Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) andresi, Pérez-Flores, 2022

Pérez-Flores, Oscar, 2022, Contribution to the knowledge of the cerambycid fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Tlaxcala, Mexico, Zootaxa 5155 (2), pp. 289-296 : 293-295

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5155.2.7

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scientific name

Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) andresi

sp. nov.

Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) andresi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 (A–D)

Description. Female. Integument mostly reddish-brown, almost dark brown; head dark brown; anteclypeus and labrum orange; mouthparts reddish-brown, except apex of last palpomeres somewhat reddish; scape dark brown on basal third, reddish-brown toward apex; pedicel reddish-brown basally, gradually darker posteriorly; antennomeres III–VIII reddish brown on basal 2/3, dark brown apically; antennomeres IX–XI reddish-brown on anterior half, dark brown on posterior half; elytra mostly reddish-brown; femora dark brown, reddish brown dorsally; tibiae and tarsi dark brown.

Head. Frons finely, abundantly punctate; with yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, paler near eyes; with some spots of whitish pubescence interspersed; with a long, erect brown seta close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles with brown setae toward antennal tubercles, glabrous centrally, remaining surface of vertex with yellowish-brown pubescence centrally between eyes, brown close to eyes. Antennal tubercles with sculpturing as on frons; with moderate brown pubescence, yellowish close eyes. Area behind upper eye lobes with sparse brown pubescence, and glabrous close to prothorax. Area behind lower eye lobes with a patch of whitish pubescence, about middle, glabrous close to prothorax. Genae 0.75 times length of lower eye lobe sparse whitish pubescence, and a long, erect yellowish-brown seta close lower eye lobe. Postclypeus with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence on wide central area, slightly denser laterally. Area of anteclypeus close to postclypeus with long, erect yellowish setae centrally, yellowish-brown laterally. Labrum with long yellowish setae anteriorly; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae on transverse middle area. Median groove distinct from clypeus to near prothoracic margin. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.27 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.58 times length of scape. Antennae 1.64 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere IX. Scape with brown pubescence obscuring integument on basal 1/3 and a ring on posterior third; remaining surface, with distinct yellowish-brown pubescence; with a few long, erect yellowish setae on ventral surface. Pedicel with yellowish-brown pubescence basally, dark brown on remaining surface; with long, erect yellowish setae ventrally. Antennomeres III–VIII with basal, central and apical brown pubescence ring; remaining surface, with yellowishbrown pubescence; antennomeres IX–XI with yellowish-brown pubescence on anterior half, dark brown on posterior half; ventral surface of antennomeres III–IV with long, erect yellowish setae; apex of antennomere IX with long, erect yellowish setae. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.94; pedicel = 0.19; IV = 0.78; V = 0.76; VI = 0.57; VII = 0.53; VIII = 0.50; IX = 0.50; X = 0.49; XI = 0.46.

Thorax. Prothorax transverse, 0.64 times longer than wide; with large, conical tubercle placed slightly after middle. Pronotum with four tubercles with rounded apex, two on each side of anterior third, and two on each side about posterior 3/4; and a slightly elliptical gibbosity centrally on posterior half; finely, shallowly punctate; with coarse, deep punctation surrounding tubercles and gibbosity, and near anterior and posterior margins; with brown pubescence on tubercles and gibbosity, yellowish-white pubescence on remaining surface, denser laterally, some yellowish-brown on base. Sides of prothorax with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, some yellowish-brown on tubercles. Prosternum finely, sparsely punctate; with whitish pubescence, denser laterally. Narrowest area of prosternal process 0.13 times width of procoxal cavity. Mesoventrite elevated anteriorly; apex of mesoventral process 0.44 times width of mesocoxal cavity; central area of mesoventrite with sparse whitish pubescence, and sides with denser pubescence of same color. Mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, metaventrite and metanepisternum with sparse whitish pubescence, not obscuring integument. Scutellum with black pubescence on sides of anterior 2/3, dense whitish pubescence on center of anterior 2/3, and posterior third. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate on anterior half, punctures gradually finer, sparser on posterior half. Centrobasal gibbous area slightly elevated; with moderately distinct, slightly oblique carina from gibbous area to posterior quarter, and another carina between the former and suture; apex rounded. Mostly covered with reddish-brown pubescence, except on the oblique band of yellowish-white pubescence surrounding centrobasal gibbous area, and posterior transverse patch of whitish pubescence. Surface also with small, sparse tufts of short, yellowish-brown and brown setae, except on the anterior oblique band. Legs. Femora clavate; with whitish pubescence, denser ventrally, some yellowish-brown dorsoapically. Tibiae with whitish pubescent ring on anterior third. Protibiae slightly arched outward on posterior half; mostly with brown pubescence, with yellowish tuft ventroapically; with long, erect sparse yellowish setae. Meso and metatibiae with brown pubescence, except on anterior ring; with yellowish tuft ventroapically, brown dorsoapically; with long, erect sparse yellowish setae. Tarsi with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence, some yellowish dorsally.

Abdomen. Last tergite narrow, rounded at apex, not covered by elytra. Ventrites with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, scattered centrally, denser latero-apically; apex of ventrite V emarginate.

Dimensions (mm), female holotype. Total length, 11.15; prothoracic length, 1.08; anterior prothoracic width, 1.56; posterior prothoracic width, 1.45; maximum prothoracic width, 1.92; humeral width, 2.75; elytral length, 6.48.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Andrés Ramírez-Ponce (Instituto de Ecología, A. C. Xalapa, Mexico) for his contribution to knowledge of Neotropical scarab beetles. Also, he provided the types and some additional specimens for this study.

Type material. Holotype female labeled. “ MEX. Tlaxcala, Nanacamilpa, P. Canteada , Bosque Abies religiosa , Pinus y Quercus . T3 a 1 metro, 15/04/2018. 3020 msnm. 19º27´25.6´´N, 98º36´47.2´´O. Mendoza, col. ( CNIN). GoogleMaps

Remarks. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) andresi sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) differs from other American species by the general pubescent pattern on body, which is darker and more homogeneous. Also, Acanthocinus (A.) andresi sp. nov. is distinguished by the shorter antennae in females, reaching the elytral apex at antennomere VIII. In A. (A.) angulosus (Casey, 1913) and A. (A.) obliquus (LeConte, 1862) (the two species previously recorded in Mexico) they reach the elytral apex at about antennomere VI.


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

















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