Orixia philotes, Noyes, 2023

Noyes, John Stuart, 2023, ENCYRTIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 4 Subfamily Encyrtinae: tribes Arrhenophagini, Habrolepidini, Cerapterocerini, Cheiloneurini, Trechnitini, Cercobelini, Polaszekiini, Protyndarichoidini, Gahaniellini and Syrphophagini (part), mainly primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids of Coccoidea and Psylloidea (Hemiptera), Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 2 (11), pp. 1-921 : 147-148

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Felipe (2023-11-07 20:24:43, last updated 2023-11-21 08:04:13)

scientific name

Orixia philotes

sp. nov.

Orixia philotes sp.nov.

( Figs 356-365; Hab. E 57, G 58)

DIAGNOSIS. Female (length about 0.8-1.2mm): head black; clava yellow or pale orange; legs pale orange; fore wing generally weakly infuscate; hind wing generally weakly infuscate; ocelli forming an angle of about 75°; antenna with linear sensilla on F3-F6; fore wing ( Fig. 361) about 2.7X as long as broad, postmarginal vein very nearly as long as stigmal vein ( Fig. 357); mesoscutum and scutellum ( Fig. 356) with uniform polygonally reticulate sculpture composed of rounded cells; scutellum with three pairs of subapical pits or pores that are mainly of subequal diameter to cell of reticulate sculpture; mid tibial spur about 0.9X as long as basitarsus. Male (length 0.95mm): almost identical to female, differing only in genitalia structure.

Female (holotype): length, 1.04mm (CPD).

Head generally black with a weak brassy sheen; antenna, including radicle, mainly pale orange, but F4-F6 brown, apical segments of clava slightly paler orange; mandible amber; palpi white; frontovertex and gena with relatively sparse, scattered, inconspicuous brown setae, interantennal prominence with relatively dense brown setae; thorax generally orange with a weak brassy sheen, neck of pronotum dark brown, mesopleuron pale orange, setae on dorsum of thorax relatively dense, brown and conspicuous; legs pale orange; fore wing ( Fig. 361) generally weakly infuscate, more strongly so below marginal vein, venation slightly dusky pale orange; hind wing generally very weakly infuscate; propodeum orange, side slightly dusky; gaster pale orange, Gt1- Gt6 slightly dusky; gonostylus pale orange.

Head ( Fig. 359) about 3.9X as wide as frontovertex, in profile about 1.4X as high as deep; occipital margin not sharp; ocelli forming an angle of about 75°; with 7 or 8 scattered punctures below anterior ocellus and with relatively shallow, polygonally reticulate sculpture of much smaller mesh size than diameter of eye facet; antenna as in Fig. 358; scape about 2.4X as long as broad; F1-F2 subquadrate, very slightly longer than broad, F3-F6 transverse, segments slightly broader distad; clava slightly broadened, about as long as F3-F6 combined, 3-segmented, sutures hardly oblique, subparallel, sensory area slightly enlarged, at apex only giving the clava a weakly truncate appearance; malar sulcus present, distinct.. Relative measurements: HW 58.5, HH 50, FV 15, POL 5, OOL 1, OCL 4, AOL 5.5, EL 36, EW 34, MS 17.5, SL 24, SW 10.

Thorax ( Fig. 356) with polygonally reticulate sculpture on pronotum, mesoscutum, axilla and scutellum that is of similar depth to that on frontovertex but generally composed of uniformly, rounded, polygonal cells; visible part of mesoscutum about 1.6X as broad as long; scutellum about 1.1X as broad as long; scutellum with three pairs of subapical pits or pores that are mainly of subequal diameter to cell of reticulate sculpture; setae on dorsum moderately dense and of more or less uniform length, separated by less than their own lengths, apical setae on scutellum slightly longer; fore wing with venation and setation as in Figs 357, 361. Relative measurements: FWL 61, FWW 22.5; HWL 42, HWW 8.5.

Gaster with hypopygium reaching about 0.8X towards apex; syntergum about 0.7X as long as mid tibia, with apex narrowly truncate; ovipositor hidden.

Paratype. Funicle with linear sensilla present only on F3-F6. Relative measurements: OL 67, GL 20 [MT 99].

Variation. Females vary in overall length from 0.76-1.15mm, the apical segments of clava may be yellow, the head varies from 3.7-4.1X as wide as the frontovertex, the ocellar angle varies from 50-75°, otherwise little variation in material available.

Male: length 0.95mm.

Almost identical to female, differing only in genitalia structure. Head as in Fig. 364; mesosoma as in Fig. 360); fore wing as in Fig. 365; antenna ( Fig. 363) with clava 3-segmented, but with outer suture incomplete; phallobase ( Fig. 362) slightly less than 3X as long as broad; digitus about 2X as long as broad with a single apical hook, paramere not developed, without apical seta; cuspis seta present; aedeagus about 4.5X as long as broad, about one-third as long as mid tibia, hardly longer than mid tibial spur. Relative measurements: HW 55, FV 15, SL 20, SW 9; AL 17.5, MT 51.5, MTS 16.5.


HOSTS. Unknown.


Type material. Holotype E: COSTA RICA, Limón , 4km NE Bribri, 50m, xii.1989 - iii.1990 (P. Hanson) . Paratypes: COSTA RICA, 1E, Heredia, OTS-La Selva, M. 01.399, 17.vii.1995 ( ALAS); 1E , Heredia, Estación Biologica La Selva , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 75m, 28-29.ii.2008 (J.S. Noyes); 1E GoogleMaps , Heredia, Estación Biologica La Selva , 10°26’N 84°01’W, 75m, 22-24.ii.2012 (J.S. Noyes); 1E GoogleMaps , Heredia, Braulio Carrillo NP ( HQ), 250-500m, 10.iv.1985 (L. Masner, H. Goulet); 1E , Cartago, Braulio Carrillo NP, 26.iii.1990 (J.S. Noyes); 1E , Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Est. Altamira, Cerro Biolley , LS 572200 332400, 1760m, #61088, 2-13.ii.2001 ( D. Rubí ); 1E , Puntarenas, 10km W Golfo Dulce , xii.1989 - iii.1990 (Hanson, Gauld); 2E , Puntarenas, PN Piedras Blancas, Alrededor de Estac. El Bonito , LS 259300 540900, 100m, 17.i.2003 (J. Azofeifa); 1G , Puntarenas, Golfo Dulce , 10km W Piedras Blancas, 100m, iii-v.1989 (Hanson); 7E , Puntarenas, RF Golfo Dulce, 5km W. Piedras Blancas , 8°46’N 83°17’W, 100m, x.1990 - iii.1993 (P. Hanson); 1E GoogleMaps , Limón, PN Braulio Carrillo, Est. Queb. Gonzalez , 10°09’N 83°57’W, 450m, 15.ii.2003 (J.S. Noyes); 1E GoogleMaps , Limón, RB Hitoy-Cerere , 100m, 14-19.i.1991 (J.S. Noyes) . Holotype in MZUCR, paratypes in MZUCR and NHMUK .

COMMENTS. A specimen collected in Ecuador ( Rio Palenque , forest, 4.ii.1983 (L. Huggert) ( NHMUK)) may also belong to this species .


Natural History Museum, London











