Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 52 )

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 88

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1


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scientific name

Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 52 )


33. Pedicularis porrecta Wall. ex Benth. ( Bentham 1835: 52) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“Hab. in Kamaon, Wallich, ad Shalma et versus Cashmere, Royle ”.

Type:— INDIA. Uttarakhand: Kumaon, s.d., Wallich cat. n. 423 (lectotype K000739153!, designated here) ; isolectotypes BM000885875!, CAL!, E00273590!, E00273591!, K000739151!, K001111003!, L2886793!, M0188759 !, PH 00020155 !

Syntype:— INDIA. Jammu & Kashmir: 1835, Royle s.n. (K000739154!).

Notes:— Pedicularis porrecta was described by Bentham (1835) based on the specimens of Wallich and Royle. Pertaining to the type specification given in the protologue, ten specimens of Wallich from Kumaon (BM000885875, CAL, E00273590, E00273591, K000739151, K000739153, K001111003, L2886793, M0188759 and PH 00020155) and one of Royle from Kashmir (K000739154) were traced. Of these, the better preserved specimen K000739153 from herbarium Benthamianum, is designated here as the lectotype. The date 1829 mentioned on the sheet K000739153, is the one of inclusion of this specimen in the Wallich catalogue (Wallich cat. n. 423), not the year of collection.

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