Pocadius dominicus Cline, 2008

Cline, Andrew R., 2008, Revision of the sap beetle genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae, Zootaxa 1799 (1), pp. 1-120 : 54-56

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-07-23 01:42:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 12:27:39)

scientific name

Pocadius dominicus Cline

sp. nov.

Pocadius dominicus Cline new species

(Figs. 14, 55, 98, 141, 183, 221, 255)

Specimens examined. HOLOTYPE ♂ ( WIBF to be deposited at the USNM): DOM. REP.: PR. Hato Mayor; Par. Nac. Los Haitises; 02 JULY 1992 – 16 JULY 1993; D. Sikes & R. Rosenfield; flight intercept trap / HOLOTYPE; Pocadius ; dominicus; A. R. Cline des. 2004 . PARATYPE ( MTEC): DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Prov. Hato Mayor; Par. Nac. Los Hatises; 22–31 JULY 1993, FIT; D. Sikes & R. Rosenfield . PARATYPE ( MTEC): DOMINIC. REP.: Prov Hato; Mayor, P.N. Los Hatises; JULY 1992 – 16 JULY 1993; flight intercept trap; D.S. Sikes colr . PARATYPE ( ARCC): DOM. REP.: Prov Hato Mayor; Par. Nac. Los Hatises; 16-APR- 01-JULY-1992; FIT #1, bosque humido; M. Ivie, D. Sikes, Lanier . PARATYPE (1 CMN, 2 ARCC): DOM. REP.: LaVega Prov. ; 10km NE Jaraboca; Raquet Club, 550m, FIT; 20-VII-4-VIII-1995, mixed; for., S&J Peck, 95-37. 3 PARATYPES (1 CMN, 2 ARCC): DOM. REP.: LaVega Prov. ; PN. A. Bermudez Cienaga; 19- VII-2-VIII-1995, 1100m; trop. evgrn. for., FIT; S&J Peck, 95-36. 2 PARATYPES ( ARCC): DOM. REP.: LaVega Prov. ; PN. A. Bermudez Cienaga; 19-VII-2-VIII-1995, 1100m; trop.evgrn.for., FIT; S&J Peck, 95-36. 1 PARATYPE ( ARCC): DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: La ; Vega, Cordillera Central; 4.1km SW El Convento; 18-50-37N 70-42-48W; 1730m, 31 May 2003 / J. Rawlins, R. Davidson; C. Young, C. Nunez, P.; Acevedo, dense secondary; evergreen forest with; pine, hand collected; Sample 22242 / Carnegie Museum; Specimen Number; CMNH-347,548. 1 PARATYPE ( ARCC): label data same as above but specimen number is CMNH- 347,284. 12 PARATYPES ( CMNH): same as above but specimen numbers as follows: CMNH-347,410, CMNH-347,617, CMNH-347,448, CMNH-347,520, CMNH-347,842, CMNH-347,354, CMNH-347,247 ,

CMNH-347,280, CMNH-347,843, CMNH-347,881, CMNH-347,891, and CMNH-347,238.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from other Pocadius by: body coloration dull orange-yellow with well-demarcated apical 0.66 of elytra black; triangular mentum; male hypopygidium with central asetose region; terminal antennomere with distinct circular depressed region; densely setose tegmen with inner setal row attaining apex in convergent manner; well-developed pores on gonocoxites.

Description. Length 4.0 mm, Width 1.9mm, Depth 0.9mm. Body slightly convex, shining, orange-yellow with antennal club somewhat darker and apical 0.66 of elytra black. Pronotal and elytral margins with dense moderately elongate fimbriae. Dorsal and ventral pubescence moderately elongate, golden. Head, pronotum and elytra densely punctate with rugose surface.

Head surface densely irregularly punctate, with large and small punctures evenly dispersed. Large punctures 3–4X diameter of eye facet, small punctures 1.5X diameter; interspaces granular, moderately shining. Pronotal surface with large punctures equal to large punctures on head, interspersed with few small punctures, 2X diameter small puncture on head; interspaces finely granular, 0.25–0.5 diameter apart. Scutellar surface with shallowly impressed small punctures, similar to small punctures on pronotum, interspaces granular. Elytral surface with serial rows of small punctures equal to small punctures on pronotum, large punctures 4X diameter of small ones. Small punctures give rise to semi-erect long setae, large punctures give rise to short decumbent setae; interspaces narrow between punctures of a row and between rows. Within a row, small punctures separated by 1 diameter, and large punctures by 0.25–0.5 diameter. Large rows separated by 0.5–1 large puncture diameter; interspaces granular, moderately shining. Pygidium densely punctate, punctures equal to large punctures on pronotum, interspaces narrow, 0.75 diameter apart, granular.

