Protoptila jolandae, Holzenthal & Blahnik, 2006

Holzenthal, Ralph W. & Blahnik, Roger J., 2006, The caddisfly genus Protoptila in Costa Rica (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae), Zootaxa 1197, pp. 1-37 : 19-24

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Plazi (2019-04-18 11:46:18, last updated 2024-11-27 07:13:15)

scientific name

Protoptila jolandae

sp. nov.

Protoptila jolandae , new species

Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11

The most diagnostic character of this species is the structure of the phallicata, which is distinctively shaped, wide preapically, as viewed laterally, and very narrow basally as viewed dorsoventrally. The apex, in dorsal view, is distinctly widened. Other characters, such as the elongate, apically bifurcate processes of tergum X, the shape of the paramere spine, and the elongate, narrowed ventral apex of sternum VIII together help diagnose the species.

Adult. Length of forewing: male 2.9 mm. Color brown (in alcohol), wing markings indistinct.

Male genitalia. Sternum VI process prominent, slightly curved, longer than wide, apex subacute. Tergum VIII posterior margin with row of relatively short setae; sternum VIII strongly produced ventrally, not bifurcate apically, strongly narrowed, apex weakly emarginate. Segment IX with anterior margin broadly rounded; sternum IX medially posteriorly, long, narrow, apex acute; posterolateral margin of segment IX without processes. Preanal appendages absent. Tergum X divided mesally to form sclerotized lateral parts forming elongate sinuous apically acute process. Phallobase dorsally with large, semicircular, laterally compressed apodeme; ventrally with short, rod­like, articulated appendages with apical setae, appendages fitting into sclerotized pockets on ventral margin of phallobase; posteroventral margin of phallobase with short, paired, upturned, apically acute basal processes, but without dorsolateral processes; paramere short, wide, membranous, paramere spine short, setose, attenuate apically; phallicata short, sinuous, wide basally in lateral view, compressed and narrow basally in dorsal view, apex widened, bulbous; endophallus membranous, enlarged when everted; phallotremal sclerite lightly sclerotized, an incomplete basal ring, with curved, apicomesal projection.

Holotype male: COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Reserva Forestal San Ramón, Río San Lorencito & tribs., 10°12’58”N, 084°36’25”W, el. 980 m, 6­10.iii.1991, Holzenthal, Muñoz, Huisman ( UMSP000019035 View Materials ) ( UMSP). GoogleMaps

Etymology. We are pleased to name this species for Jolanda Huisman, whose brilliant idea it was to hoist a light trap into the forest canopy where the only specimen of this new species was collected.

Protoptila kjeri , new species

Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12

This species is somewhat similar to P. altura , including the branched and spine­like development of the apices of the apical section of tergum X, the elongate, paired processes from the posterolateral margins of sternum IX and the general shape and bifurcate apex of sternum VIII. However, in P. kjeri these structures are all quite differently developed. In particular, the dorsal branch of the apex of the apical section of tergum X is elongate and narrowed, but not bifurcate. A very diagnostic character of P. kjeri is the development of the apex of the phallicata, which has elongate, paired, curved apicoventral spines and short, paired preapical spines on the ventral margin.

Adult. Length of forewing: male 3.0– 3.2 mm; female 3.1–3.6 mm. Color brown (in alcohol), wing markings indistinct.

Male genitalia. Sternum VI process relatively short, slightly curved, subtriangular, apex acute. Tergum VIII posterior margin with row of elongate setae; sternum VIII strongly produced ventrally, distinctly bifurcate apically, branches acute apically, narrow, digitate, moderately elongate; dorsolateral margin of sternum VIII acutely produced preapically. Segment IX with anterior margin broadly rounded; sternum IX slightly medially produced posteriorly, downcurved, fused within sternum VIII; posterolateral margin of segment IX with long, narrow processes, strongly bowed upward and outward from base in lateral view, converging apically, apex attenuate, slightly curved. Preanal appendages absent. Tergum X divided mesally to form sclerotized lateral parts with basal and apical sections; basal section subquadrate, about as long as wide, apical section short, divided apically to form prominent acuminate dorsal projection and short sinuous acuminate ventral projection. Phallobase dorsally with large, semicircular, laterally compressed apodeme; ventrally with short, rod­like, articulated appendages with apical setae, appendages fitting into sclerotized pockets on ventral margin of phallobase; posteroventral margin of phallobase with short, paired, upturned, apically acute basal processes, but without dorsolateral processes; paramere absent; phallicata elongate, narrow, straight, apicoventrally with short paired preapical spines and elongate, sinuous apicoventral spines; endophallus reduced, not noticeably everted; phallotremal sclerite large, trough­like, distinctly notched apically, with single mesobasal spine­like projection.

Holotype male: COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Río Pizote , ca. 5 km (air) S Brasilia, 10°58’19”N, 085°20’42”W, el. 390 m, 12.iii.1986, Holzenthal & Fasth (in alcohol) ( UMSP000208543 View Materials ) ( UMSP). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Same data as holotype — 8 males (in alcohol) ( UMSP) ; COSTA RICA:

Alajuela: Río Pizote , ca. 5 km N Dos Ríos, 10°56’53”N, 085°17’28”W, el. 470 m, Holzenthal & Fasth — 9 males (in alcohol) ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Quebrada Honda, 5.4 km (road) S Crucero , 10°18’40”N, 084°14’42”W, el. 650 m, 12.ii.1992, Holzenthal, Muñoz, Kjer — 1 male (in alcohol) ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Guanacaste: Quebrada Garcia, 10.6 km ENE Quebrada Grande, 10°51’43”N, 085°25’41”W, el. 470 m, 8.iii.1986, Holzenthal & Fasth — 1 male (in alcohol) ( INBIO) GoogleMaps ; Río Mena, 4.2 km W Santa Cecilia , 11°03’32”N, 085°26’53”W, el. 260 m, 11.iii.1986, Holzenthal & Fasth — 3 males (in alcohol) ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Río Aguacate , 0.5 km E Aguacate, 10°33’54”N, 084°56’20”W, el. 590 m, 16.ii.1992, Holzenthal, Muñoz, Kjer — 1 male, 5 females (in alcohol) ( UMSP) GoogleMaps ; Heredia: Río Bijagual, on road to Magsasay , 10°24’29”N, 084°04’34”W, el. 140 m, 12.ii.1986, Holzenthal, Morse, Fasth — 1 male (in alcohol) ( UMSP) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. We are pleased to name this species for Dr. Karl Kjer, who assisted in collecting some of the type material, for his valuable contributions to Trichoptera systematics.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Protoptila jolandae, new species. Male genitalia: A—lateral; B—segment VIII, ventral; C—phallic complex, lateral (insets: paramere spine, dorsal, enlarged; apex of phallicata, dorsal).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 12. Protoptila kjeri, new species. Male genitalia: A—lateral; B—segment VIII, ventral; C—phallic complex, lateral.


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