Pocadius nobilis Reitter, 1873

Cline, Andrew R., 2008, Revision of the sap beetle genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae, Zootaxa 1799 (1), pp. 1-120 : 93-94

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Felipe (2021-07-23 01:42:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 12:27:39)

scientific name

Pocadius nobilis Reitter, 1873


Pocadius nobilis Reitter, 1873

(Figs. 33, 74, 117, 160, 201, 240, 260, 272–279)

Specimens examined. LECTOTYPE (RNH), here designated, ♂: Japan; leg. Lewis; Coll. Reitter / nobilis; Japan, Rtts. [upside down yellow label] / Holotypus 1873; Pocadius ; nobilis; Reitter [rectangular label with red trim] / P. nobilis ; m.; Japan [upside down label]. PARALECTOTYPE (BMNH), here designated, two female specimens on same paper card with the following data labels: Type; H.T. [circular label with red trim] / Japan.; G. Lewis.; 1910-320 / Pocadius ; nobilis m. Additionally, 3 specimens (BMNH): same data labels as holotype but without type labels. 1 (BMNH) with same data label as holotype but with additional label of “Higo.”. 1 (BMNH) with same data label as holotype but additional label of “Hitoyoshi.; 3.V. – 8.V.81.”. 1 (BMNH): Japan. 1 (BMNH): in puffball / JAPAN:; J.E.A. Lewis.; B.M. 1933-490. 1 (BMNH): JAPAN; Kobe; Shinohara; 30-IX-’30; J.E.A. Lewis / JAPAN:; J.E.A. Lewis.; B.M. 1933-490. 1 (RMNH): KOREA, No. 693; Kangwon Prov.; Mts. Kumgang-san; singled, 16-IX-1980; leg. Topál and Forró. 4 (ZMHB): ID labels only.

Diagnosis. The peculiar color pattern with dark medial longitudinal “stripe” on pronotum distinguishes P. nobilis from other Oriental and Old World Pocadius , as well as deep punctation of pygidium; non-trapezoidal anterior pronotal margin; densely setose tegmen; sub-parallel sided median lobe with angular apical margins; basally fused ejaculatory rods; deeply cleft and separated basal piece of internal sac sclerites.

Redescription. Length 3.6mm, Width 2.0mm, Depth 0.9 mm. Body convex, shining, light reddish brown with the following much darker brown to black: antennal club, temples of head, pronotal disc from apex to base, scutellum, lateral region of elytra from humeri to apices as well as apical 0.5 of elytra from suture to lateral explanation leaving. Pubescence of modest length, golden, sparsely covering dorsum. Pronotum more explanate than elytra.

Head subequal in length and width, broadly triangular. Head surface irregularly punctate, with large and small punctures interspersed, becoming more obsolete near clypeus, interspaces smooth to alutaceous. Small punctures 3X eye facet, large ones 3–5X diameter of small punctures. Antennal club compact, broadly oval, asymmetrical with the last antennomere subequal to previous two combined. Antennomere 8 strongly flattened disc-like, 6 and 7 flattened and disc-like but not to the extent of 8, 6–8 combined length subequal to antennomere 9. Antennal scape asymmetrical, broadly convex dorsally, 2X as long as pedicel. Pedicel subcylindrical. Antennal segment 3 subequal to pedicel, gradually expanded apically. Segments 4 and 5 subquadrate, 0.5 length of segment 3. Elevated region of mentum with anterior margin broadly evenly convex, overall hemispheric, in lateral view somewhat convex. Mental surface with minute faint punctures sparsely distributed, interspaces smooth with some microreticulation.

