Philonthus tetragonocephalus, Notman, 1924
publication ID |
0003-0090 |
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Felipe (2024-07-18 18:43:14, last updated by Juliana 2024-07-29 16:54:43) |
scientific name |
Philonthus tetragonocephalus |
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tetragonocephalus Notman, 1924 View in CoL , see: rectangulus Sharp, 1874 .
tetramerus Fauvel, 1878f: 265 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Nouvelle-Guinée, Hatam).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
tetricus Bernhauer, 1933a: 42 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Tatsienlu-Kiulung).
thailandicus Cameron, 1946a: 684 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Siam: Renong ).
thaseus Coiffait, 1976 , see: juvenilis Peyron, 1858 .
thermarum Aubé, 1850 , see: Gabronthus .
thermicola Cameron, 1947 , see: Gabrius .
thessalicus Roubal, 1916 [Note: Nomen nudum], see: carbonarius Gravenhorst, 1802 .
thessalonicus Coiffait [Note: Nomen nudum], 1963, see: Bisnius .
theveneti Horn, 1884: 194 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: California; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Also cited from Nevada).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Hatch, 1957: 190 ( Philonthus ; characters; British Columbia; Washington; Oregon; Idaho).
— J. B. Campbell and Hermanussen, 1974: 356 ( Philonthus ; natural history and predatory habits).
— Smetana, 1995e: 274 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation: Cal [California]; characters; California; Nevada; Oregon) .
thoracicus Gravenhorst, 1802: 170 ( Staphylinus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: America septentr.; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).
— Gravenhorst, 1806: 71 ( Staphylinus ; characters).
— Erichson, 1840: 481 ( Philonthus ; characters; America septentrionalis).
— Horn, 1884: 199 ( Philonthus ; characters; Gulf States; Michigan; Kansas).
— Blatchley, 1910: 384 ( Philonthus ; characters; Indiana).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Smetana, 1995e: 380 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation; characters; notes; Alberta; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Ontario; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Arkansas; Colorado; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Minnesota; Missouri; Nebraska; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Pennsylvania; South Dakota; Texas; Utah; Virginia; Wisconsin) .
— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 379 ( Philonthus ; characters; USA).
— Herman, 2001: 47 ( Philonthus ; although a junior primary homonym, prevailing use as valid maintained pending outcome of application to Commission under Article 23.9.5).
thoracicus Melsheimer, 1844 , see: Bisnius .
thoracicus Coiffait, 1979 , see: arabiensis Herman, 2001 .
tibialis Eppelsheim, 1876 , see: juvenilis Peyron, 1858 .
tienmuschanensis Bernhauer, 1939 k: 591 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: N. W. China: Tienmuschan ).
— Coiffait, 1967a: 411 ( Philonthus ; cited as tiemuschanensis; characters; China).
— Coiffait, 1974: 290 ( Philonthus ; cited as tiemuschanensis; characters; China).
tilakholensis Coiffait, 1982: 65 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Nepal: Ufer des Tila Khola ,
bei Jumla).
tillius Smetana, 1995e: 428 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Manitoba: Winnipeg. Also cited from
Alberta, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming).
timorensis Scheerpeltz, 1978: 207 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: La Queco, Timor).
- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.
tiro Sharp, 1874 , see: Hesperus .
tirolensis Luze, 1903 , see: Gabrius .
titschacki Bernhauer, 1941c: 286 [= 1951: 276] ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Süd-Peru:
Hac. Huayuri).
toenianus Mulsant and Rey, 1876 , see: micans Gravenhorst, 1802 .
tomicus Tottenham, 1962: 225 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Cameroon: Bamenda ).
— Tottenham, 1961: 204 ( Philonthus ; Senegal).
- DISTRIBUTION: Cameroon, Senegal.
tottenhami Last, 1953: 114 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Natal: Qudeni Forest).
— Tottenham, 1962: 164 ( Philonthus ; characters).
- DISTRIBUTION: South Africa.
toxopeanus Cameron, 1952: 248 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: New Guinea: Snow Mountains: Rattan Camp, 1150 m).
toxopei Cameron, 1937: 14 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Java: Tjibodas , alt. 1400 m).
- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.
tractatoides Schillhammer, 2000: 148 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Bhutan: Thimpu District Taba, 2800 m. Also cited from Nepal).
