Loboixyssimilis, Kim & Boxshall, 2020

Kim, Il-Hoi & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2020, Untold diversity: the astonishing species richness of the Notodelphyidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), a family of symbiotic copepods associated with ascidians (Tunicata), Megataxa 4 (1), pp. 1-6 : 536

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sp. nov.

Loboixyssimilis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 357 View FIGURE 357 , 358 View FIGURE 358 )

Typematerial. Holotype (intact ♀, MNHN-IU-2014- 21401 ) , paratypes (5 intact ♀♀, MNHN-IU-2014-21402), and dissected paratypes (2 ♀♀, figured) from Diplosoma multifidum (Sluiter, 1909) , CRRFOCDN 4382-W, Kotor, Palau Islands (07°19.60’N, 134°30.84’E), depth 1 m, 27 November 1996.

  Coxa Basis Exopod Endopod
Leg 1 0-0 1-1 1-0; 2, 1, 4 0-1; 0, 2, 4
Legs 2 & 3 0-0 1-0 1-0; 1-0; 3, 1, 5 0-0; 1, 2, 3
Leg 4 0-0 1-0 1-0; 1-0; 2, 1, 5 0-0; 1, 2, 2

Etymology. The name is derived from the Latin simil (=similar), referring to the similarity of the new species to L. pilosa sp. nov. and L. palauensis sp. nov.

Descriptionoffemale. Body ( Fig. 357A View FIGURE 357 ) swollen, surfacecoveredwithsetules.Prosome1.21mmlong;dorsal cephalic shield lacking posterolateral horn-like processes. Metasomeindistinctly 4-segmented by 3 constrictions dorsally and laterally; fourth pedigerous somite greatly expanded, forming spherical brood pouch, about 810 μm in diameter. Free urosome ( Fig. 357B View FIGURE 357 ) inserted into ventral surface of brood pouch; 5-segmented: genital and 4 abdominalsomites 30×139, 58×133, 53×121, 44×108, and 53×110 μm, respectively. Caudalramus ( Fig. 357B View FIGURE 357 ) broad, 1.24 times longer than wide (57×46 μm) and as long as anal somite, tapering, with rounded distal margin; armedwith 2 or 3 smallsetae.

Rostrum ( Fig. 357C View FIGURE 357 ) slightly longer than wide (100×91 μm); wider in proximal quarter, narrower and tapering in distal three-quarters; surface covered with setules.Antennule ( Fig. 357D View FIGURE 357 ) short, stronglytapering, 97 μm long, 7-segmented; armature formula uncertain due to similarity between setae and setules. Antenna ( Fig. 357E View FIGURE 357 ) 3-segmented; coxaandbasisunarmed; unsegmented endopod slender, 4.3 times longerthan wide (65×15 μm), aslongas basis; armedwith 5 smallsetae (arranged as 1, 2, and 2) plus small terminal claw, about 0.3 times as long as basis.

Labrum ( Fig. 357F View FIGURE 357 ) weak, with smooth, convex posteriormarginandpaired,setuloselobesposterolaterally. Mandible ( Fig. 357G View FIGURE 357 ) with 5 acute teeth and 1 setaon coxalgnathobase: basiswith 1 setaonmedial margin; exopod with 5 setae (outermost distal seta longer than other 4): endopod with 1 and 4 setae on first and second segments, respectively; 2 longer distal setae on second segment naked, other setae pinnate. Maxillule ( Fig. 357H View FIGURE 357 ) with basis and endopod fused; precoxal arthrite armed with 6 setae; coxal endite and epipodite lacking; fused basis and endopod armed with 1 medial and 3 distalsetae; exopodwith 4 setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 357I View FIGURE 357 ) 4- segmented; syncoxawith with 3, 2, and 2 setaeon first to third endites, respectively; basis with 1 thick seta and 1 small seta; endopod with 1 thick setaon first segment and 1 thick and 2 thin setae on second. Maxilliped ( Fig. 357J View FIGURE 357 ) as unsegmented lobe bearing 6 setae and outer distal ornamentation of minute spinules.

Legs 1–4 ( Fig. 358 View FIGURE 358 A-D) biramous with incompletely 2-segmented protopods; innercoxalsetaabsent. Leg 1 basis with inner distal seta. Endopods 2-segmented in legs 1–4; exopods obscurely segmented, with trace of articulation in leg 1, and traces of 2 articulations in legs 2–4. Protopods and rami of legs 1–4 ornamented with setules; all setae short and naked. Armature formula of legs 1–4 as follows:

Leg 5 ( Fig. 357B View FIGURE 357 ) rudimentary, bilobed; outer lobe tapering; each lobe tipped with small seta.

Male. Unknown.

Remarks. Loboixys similis sp. nov. is similar to L. palauensis sp. nov. in the possession of 6 setae on the arthrite of the maxillule, in the absence of a coxal epipodite on the same appendage, and in the possession of 2-segmented endopods inlegs 1–4. However, in L. similis sp. nov. the caudalramus is shorter (1.24 times longer than wide, compared to 1.6 times in L. palauensis sp. nov.) and has fewer setae, the setae on the maxillule are pinnate (cf. naked in L. palauensis sp. nov.), and there are fewer setae on legs 1–4 in L. similis sp. nov. than in L. palauensis sp. nov.

Loboixyssimilis sp. nov., L. pilosa sp. nov. and L. palauensis sp. nov. were all found living in association with the same ascidian host Diplosoma multifidum in the tropical Pacific. Theirdetailed differencesare summarised in Table 12 View TABLE 12 .















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