Ancylorhynchus doryphorus, Londt, 2011

Londt, Jason G. H., 2011, A review of Afrotropical Ancylorhynchus Berthold, 1827 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 52 (2), pp. 471-471 : 486-487

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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:04:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:28:19)

scientific name

Ancylorhynchus doryphorus

sp. nov.

Ancylorhynchus doryphorus sp. n.

Figs 5 View Figs 3–30 , 34 View Figs 31–40 , 70–72 View Figs 61–74

Etymology: From Greek doryphoros (spear-bearing). Refers to the relatively straight, elongate gonostyli possessed by this species.


Male (based on holotype. Condition: Good; left antenna broken off beyond pedicel; generally slightly dirty).

Head: Dark red-brown, silver pruinose, white to pale yellow and dark red-brown setose. Antenna ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–30 ): Dark red-brown. Scape ventrally strongly pale yellow setose, dorsally weakly pale yellow and dark red-brown setose. Pedicel poorly setose pale yellowish and red-brown. Postpedicel tipped with obliquely situated pit-enclosed spine-like sensory element (terminal stylus ‘segment’ absent). Segmental ratios: 1:0.3:6.3. Face dark red-brown, uniformly fine silver-grey pruinose except for lateral parts of epistomal margin, mystax shiny white occupying ventral ⅓ of face. Frons and vertex dark red-brown, fine silver pruinose, white setose; ocellar tubercle fine pale yellow setose (no macrosetae). Occiput dark red-brown, uniformly silver pruinose, white setose. Palpus red-brown, red-brown setose, terminal palpomere with terminal sensory pit. Proboscis red-brown, pale yellow setose.

Thorax: Dark red-brown to black with orange areas dorsally, fine silver pruinose, white to pale yellow setose. Prothorax orange anteriorly dark red-brown porteriorly, silver pruinose, white to pale yellow setose. Mesonotum predominantly blackish (median band from anterior margin, but falling short of posterior margin, plus pair of longitudinal lateral bands straddling transverse suture) except for orange areas involving postpronotal lobes (and adjacent areas), lateral margins and areas including postalar lobes and intervening region, fine silver-grey pruinose, fine moderately long whitish setose. Mesonotal macrosetae (pale yellow when present): dc pale yellowish confined to area posterior of transverse suture, c. 3 npl, 1 spal, 2 pal. Scutellum orange posteriorly, dark red-brown anteriorly, fine silver pruinose, disc sparsely pale yellowish setose, hind margin with c. 8 pale yellow weakly developed macrosetae accompanied by minor setae. Pleura mostly dark red-brown to black except for orange ktg, entirely silver pruinose, setae white to pale yellow confined mainly to anepst, kepst and ktg. Anatg orange, mes pnot blackish, not contrasting with scutellum. Legs: cx dark red-brown to blackish, strongly silver pruinose, white setose; tro dark red-brown.Apruinose (tro 2 with row of short black setae ventrally); fem, tib and tar orange (terminal tarsomeres dark red-brown), extensively pale yellowish setose (fem 1&2, distal ends of tibiae and tarsi with some black setae), claws dark red-brown with paler proximal parts. Wings ( Fig. 34 View Figs 31–40 ): 9.3× 3.6 mm. Veins orange. Membrane extensively microtrichose (some proximal cells partly bare), cells mostly transparent and without obvious darkly stained areas. Haltere orange.

Abdomen: Predominantly dark red-brown with orange-brown areas, fine silver-grey pruinose, pale yellow-white setose. T1 dark red-brown, strongly silver pruinose; T2–4 dark red-brown with brown-orange posterior margins, moderately silver pruinose; T5 and beyond dissected with terminalia. Sternites similar to tergites but lacking orange coloration.