- DISTRIBUTION: Bhutan, Nepal.
tractatus Eppelsheim, 1895c: 61 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Simla im Himalaya).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Cameron, 1928c: 563 ( Philonthus ; Sikkim; Tibet).
— Cameron, 1932: 82 ( Philonthus ; characters; Tibet; India).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1364 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Coiffait, 1982: 30 ( Philonthus ; Nepal).
— Coiffait, 1984e: 373 ( Philonthus ; Nepal).
— Schillhammer, 1999a: 62 ( Philonthus ).
— Schillhammer, 2000: 146 ( Philonthus ; characters; China; Nepal).
- DISTRIBUTION: Bhutan, India, Nepal, China.
proximatus Schubert, 1908: 616 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Kulu, Himalaya).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 351 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Cameron, 1928c: 563 ( Philonthus ; Sikkim; Tibet).
— Cameron, 1932: 82 ( Philonthus ; characters; India).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1356 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Coiffait, 1977b: 208 ( Philonthus ; Bhutan).
— Schillhammer, 1999a: 62 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tractatus ).
— Schillhammer, 2000: 146 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tractatus ).
cupreipennis Cameron, 1926b: 350 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: West Almora; Dhauli Ganga, 9520 feet).
— Cameron, 1932: 82 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tractatus ).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1364 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tractatus ).
— Schillhammer, 2000: 146 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tractatus ).
traili Sharp, 1876 , see: Paederomimus .
transbaicalia Hochhuth, 1851: 10 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Dahurien; [Note: See lectotype designation by Gusarov, 1992a]).
— Motschulsky, 1860b: 121 ( Philonthus ; cited as transbaicalicus; eastern Siberia ).
— Hochhuth, 1862: 53 ( Philonthus ; characters; Russia).
— Fauvel, 1875a: XXIX [= 1875b: 231] ( Philonthus ; cited as transbaicalicus; synonym of suturalis ).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; cited as transbaicalicus; synonym of suturalis ).
— Smetana, 1967d: 202 ( Philonthus ; cited as transbaicalicus; synonym of suturalis ).
— Coiffait, 1974: 302 ( Philonthus ; cited as transbaicalus; synonym of suturalis ).
— Gusarov, 1992a: 785 [= 1993a: 74] ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation).
— Schillhammer, 2000: 157 ( Philonthus ; characters; Russia; Mongolia; China).
— Herman, 2001: 48 ( Philonthus ; valid name for species).
- DISTRIBUTION: Russia, Mongolia.
suturalis Nordmann, 1837: 91 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Sibiria; Rossia orientalis).
— Erichson, 1840: 459 ( Philonthus ; characters; Siberia ; Russia orientalis).
— Poppius, 1909: 23 ( Philonthus ; Lena Valley, Siberia ).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1363 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Smetana, 1963c: 293 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Scheerpeltz, 1964: 28 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Smetana, 1965e: 171 ( Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Coiffait, 1967a: 437 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Kenonthus ; characters; central Asia; Lake Baikal).
— Smetana, 1967d: 202 ( Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Coiffait, 1974: 302 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Kenonthus ; characters; Siberia ; Mongolia; Russia).
— Smetana 1975c: 169 ( Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Shilov, 1976: 147 ( Philonthus ; Mongolia).
— Schillhammer, 2000: 157 ( Philonthus ; synonym of transbaicalia ).
— Herman, 2001: 48 ( Philonthus ; synonym of transbaicalia ).
trapeziceps Scheerpeltz, 1960c: 107 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Bolivien: Yungas de Palmar , 1250 m).
trapeziceps Scheerpeltz, 1965 , see: ottoi Herman, 2001 .
trepidus Erichson, 1840: 489 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Ins. St. John Portorico; [ Note :
See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1994]. Originally cited from Americae ins.
St. Johannis; Puerto Rico).
— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 589 ( Philonthus ; synonym of havaniensis ).
— Fauvel, 1891: 115 ( Philonthus ; synonym of suspectus ).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 340 ( Philonthus ; synonym of havaniensis ).
— Blackwelder, 1943: 418 ( Philonthus ; synonym of havaniensis ).
