Phyllobrotica lorestanica, Romantsov, 2019

Romantsov, P. V., 2019, A new Galerucinae species from Iran and new records for Iranian leaf beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), Zoosystematica Rossica (Zoosyst. Rossica) 28 (1), pp. 19-23 : 20-23

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scientific name

Phyllobrotica lorestanica

sp. nov.

Phyllobrotica lorestanica sp.nov.

( Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–6 , 7, 8, 16, 17 View Figs 7–17 )

Holotype. Male, Iran, “Iran, Lorestan Prov., Aligudarz County, / Besharat Distr., ca. 3.1 km WNW of / Gilan Vill ., env. of Durak Vill ., / N 33°06'42.4'', E 049°34'19.0'', / h= 1936 m, 17.VI.2018 / Prosvirov A. leg.” ( PR). GoogleMaps

Paratype. One female, same data as for holotype ( PR) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male (holotype). Body elongate, flattened, parallel-sided and glabrous. Head and antennae entirely pale brown. Pronotum, scutellum and elytra pale brown, elytra with two black round spots in the apical quarter. Prosternum pale brown, meso-, metasternum and abdomen black. Legs entirely pale brown. Front part of head impunctate, shining. Labrum transverse, with rounded lateral margins. Its anterior margin slightly concave in middle, with a few thin pale setae. Anterior margin of clypeus straight with a few long setae; nasal keel wide, glabrous, weakly convex. Frontal tubercles triangular, convex, contiguous, distinctly grooved medially, separated from vertex by straight distinct furrow. Eyes large, oval, strongly convex. Vertex impunctate, covered with microsculpture. Antennae robust, 0.67 times as long as body, length proportions of segments are as 20:8:12:17:15:14:13:13:12:12:15 (1 = 0.25 mm), width proportions (in the widest part) are as 8:5:7:7:7:7:6:6:6:6:6. Segments 1–10 slightly enlarged at distal parts, apical segment acuminate. Maxillary palps with penultimate segment enlarged, apical segment conical as long as previous segment. Pronotum 1.47 times as wide as long, widest at anterior third. Its surface impunctate, shining, with fine microsculpture. Anterior and posterior margins almost straight, lateral margins sinuate. Anterior angles nearly rectangular, posterior angles obtusely angular. Anterior margin unbordered, lateral and posterior margins bordered. Angles with setigerous pore bearing single long pale seta; lateral margins with a few extra short setae near angels. Scutellum triangular, impunctate, with fine microsculpture. Elytra 2 times as long as wide, parallel-sided, moderately dense covered with fine punctures and microsculpture. Humeral calli well-developed with sparse short erect hairs. Epipleura not developed. Legs slender, tibiae without apical spurs. Segment 1 of all tarsi enlarged, slightly wider than segment 3; segment 1 of hind tarsi 0.95 times as long as two following segments combined. Length proportions of tarsal segments 16:10:6:12 for fore tarsi, 19:11:6:13 for middle tarsi, and 20:11:6:14 for hind tarsi; width proportions of tarsal segments 1–3:11:7:10 for fore tarsi, 11:8:10 for middle tarsi, and 11:8:9 for hind tarsi. Claws appendiculate. Abdomen ( Fig. 17 View Figs 7–17 ) with two groups of long hairs in middle of ventrites 1–3. Ventrite 4 with narrow groove in middle. Ventrite 5 with elongate median cavity. Anterior coxal cavities open posteriorly. Aedeagus ( Figs 7, 8 View Figs 7–17 ) thin with narrow apex, in lateral view curved; length of aedeagus 2.0 mm. Body length 5.2 mm.

Female. Length of body 5.4 mm; coloration and punctation as in holotype but without microsculpture on pronotum. Segment 1 of all tarsi more elongate than in males, slightly narrower than segment 3. Abdomen with simple ventrites, without any depressions or groups of hairs. Spermatheca as in Fig. 16 View Figs 7–17 ; its length 0.25 mm.

Etymology. The name of the new species refers to the province of Lorestan where it was collected.

Differential diagnosis. The new species belongs to the species group with entirely yellow head and with a large black spot in the apical half of each elytron. Phyllobrotica lorestanica sp. n. is similar to P. binotata by orange scutellum, antennae and legs, but differs in narrow apex of aedeagus (in P. binotata aedeagus with extended apex), and coarser and denser punctation of elytra.

In the key of Phyllobrotica species (Bezděk, 2010), P. lorestanica sp. n. should be placed between P. binotata and P. adusta (the additional couplets to this key are inserted below).

1. Head yellow. Elytra with two large black spots in the apical half................................ 2

– Head at least partly black...................... 3

2. Scutellum, antennae and legs orange.......... 2a

– Scutellum, apical antennomeres, femora and middle and hind tibiae black. Dorsal view as in Fig. 5 View Figs 1–6 . Aedeagus as in Figs 11, 12 View Figs 7–17 . Body length 5.20–6.90 mm. Central, Southern and Eastern Europe........................................... P. adusta

2a. Elytra punctation less coarse and less dense. Dorsal view as in Figs 3, 4 View Figs 1–6 . Aedeagus expanded before apex with tip bent upwards ( Figs 9, 10 View Figs 7–17 ). Spermatheca as in Fig 15 View Figs 7–17 . Body length 4.90–5.60 mm. NE Turkey and Armenia....................... P. binotata

– Elytra punctation coarser and denser. Dorsal view as in Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–6 . Aedeagus narrowed apically with tip not bent upwards ( Figs 7, 8 View Figs 7–17 ). Spermatheca as in Fig 16. Body length 5.20–5.40 mm. Iran....................................... P. lorestanica sp. n.















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