Bicellaria italica, Barták, Miroslav & Kubík, Štěpán, 2013

Barták, Miroslav & Kubík, Štěpán, 2013, Species of Bicellaria Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) of Europe, with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 3647 (2), pp. 251-278 : 260-261

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scientific name

Bicellaria italica

sp. nov.

Bicellaria italica sp. nov.

( Figs 15–16 View FIGURES 9 – 16 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE 3, Italy, Monti del Matese, pasture, 41°25'27''N, 14°27'20''E, 1550 m, 18.viii.2004, M. Barták (CULSP). PARATYPES: Andorra , 53, Pyrenees, Pto de Envalira, meadow nr. wood, 42°35'N, 1°40'E, 1400m, M. Barták (CULSP). Austria, 13, Lienz, 5 km E, edge of wood, 46°50'N, 12°45'E, 31.vii.1988, M. Barták (CULSP). France, 143, Fabian, pasture nr. brook, 42°48'N, 0°11'E, 9.vii.1990, 1100 m, M. Barták (CULSP); 13, Ax-les-Thermes, along river, 42°44'N, 1°50'E, 8.vii. 1990, 750 m, M. Barták (CULSP). Italy, 63, same data as holotype (CULSP); 83, Mte. Terminillo, meadow nr. wood, 42°26'N, 13°07'E, 2000 m, 4.viii.1988, M. Barták (CULSP); 183, S. Martino, spruce wood, 46°11'N, 11°41'E, 1300–1500 m, 8.viii.1988, M. Barták (CULSP); 13, Lago di S. Croce, deciduous wood nr. lake, 46°07'N, 12°20'E, 1.viii.1988, M. Barták (CULSP); 93, Weisslahnbad, edge of forest, 46°28'40''N, 11°34'11''E, 1400 m, 4.vii.2011, M. Barták (CULSP); 23, S. Stefano di Cadore, fiuma Piave, viii.1979, G. Raffone (MSNV).

Diagnosis. Mesoscutum black setose; third antennal segment with dorsal seta; abdomen pale setose on sides of basal segments; halter yellow; male hypandrial processes swollen apically, with several rather long setae on apical part; female abdominal segments 6–7 nearly completely microtrichose.

Description. Male. Head black, brownish-grey microtrichose, black setose (lower occiput with pale setae). Eyes meeting on frons, facets on dorsal half much larger than on ventral half, about 11–14 facets in line of contiguity of eyes. One pair of long black ocellar setae. Face slightly narrowing ventrally, dorsal part just below antennae about 0.05 mm broad and ventral part about 0.04 mm broad at narrowest point. Palpus short, brown, with 2–3 setae. Labrum brown, lustrous. Antenna black, second segment short setose (longest ventral setae about 0.10 mm); third segment with single elongate dorsal seta; ratio of broad part of segment 3: narrow part of segment 3: stylus (in 0.01 mm scale) = 13–15: 4–5: 19–22. Thorax black to brownish black, microtrichose, prescutellar area and scutellum lighter than disc of mesoscutum, light prescutellar area triangular-shaped reaching hind acrostichals. All thoracic setae black, only fringes on squama mostly pale. Chaetotaxy: acrostichals broadly biserial (7–8 setae in each row) and long even in presutural area (about 0.10–0.13 mm in front but longer posteriorly); dorsocentrals nearly evenly long, about 5–7 setae in posthumeral and intrahumeral areas; 1 long and several slightly shorter postpronotals; notopleura with 3–5 unequally long setae in one irregular row; 1 supraalar and 0–1 seta in prealar area; 1 long postalar; 2 pairs of scutellars. Legs including coxae black, microtrichose and black setose (only hind coxa with several pale setae posteriorly). Fore femur with row of short anteroventrals in basal half and row of longer posteroventrals along whole length (half as long as depth of femur). Fore tibia with longest posterodorsals 1.5X as long as depth of tibia, posteroventrals about as long as depth of tibia (much longer than very short pilosity). Mid femur with row of short anteroventrals (one third as long as depth of femur) and with much longer posteroventrals about as long as depth of femur. Mid tibia with ventral setae equally long (about as long as depth of tibia) and with 1–2 antero- and 0–1 posterodorsal setae up to 3X as long as depth of tibia (0.20 mm). Hind femur slender (0.10 mm), with 14–16 dorsal and 16–19 anteroventral setae up to 2X as long as depth of femur (on basal part, apically shorter) and with much smaller posteroventrals. Hind tibia very slightly and evenly swollen in apical half (0.11 mm at broadest point), dorsal and ventral setae slightly longer than depth of tibia. Tarsi of all legs thin and short setose. Wing slightly brownish infuscated, stigma dark brown (0.06 mm broad), about 3.6X as long as distance between tips of veins R1 and R2+3. Squama brown with pale fringes, halter yellow. Abdomen black, brownish-grey microtrichose, setae on basal segments and ventrally pale, on apical segments and dorsally dark. Genitalia ( Figs 15–16 View FIGURES 9 – 16 ) with hypandrial processes swollen and with several rather long setae apically; both phallic hooks almost equally long, right one more sharply bent. Female. Similar to male. Tergites 6–7 nearly entirely microtrichose, sternite 8 lustrous. Length: body 2.8–3.9 mm, wing 2.7–3.4 mm.

Etymology. The species is named after the country of origin ( Italy).

Distribution. Andorra , Austria, France, Italy.

Remarks. The species described above is a member of the B. austriaca complex of species as defined by Chvála (1991), for characters see under B. austriaca . Males of all four species of this complex ( B. italica , B. austriaca , B. intermedia , B. collini ) may be easily identified according to the key due to different genitalia. However, identification of females is difficult. In fact we found no characters to reliably differentiate B. italica sp. nov. from B. intermedia (originally described from Denmark). From this reason females were excluded from the type series of the above described species as well as from the faunistic records of B. intermedia .













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