Venter with less dense shorter pubescence than dorsum. Mentum with faintly impressed punctures, equal to large punctures on vertex, interspaces alutaceous. Prosternum and epimeron with punctures equal to large punctures on head, interspaces granular with microreticulation, prosternal punctures separated by 0.5–1 diameter, those on epimeron by 0.5 diameter. Mesoventrite with moderately impressed punctures, aggregated along posterior margin, interspaces granular, separated by 1 diameter. Metaventrite irregularly punctate with few small faint punctures on disc similar to those on mesoventrite, lateral punctures larger, interspaces granular, punctures separated by 1 diameter laterally. Abdominal sternite 1 with faintly impressed punctures equal to those on lateral region of metaventrite, interspaces granular, separated by 1 diameter. Hypopygidium with deep punctures, similar those on sternites 2–4, interspaces granular, punctures separated by 0.25–0.5 diameter, central region of hypopygidium with no setal bearing punctures.

Head wider than long (W:L = 1.33:1). Antennal club compact, obovate, asymmetrical with terminal antennomere longer than 9–10 combined. Antennomeres 6–8 disc-like. Antennal scape asymmetrical, distinctly hemispherical, 1.66X length of pedicel. Pedicel subcylindrical, enlarged anteriorly. Antennal segment 3 shorter than pedicel. Antennal club moderately large, 0.6 length of segments 1–8 combined. Elevated region of mentum with anterior angles absent, anterior margins angulate and coming together in acuminate apex, overall triangular, convex in lateral view.

Pronotum widest at middle (L:W = 1:2), anterior margin trapezoidal, lateral margins less arcuate posteriorly, anterior and posterior angles distinct. Scutellum large, hemispherical, apex broadly rounded. Prosternal process in lateral view with anterior and posterior ends not prominent and moderate convexity over procoxae; posterior face perpendicular. Mesoventrite extending between mesocoxae, broadly concave for reception of metaventrite. Metaventrite wider than long (W:L = 3:1). Metepisternum with broad medial concavity, oblique line dividing anterior 0.1. First abdominal sternite with acuminate process between metacoxae. First sternite 1.8X longer than sternite 2. Sternites 2–3 subequal, 4 slightly larger than 2 or 3. Hypopygidium subequal to sternite 1.

Protibia with apical tooth moderately prominent, subequal to tarsomere 1. Outer apical notch with 100° angle, notch depth moderately deep, equal to tarsomere 1 and part of 2 combined. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomere 1 and part of 2 combined. Protibia moderately armed with elongate stiff setae on lateral margin. Mesotibia more heavily armed than protibia with more dense stiff setae and slender spines along lateral edge. Outer apical process distinct, larger than protibial process. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomere 1. Metatibia more heavily armed than mesotibia with longer more densely distributed stiff setae, and more distinct outer apical tooth and inner apical spine, inner apical spine subequal to tarsomeres 1 and 2 combined.

Male genitalia well-sclerotized. Anal sclerite with elongate fimbria (Fig. 14). Spiculum gastrale with broad rounded lateral flanges, medial margin approximate, numerous short stiff setae at apex (Fig. 55). Tegmen evenly rounded (Fig. 98), longer than wide (w:l = 1:2.2), lateral row of setae visible from median fossa around apex, no concavity in apical 0.33, inner row of setae attaining apex in triangular fashion. Median lobe becoming narrow apically, 0.4 length of tegmen, apex acuminate (Fig. 141). Ejaculatory rods not fused to basal piece or each other, straight without medial concavity. Basal piece fused basally with elongate paired apical projections (Fig. 183).

Female genitalia well sclerotized. Paraprocts with sclerotization along median border. Gonocoxite with two basal lateral prominences. Gonocoxal apices with recurved “tooth” present but not well-developed. Several elongate setae originate from small depressions on lateral margin of gonocoxal apices. Numerous pores present laterally along gonocoxites (Fig. 221).

Variation. Denuded asetose central region only present on male hypopygidium.

Seasonality/Habitat. Collected from mid-April through August.

Distribution. Known from Dominican Republic on Hispaniola .

Notes. No host data available.

Etymology. Specific epithet is a derivative of the type locality, i.e. the Dominican Republic.


West Indian Beetle Fauna Project Collection


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Montana State Entomology Collection


Canadian Museum of Nature


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History











