Celesterion reticulatum, Hansson, 2020

Hansson, Christer, 2020, Two new Eulophinae genera (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) from the Neotropical region, Zootaxa 4877 (1), pp. 185-194 : 190-192

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Plazi (2021-01-07 13:51:49, last updated 2024-11-27 17:56:05)

scientific name

Celesterion reticulatum

sp. nov.

Celesterion reticulatum sp. nov.

Figs 11–18 View FIGURES 11–14 View FIGURES 15–18

Description (female holotype). Length 1.2 mm. Head with lower face smooth, clypeus with weak reticulation; frons with weak reticulation, antennal scrobes indistinct but with median part of frons sunk to fit the antennae, nonsunken parts close to eyes with scattered setae. Vertex with weak reticulation and with scattered setae. Propodeal callus with nine setae. Fore wing with speculum present and closed below and towards base of wing; costal cell with four setae close to antero-apical margin, and with a complete row, consisting of nine setae, on ventral surface. Gaster ovate with apex ±pointed.

Colour. Head and mesosoma dark brown, non-metallic. Antennae yellowish-brown with dorsal part of pedicel and flagellum darker. Legs with coxae pale brown, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi yellowish-brown. Wings hyaline. Gaster dorsally pale brown, ventrally yellowish-brown, lateral parts of tergites dark brown.

Ratios. Head: width/length (dorsal view) 1.68; width/length (frontal view) 1.23; POL/OOL 4.67; POL/posterior ocellus width 2.0; head width/mesosoma width 1.23; mouth width/malar space 1.54; malar space/eye height 0.25; scape length/eye height 0.55; flagellum+pedicel length/mesosoma width 0.81; scape length/width 4.40; F1 length/width 1.0; F2 length/width 0.50; F3 length/width 0.63; F4 length/width 0.63; clava length/width 1.75; clava width/F1 width 1.60; pedicel length/F1 length 1.80; F1 width/pedicel width 1.0. Mesosoma: length/width 1.38; midlobe mesoscutum length/mesoscutellum length 1.37; dorsellum length/propodeum length 0.60; mesoscutellum length/width 0.87; fore wing length/width 2.21; costal cell length/width 14.0; costal cell length/marginal vein length 0.89; marginal vein length/stigmal vein length 5.88; postmarginal vein length/stigmal vein length 0.80. Metasoma: gaster length/width 1.57; gaster length/mesosoma length 1.31; Gt 7 length/width 0.36.

Variation in paratypes. Length 1.1–1.4mm. Head and mesosoma dark brown to black. Coxae dark yellowishbrown to pale brown. Gaster dorsally dark brown with median ⅓ yellowish-brown to completely dark brown.

Male. Length 1.1 mm. Eyes smaller (malar space/eye height = 0.40, vs 0.25 in female), but otherwise as in female.

Ratios. Head: width/length (dorsal view) 1.23; width/length (frontal view) 0.88; POL/OOL 3.50; head width/ mesosoma width 0.77; mouth width/malar space 1.58; malar space/eye height 0.40; scape length/eye height 0.67; flagellum+pedicel length/mesosoma width 1.02; scape length/width 2.86; F1 length/width 1.0; F2 length/width 0.67; F3 length/width 0.71; F4 length/width 0.71; clava length/width 2.29; clava width/F1 width 1.17. Mesosoma: length/width 1.46. Metasoma: gaster length/width 1.76; gaster length/mesosoma length 1.26.

Distribution. Belize, Costa Rica.

Etymology. The species name refers to the very strong reticulation on thoracic dorsum.

Material. Holotype female labelled “ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Reserva Privada Karen Mogensen , 9º52′N, 85º03′W, 305 m, 19–20.ii.2009, J.S. Noyes, NHM(Ent) 2010-20”, deposited in NHMUK GoogleMaps . Paratypes (62♀ 2♂): following from same locality as holotype but collected 18.iii–4.iv.2003 (1♀), 11–21.ii.2005 (2♀), 24.ii.2007 (2♀), 19–20.ii.2009 (1♀), 17–18.ii.2011 (5♀), 23–24.ii.2013 (1♀), 19–20.ii.2016 (2♀), 12.ii.2018 (11♀) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ “COS- TA RICA, Alajuela, Parque Nacional Arenal, Sendero Mena , 600 m, 17.iv–19.v.2001, G. Carballo, LN 454170_ 271800, #62409” GoogleMaps ; 24♀ 1♂ “ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, R. V. S. Bosque Diriá, 200 m, 14–15.ii.2011, J.S. Noyes, BMNH (Ent) 2011-93” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, 18km N Liberia, Buena Vista Lodge , 770 m, 10º48’N, 85º24’W, 15–17.ii.2016, J.S. Noyes, BMNH (Ent) 2016-79” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Palo Verde , 40 m, LN 260952_385020, 2–10.ix.1999, I. Jiménez, #53253” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Parque Na- cional Santa Rosa, Bosque Humedo , 10°51’N, 87°37’W, 300 m, 21.ii.2003, J.S.Noyes ” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA, Here- dia, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Estación Biológica La Selva , 100–200 m, 30–31.iii.2002, J. Azofeifa Zuñiga, swept, LN 264463_532850, #67193” ; 3♀ “ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Carara , 9º46′N, 84º57′W, 41 m, 1–7.iii.2005, C. Hansson ” GoogleMaps ; 3♀ 1♂ “ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, RA Cabo Blanco , 09º35’N, 85º06’W, 30 m, 16–17.ii.2009, J.S. Noyes ” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ “ BELIZE: Airport Compound , 21.ii–2.iii.1982, Grimshaw” ( NHMUK) . Paratypes deposited in MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK .

Gallery Image

FIGURES 11–14. Celesterion reticulatum sp. nov., females; 11 body in dorsal view, paratype; 12 body in lateral view, holotype; 13 right wing pair, paratype; 14 head in frontal view, paratype.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 15–18. Celesterion reticulatum sp. nov., paratypes; 15 head+mesosoma in dorsal view, female; 16 propodeum in dorsal view, female; 17 head+antenna in lateral view, female; 18 antenna in lateral view, male.


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