Genitalia ( Figs 70–72 View Figs 61–74 ): Epand bifid, forming pair of parallel, moderately slender lobes. Lobes closely abut proximally, each being relatively straight with tapering distal tips. Proct simple, dorsally situated cerc closely associated for much of their length. Goncx well developed, outer lobe projecting posteriorly to small distal lobe; dorsal finger-like process well-developed, broadly rounded and bearing some moderately strong setae; inner lobe moderately developed, distal end more or less straight, strongly sclerotised and only weakly medially directed. Gonst hardly, if at all compressed, straight and dorsally directed. Hypd fairly weakly developed, broad proximally, about twice as broad as long in ventral view, tapering rapidly to truncate posterior margin. Aed sub-triangular with tiny bifid distal tip.

Female. Unknown.

Holotype: ♂ TANZANIA:‘ Tanganyika / Mahali Peninsula [Mountains, 06°12'S: 29°50'E] / Aug.–Sept. 1959. / 2 nd. Oxford U. Exped. / B.M. 1960279.’ ( BMNH). GoogleMaps

Distribution, phenology and biology: Known only from the type locality in East Africa ( Tanzania) ( Table 1) and collected in either August or September (Table 2). The biology is unknown.

Similar species: A member of the nomadus species-group with close similarities to phelpsi .

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Figs 3–30. Antennae of Ancylorhynchus species: (3) A. cruciger (Loew, 1858), holotype, left side outer view; (4) A. dilobion sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (5) A. doryphorus sp. n., holotype, right side inner view; (6) A. feijeni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (7) A. fulvicollis (Bigot, 1879), ♂ Pietermaritzburg, left side outer view; (8) A. funebris Bromley, 1936, ♂ Masiene, left side outer view; (9) A. gessi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (10) A. greatheadi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (11) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, holotype, left side outer view; (12) A. insignis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (13) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (14) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), ♂ Zungeru, right side outer view (reversed); (15) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, holotype, right side outer view (reversed); (16) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, holotype,right side outer view (reversed); (17) A. phelpsi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (18) A. pretoriensis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (19) A. prunus Oldroyd 1974, holotype, left side outer view; (20) A. reynaudii (Macquart, 1838), ♀ Kommetjie, left side outer view; (21) A. similis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (22) A. simpsoni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (23) A. snowi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (24) A. sokokensis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (25) A. susurrus (Karsch, 1879), holotype, left side outer view; (26) A. tricolor (Loew, 1863), holotype braunsi, right side outer view (reversed); (27) A. unifasciatus (Loew, 1858), ♂ Cumberland, left side outer view; (28) A. variabilis nom. n., ♂ Hotazel, left side outer view; (29) A. whiteheadi sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (30) A. zophos sp. n., holotype, right side inner view. Scale lines = 1 mm.

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Figs 31–40. Wings of Ancylorhynchus species: (31) A. cruciger (Loew, 1858), holotype; (32) A. cruciger, ♂ N. Vumba; (33) A. dilobion sp. n., ♂ paratype Paleisheuvel; (34) A. doryphorus sp. n., holotype; (35) A.elbaiensis Efflatoun,1937 (from Efflatoun,1937, pl.V, fig.48); (36) A. feijeni sp. n., paratype ♂ Soutpan; (37) A. fulvicollis (Bigot, 1879), ♂ Pietermaritzburg; (38) A. funebris Bromley, 1936, ♂ Lourenço Marques [= Maputo]; (39) A. gessi sp. n., holotype; (40) A. greatheadi sp. n., paratype ♂ Salamona. Not to scale, see text for measurements.

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Figs 61–74. Terminalia of Ancylorhynchus species: (61–63) A. cruciger (Loew, 1858), ♂ (holotype splendens), lateral, dorsal, ventral; (64–66) A. cruciger, ♀ (Nelspruit), lateral, ventral, dorsal; (67–69) A. dilobion sp. n., ♂ (paratype Paleisheuwel), lateral, dorsal, ventral; (70–72) A. doryphorus sp. n., ♂, holotype, lateral, dorsal, ventral; (73–74) A. elbaiensis Efflatoun, 1937 (from Efflatoun 1937, figs 214, 215) dorsal, ventral. Scale lines = 1 mm.











