Lycianthes ceratocalycia (Donn.Sm.) Bitter (1919: 498)

Dean, Ellen A. & Reyes, Miriam, 2018, Lectotypification of names in the genus Lycianthes (Solanaceae), Phytotaxa 349 (1), pp. 39-46 : 40-41

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Felipe (2021-05-21 18:27:33, last updated 2024-11-29 12:48:09)

scientific name

Lycianthes ceratocalycia (Donn.Sm.) Bitter (1919: 498)


Lycianthes ceratocalycia (Donn.Sm.) Bitter (1919: 498) View in CoL

Brachistus ceratocalycius Donnell Smith (1909: 297) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— GUATEMALA. Alta Vera Paz: Bergwald bei Cobán, 1600 m, Jan 1908 , von Tuerckheim II 2060 ( US barcode 00624002!, isolectotypes BM barcode 000514916( BM) [digital photo!], E barcode E00190707 [digital photo!], F barcode 0072757F [digital photo!], M barcode M-0171534 [digital photo!], NY barcode 00007074 [digital photo!], US barcode 00624001!; image of the lectotype is available at /).

Nomenclatural notes:— Donnell Smith (1909) cited one gathering in the protologue: von Tuerckheim II 2060 with no herbarium specified. We traced several specimens in the herbaria BM, E, F, M, NY, and US belonging to the cited gathering: Tuerckheim II 2060 ( US barcode 00624002), BM barcode 000514916( BM), E barcode E00190707, F barcode 0072757F, M barcode M-0171534, NY barcode 00007074, US barcode 00624001). These specimens completely agree with the protologue and with the current application of the name ( Gentry & Standley 1974) and can be safely considered as original material (Art. 9.3. of the ICN, McNeill et al. 2012). One of the von Tuerckheim II 2060 specimens at US ( US No. 1335153 [barcode 00624002]) is selected here as the lectotype for the name Brachistus ceratocalycius .

Taxonomic notes:— Lycianthes ceratocalycia is an herb to shrub with purple, stellate corollas that occurs in southern Mexico and Guatemala. It was under-collected until quite recently and mainly known from the type specimens. One of its most distinctive characters is a rough, scurfy texture on the young branches formed by horizontal indentations .

Bitter, G. (1919) Die Gattung Lycianthes. Abhandlungen Herausgegeban vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen 24: 292 - 520.

Donnell Smith, J. (1909) Undescribed plants from Guatemala and other Central American Republics XXXII. Botanical Gazette 48: 294 - 300. https: // doi. org / 10.1086 / 330014

Gentry, J. L. Jr. & Standley, P. C. (1974) Solanaceae. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany 24 (part 10) no. 1 - 2. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1 - 151.

McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R., Buck, W. R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud'Homme Van Reine, W. F., Smith, G. F., Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. [Regnum Vegetabile 154]. Gantner, Ruggell, 240 pp.


Bristol Museum


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden











