Pedicularis pycnantha Boiss. ( Boissier 1853: 45 )

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 88

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1


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scientific name

Pedicularis pycnantha Boiss. ( Boissier 1853: 45 )


36. Pedicularis pycnantha Boiss. ( Boissier 1853: 45) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“Hab. in monte Totschal propè Teheran ad nives Kotschy pl. exs. Pers. bor. N º 166”.

Type:— IRAN. Tehran, Tochal Mountain , 17 May 1843, C. G. T. Kotschy 166 (lectotype P02977092!, designated here) ; isolectotypes GOET011057!, FI009746!, K000708795!, M0188756 !, P02977083!, W0029524!, WAG0004805 !

Notes:— Boissier (1853) described Pedicularis pycnantha based on the specimens collected by C. G. T. Kotschy from Tochal Mountain, Tehran, Iran. Eight specimens collected by C. G. T. Kotschy from Tochal Mountain, Tehran (GOET011057, FI009746, K000708795, M0188756, P02977092, P02977083, W0029524 and WAG0004805) were traced. Of these, the best preserved specimen P02977092, contains well develop stem, leaves and inflorescence is designated here as the lectotype.

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