Pocadius martini Kirejtshuk, 1984

Cline, Andrew R., 2008, Revision of the sap beetle genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae, Zootaxa 1799 (1), pp. 1-120 : 86-87

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Felipe (2021-07-23 01:42:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 12:27:39)

scientific name

Pocadius martini Kirejtshuk, 1984


Pocadius martini Kirejtshuk, 1984

(Fig. 237)

Specimens examined. Holotype ♀ ( ZMUC): PHILIPPINES, Palawan; Mantalingajan; Pinigisan , 630 meter; 4 Sept. 1961; Noona Dan Exp., 61-62 / caught in malaise trap / Holotypus Pocadius martini det. Kirejtshuk 1982.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from any others by: extremely short antennal stem (i.e. antennomeres 1–8), which is subequal in length to antennal club (i.e. antennomeres 9–11); antennal club distinctly asymmetrical; small body size (3.1mm length).

Redescription. Length 3.1mm, Width 1.6mm, Depth 0.7mm. Body slightly convex, shining, light tan to reddish brown, setae pale, short and fine. Pronotal and elytral margins scarcely fimbriate.

Head surface shallowly, diffusely punctate with few punctures; interspaces granular to alutaceous. Small punctures 0.75–0.5 size of large ones, large punctures 6–7X diameter of eye facet. Pronotal surface with large and small punctures interspersed. Large punctures similar to large punctures on head, small punctures 0.75X large ones; interspaces 1 diameter apart, granular with some microreticulation present on disc. Scutellar sur- face scarcely punctate with small punctures similar to small punctures on pronotum, interspaces alutaceous. Eytral surface with serial rows of large punctures 3X diameter of large ones on head, giving rise to short fine decumbent setae. Serial small punctures 0.25 diameter of large ones, giving rise to short fine decumbent setae; interspaces faintly granular to smooth, large punctures separated by <0.5 diameter, small punctures separated by 1.5–2 diameters. Large and small puncture rows separated from each other by ~0.33 large puncture diameter. Pygidium densely punctate, punctures equal to small punctures on elytra, interspaces granular with some minute microreticulation, punctures separated by 0.5–0.5 diameter.

Venter similar in pubescence to dorsum, with elongate femoral setae. Mentum with small fine punctures, equal to small punctures on head, interspaces granular to alutaceous. Prosternum and epimeron deeply irregularly punctate, punctures 0.75X large ones on head, interspaces mostly alutaceous with some microreticulation, prosternal punctures separated by 0.25 diameter, those on epimeron by 0.25–0.5 diameter. Mesoventrite with faint small punctures, equal to large punctures on head, interspaces smooth to alutaceous. Metaventrite deeply irregularly punctate with large punctures similar to those on elytra, disc less densely punctate than lateral regions, interspaces smooth to alutaceous, punctures separated by 1–2 diameters. Abdominal sternite 1 with faint large punctures occurring posterior 0.66, interspaces alutaceous with faint transverse microreticulation, separated by 1–2 diameters. Hypopygidium densely deeply punctate, punctures slightly larger than those on sternites 2–4, interspaces smooth to alutaceous with faint microreticulation, separated by 0.5 diameter.

Head wider than long (W:L = 1.4:1), broadly triangular. Antennal club compact, oblong oval, asymmetrical with last antennomere much longer than previous two combined, subequal to segments 1–8 combined. Antennal scape asymmetrical, somewhat hemispherical, 2X as long as pedicel. Pedicel subcylindrical. Antennomere 3 elongate, longer than pedicel or segment 4. Antennomeres 4–5 subquadrate, subequal. Antennomeres 6–8 disc-like, combined length equal to length of antennomere 9. Elevated region of mentum overall pentagonal with acute apex, in lateral view convex.

Pronotum transverse, widest near posterior angles (L:W = 1:2.8), anterior margin broadly shallowly emarginate, lateral margins slightly tapering anteriorly. Scutellum large and broadly triangular. Prosternal process in lateral view with apical 0.33 straight dorsad behind procoxae. Mesoventrite extending to 0.66 between coxae. Metaventrite transverse (W:L = 3.5:1). Metepisternum slightly concave medially, anterior 0.33 moderately produced anteriolaterally, with anterior 0.2 forming axillary space. First abdominal sternite with broadly rounded process between metacoxae, first sternite 2X longer than sternite 2. Sternites 2–4 subequal. Hypopygidium subequal to sternite 1.

Protibia with apical tooth prominent, slightly longer than tarsomere 1. Outer apical notch with 90° angle, notch depth equal to tarsomere 1 and part of 2 combined. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomeres 1 and part of 2 combined. Protibia with very little armature overall. Mesotibia more heavily armed than protibia with row of slender spines along lateral edge and spines scattered on ventral surface. Outer apical process elongate and robust, larger than protibial process. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomeres 1 and part of 2 combined. Metatibia heavily armed with rows of slender elongate spines. Spines of varying lengths, but longer than those on mesotibia. Outer apical process elongate and robust, equal to inner apical spine, projecting more posteriorly than pro- or mesotibial processes. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomeres 1–2 combined.

Female genitalia overall moderately sclerotized. Gonocoxites with sclerotized basal border and two lateral prominences, basal border giving rise to two medial oblique sclerotized baculi extending apicolaterally, short, 0.125 length of basal border. Gonocoxal apices moderately separated with intragonocoxal invagination evenly rounded at base, gonocoxal apices evenly rounded, each apex with small lateral depression bearing 4 short setae (Fig. 237).

Variation. No variation observed.

Seasonality/Habitat. Collected in early September.

Distribution. Known from type locality on the island of Palawan.

Notes. This species likely represents an island endemic. More collecting from other Philippine islands is needed to further define the SE Asia fauna, which will likely include other island endemics as well. No fungal host records are available for this species.

Kirejtshuk, A. G. (1984) New taxa of Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) from the Indo-Malayan fauna. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationales Hungarici, 76, 169 - 195.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen











