex, large concavity in apical 0.33. Median lobe large and robust, 0.6 length of tegmen, apex acuminate, apical opening well-developed (Fig. 156). Ejaculatory rods fused basally, but not fused to basal piece, straight and elongate (Fig. 197).

Female genitalia well-sclerotized. Gonocoxites with large blunt apices and no lateral “tooth”. Intragonocoxal cavity parallel-sided, rounded basally. Gonocoxite base with two medial sclerotized baculi. Paraprocts moderately sclerotized with inner margin heavily sclerotized to apex (Fig. 235).

Variation. No variation observed.

Seasonality/Habitat. Collected in mid-June.

Distribution. Known from the type locality in northern Thailand.

Notes. Largest species in genus. No fungal host records available.

Kirejtshuk, A. G. (1984) New taxa of Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) from the Indo-Malayan fauna. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationales Hungarici, 76, 169 - 195.