Pronotum widest near middle (W:L = 2:1), evenly rounded laterally, anterior and posterior angles somewhat rounded, anterior margin broadly shallowly concave. Pronotal surface with large and small punctures interspersed. Large and small punctures similar to respective large and small punctures on head; interspaces 1–2 puncture diameters apart, smooth to alutaceous. Prosternum and epimeron irregularly punctate, punctures equal to large punctures on head, interspaces alutaceous. Prosternal process in lateral view with anterior end slightly arcuate, broad convexity medially over procoxae and posteriorly with short flat shelf; in lateral view posterior margin with medial concavity. Scutellum large, broadly rounded at apex. Scutellar surface sparsely punctate with minute punctures 0.5 diameter of small punctures on head, interspaces smooth. Eytral surface with serial rows large punctures 2X diameter of large punctures on head, each giving rise to decumbent setae. Serial small punctures 0.2 diameter of large punctures, giving rise to decumbent setae; interspaces alutaceous, large punctures separated from each other within a row by 0.5 diameter, small punctures separated by 2–3 diameters. Large and small puncture rows separated by 2 small puncture diameters. Mesoventrite extending to midway between mesocoxae with faint medial carina, deeply concave for reception of metaventrite. Mesosternal punctures aggregated near posterior margin. Metaventrite wider than long (W:L = 2.5:1). Metasternal punctures faint, equal to large punctures on head, interspaces on disc smooth to alutaceous, becoming com- pletely alutaceous laterally. Metepisternum broad, width to length 1:3.8, surface with faint large punctation similar in size to those on metaventrite, interspaces alutaceous with some microreticulation and granular areas. First abdominal sternite with broad almost truncate process 2.5X longer than second sternite. Sternites 2–4 subequal. Abdominal sternite 1 with faint punctures in all but anterior 0.33. Pygidium broadly triangular with surface densely punctate, punctures equal to large punctures on elytra, interspaces microreticulate, punctures separated by 0.25–0.2 diameter. Hypopygidium subequal to first abdominal sternite; densely punctate, punctures equal to those on sternites 2–4, interspaces rugose, separated by 0.25 diameter.

Protibia with apical tooth 1.5X length of tarsomere 2. Outer apical notch indistinct. Inner apical spine subequal to 1.5 length of tarsomere 1. Mesotibia modestly armed with row of slender spines along lateral edge and other stiff setae on ventral and dorsal surfaces. Outer apical tooth short and robust, 0.5 length of inner apical spine. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomeres 1–2 combined. Metatibia similarly armed as mesotibia. Outer apical process robust, 0.5 length of inner apical spine. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomeres 1–2 combined.

Male genitalia moderately sclerotized. Anal sclerite with apex moderately fimbriate (Fig. 33). Spiculum gastrale with (Fig. 74) lateral region broadly rounded and widely explanate, medial border evenly concave, apical border with numerous elongate setae. Tegmen broadly rounded to truncate apically (Fig. 117), longer than wide (w:l = 1.3.1), lateral row of setae visible from median fossa to prior to apex, inner row of setae incomplete apically extending from apex of median fossa to prior to apex. Median lobe large and robust, sides subparallel laterally becoming angulate apically, 0.6 length of tegmen, apical opening well-developed (Fig. 160). Ejaculatory rods fused to each other basally but not fused to basal piece, basal piece deeply cleft apically, narrowed proximally (Fig. 201).

Female genitalia overall moderately sclerotized. Gonocoxites with two baso-lateral prominences, basal ridge giving rise to two medial oblique baculi extending apicolaterally, 0.33 length of basal border. Gonocoxal apices narrowly separated with intragonocoxal invagination evenly rounded at base, gonocoxal tips evenly rounded at apex, each apex with a small lateral depression that gives rise to 4–5 primary seta (Fig. 240), tooth absent.

Variation. Male specimens tend to have a broader protibial apico-lateral notch.

Seasonality/Habitat. Known to occur from May-September.

Distribution. Found on the major islands of Japan. The Korean specimen listed above is a new distribution record and extends the known range into mainland Asia.

Notes. Host information available as “puffball.”

Reitter, E. (1873) Systematische Eintheilung der Nitidularien. Verhandlungen naturgischichte Vereines in Brunn, 12, 5 - 194.











