Neopedies Hebard, 1931

Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Acosta, Riuler Corrêa, Timm, Vítor Falchi & Zefa, Edison, 2021, Neopedies taimensis n. sp. of Brazilian Dichroplini (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Melanoplinae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Zootaxa 5081 (4), pp. 483-504 : 492

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5081.4.2

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scientific name

Neopedies Hebard, 1931


Key to species of Neopedies Hebard, 1931 View in CoL

1. Epiproct triangular with two conspicuous protuberances in the distal region; furculae highly developed, sclerotized and arranged in an inverted V-shape; male cerci subquadragular enlarged in basal and apical region, extremities indented and sclerotized; ancorae developed; lophi triangular with median reentrancy very protruding, distinct undulation in the basal region, sclerotized and posterior projections divergent; female subgenital plate in ventrally with median projection developed, the sides are small and posterior edge slightly sclerotized.......................................................... N. taimensis View in CoL n. sp.

- Epiproct triangular without protuberances in the distal region; furculae little developed and not sclerotized; the distal half of male cerci with obtuse angle and thickened at apex; ancorae little developed or to null; lophi subretangular with sparse median reentrancy and without sclerotization and posterior projections no divergent; female subgenital plate ventrally with median projection very little developed; the sides absent and posterior edge not sclerotized........................ N. brunneri View in CoL

2. Furculae absent....................................................................................... .. 3

- Furculae present...................................................................................... .. 4

3. Pronotum with parallel lateral and posterior edges with ample emargination. Epiproct wider than long, pentagonal, sulci median longitudinal ample and sides curved. Cerci with little dorsal curvature, semi flatted and acute apex. Lophi triangular and long, with inner extremes of dorsal edge curveted. Female subgenital plate with lateral projections in posterior edge short................................................................................................. N. acutifrons View in CoL

- Pronotum with not parallel lateral and posterior edges with slender emargination. Epiproct triangular, lateral edges wavy and sulci median longitudinal slender. Cerci with very particular form 2/3 quadrangular basal and digitiform projection. Lophi quadrangular and short. Female subgenital plate with lateral projection in posterior edge sharpened in lateral view................................................................................................... N. digitatus View in CoL

4. Furculae digitiform.................................................................................... 5

- Furculae not digitiform................................................................................. 6

5. Fastigium with prominent, sulcate and expanded apex. Pronotum not expanded, posterior edge with slight emargination. Cerci without basal projection and curved half. Epiproct triangular with median sulci narrow and two apical lobes. Lophi projected on its dorsal edge almost contiguous. Female subgenital plate ventrally with lateral projection short and sharp.................................................................................................... N. noroestensis View in CoL

- Fastigium little prominent not sulcate and rounded apex. Pronotum slightly expanded, posterior edge straight. Cerci with basal projection in middle third. Epiproct pentagonal with median sulci longitudinal narrow all the extension and without lobes. Posterior epiphallus projections with development latero-posterior. Lophi projected on its dorsal edge almost contiguous. Female subgenital plate ventrally without lateral projection............................................ N. guarani View in CoL

6. Epiproct with apical lobes in distal region................................................................... 7

- Epiproct without apical lobes in distal region............................................................... 8

7. Pronotum with emargination in posterior edge with two basal paramedian depressions. Cerci with basal digitiforme projections. Furculae short and triangular; Lophi triangular; Female subgenital plate ventrally with a pair of the lateral projections in posterior edge.............................................................................. N. orientalis View in CoL

7´. Pronotom with large emargination in anterior edge. Cerci without basal projections. Furculae short not triangular, continuous and sharp apex. Lophi digitiform; female subgenital plate ventrally with light or null projections......... N. riograndensis View in CoL

8. Epiproct pentagonal................................................................................... 9

8´. Epiproct triangular................................................................................... 10

9. Pronotum posterior edge with emargination. Furculae with marked divergence and lightly projected on blunt tips. Ancorae well developed and convergent. Female subgenital plate ventrally without lateral projections of curved contour on its posterior edge.................................................................................. N. matogrossensis View in CoL

9´. Pronotum posterior edge without emargination. Furculae widely separated, divergent with sharp apex. Ancorae well developed and parallel. Female subgenital plate ventrally without lateral projections with posterior edge................... N. gigas View in CoL

10. Fastigium with large sulcate. Pronotum with posterior edge slightly emarginated, almost straight. Furculae reduced into two small malons on either side of the medial sulci. Epiproct triangular. Ancorae triangular well developed perpendicularly. Lophi short, perpendicular to the disc. Female subgenital plate ventrally with lateral projections short............ N. megacercis View in CoL











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