— Smetana, 1994: 345 ( Philonthus ; characters; lectotype designation: Ins. St. John Portorico; listed as valid species; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands; Antigua) .
- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.
triangulum Horn, 1884: 202 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: California; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Also cited from Washington Territory ; Nevada).
— Fall and Cockerell, 1907: 166 ( Philonthus ; New Mexico).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Hatch, 1957: 185 ( Philonthus ; characters; British Columbia; Washington; Oregon; Idaho).
— Smetana, 1995e: 338 ( Philonthus ; characters; lectotype designation: Cal [ California ]; British Columbia ; Arizona ; California ; Colorado ; Idaho ; Missouri ; Nevada ; Oregon ; Utah; Washington; Mexico) .
- DISTRIBUTION: Canada, USA, Mexico.
tricoloricornis Coiffait, 1977 , see: Craspedomerus .
tricoloris Schubert, 1908: 620 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Palumbus, Himalaya).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Cameron, 1932: 113 ( Philonthus ; synonym of aeneipennis ).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1331 ( Philonthus ; synonym of aeneipennis ).
— Gridelli, 1934: 74 ( Philonthus ; characters; Karakoram region).
— Cerruti, 1951: 16 ( Philonthus ; India).
— Scheerpeltz, 1965: 107 ( Philonthus ; valid species; Burma).
— Scheerpeltz, 1976: 34 ( Philonthus ; Nepal).
— Scheerpeltz, 1976a: 87 ( Philonthus ; synonym of aeneipennis ).
- DISTRIBUTION: “Karakorum region”, India, Nepal, Myanmar.
trilobatus Tottenham, 1949b: 335 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Lubero).
trinitatis Blackwelder, 1943: 418 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Trinidad: St. Augustine ).
- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.
tripunctatus Cameron, 1919 , see: donckieri Bernhauer, 1915 .
tripunctatus Coiffait, 1960 [Note: Nomen nudum], see: montivagus Heer, 1839 .
triseriatus Bernhauer, 1928 , see: Mentophilonthus .
tristichus Cameron, 1929: 62 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Haut Uele: Mauda; Dika).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1365 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Tottenham, 1962: 158 ( Philonthus ; aedeagus).
tristipennis Bernhauer, 1941c: 289 [= 1951: 278] ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Süd Peru: Querobamba, 3520 m; Pampa de Cangallo, 3450 m).
trisulensis Coiffait, 1982 , see: azuripennis Cameron, 1928 .
trochanterinus Sharp, 1885: 417 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Guatemala).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
- DISTRIBUTION: Guatemala.
trochilus Solsky, 1872: 299 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Venezuela).
— Fauvel, 1891: 114 ( Philonthus ; Venezuela).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 358 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
- DISTRIBUTION: Venezuela.
trossuloides Cameron, 1933 , see: Gabrius .
trossulus Nordmann, 1837 , see: Gabrius .
trunculus Herman, 2001: 48 ( Philonthus ; replacement name for analis Fauvel ).
analis Fauvel, 1907: 46 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Nairobi).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 328 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
— Herman, 2001: 48 ( Philonthus ; synonym of trunculus ).
truquii Peyron, 1858: 427 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Not cited, presumably Tarsous ).
— Baudi, 1870: 386 ( Philonthus ; characters).
— Fauvel, 1874: 258 [= 1874a: 484] ( Philonthus ; synonym of micans ).
— Ganglbauer, 1895: 457 ( Philonthus ; synonym of micans ).
— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 346 ( Philonthus ; synonym of micans ).
— Jarrige, 1951a: 7, 9 ( Philonthus ; valid species; characters).
— Smetana, 1954b: 178 ( Philonthus ; valid species; Turkey).
— Coiffait, 1963: 12 ( Paragabrius ).
— Coiffait, 1974: 97 ( Paragabrius ; characters; Turkey).
- DISTRIBUTION: Turkey, Syria.
sahlbergorum Renkonen, 1937: 76 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Syrien: Sanamein ).
— Coiffait, 1974: 97 ( Paragabrius ; synonym of truquii ).
tuberculatus Coiffait, 1974 , see: wuesthoffi Bernhauer, 1939 .
tucumanensis Bernhauer, 1927e: 245 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Tucuman, San Pedro Colaloo ).
— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1365 ( Philonthus ; catalog).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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