Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910
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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:04:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:28:19) |
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Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910 |
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Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910 View in CoL
Figs 11 View Figs 3–30 , 41 View Figs 41–50 , 90–92 View Figs 75–92 , 149 View Fig
Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis: Speiser 1910: 88 View in CoL ; Oldroyd 1974: 33.
Ancylorrhynchus hyaeiformis: Hull 1960: 217 (misspelling).
Ancylorrhynchus striatus Oldroyd, 1970: 274 . Syn. n.
Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis: Oldroyd 1980: 360 View in CoL (catalogue).
Ancylorhynchus striatus: Oldroyd 1980: 360 View in CoL (catalogue).
Male (based on holotype hylaeiformis . Condition: Excellent; right antenna broken off beyond pedicel; mesonotum cracked in region of pin.).
Head: Dark red-brown to blackish, strongly gold-silver pruinose, pale yellow, yellow, orange and dark red-brown setose. Antenna ( Fig. 11 View Figs 3–30 ): Uniformly orange, scape and pedicel pale yellow setose (weakly on pedicel), postpedicel tipped with obliquely situated pit-enclosed spine-like sensory element (terminal stylus ‘segment’ absent). Segmental ratios: 1:0.3:5.1. Face dark red-brown to blackish, strongly gold-silver pruinose except lateral margins of epistomal margin and small dorsal area adjacent to antennal sockets, mystax shiny yellow occupying at least ventral ¾ of face (narrow asetose area dorsally). Frons and vertex blackish, fine silver-grey pruinose except for transverse band anterior of ocellar tubercle that is largely apruinose, pale yellow setose; ocellar tubercle fine pale yellow setose. Occiput blackish, fine silver pruinose except for strongly pruinose parts adjacent to eye margins, dorsal setae orange, ventral setae dark red-brown. Palpus orange-brown, dark red-brown setose, terminal palpomere swollen, apex with terminal sensory pit. Proboscis red-brown, dark red-brown setose.
Thorax: Dark red-brown to blackish with orange areas dorsally, fine silver pruinose, pale yellow, orange and dark red-brown setose. Prothorax fine silver pruinose; anterior antepronotum orange, orange setose; posterior antepronotum dark red-brown, pale yellow (dorsally) and dark red-brown (laterally) setose. Mesonotum orange except for blackish cross-shaped marking where medial stripe reaches anterior and posterior margins while transverse strip fails to reach lateral margins, fine silver pruinose, fine pale yellow setose. Mesonotal macrosetae (mostly orange when present): dc weak, red-brown, confined to posterior region, c. 3–4 npl, 1 spal, 3–4 pal. Scutellum orange with dark red-brown anterior margin, fine silver pruinose, disc sparsely pale yellow and red-brown setose, hind margin with c. 6 yellow and red-brown weakly developed macrosetae accompanied by minor setae. Pleura entirely dark red-brown to black, entirely silver-grey pruinose, setae white to pale yellow confined to anepst, kepst and ktg. Anatg and mes pnot black, contrasting with predominantly orange scutellum. Legs: cx blackish, strongly silver pruinose, white setose; tro red-brown; fem, tib and tar uniformly orange, pale yellow-white setose (some dark red-brown on terminal tarsomeres), claws dark red-brown with orange proximal parts. Wings ( Fig. 41 View Figs 41–50 ): 8.8× 3.6 mm. Veins brownish. Membrane extensively microtrichose (some proximal cells partly bare), transparent except for pale brown staining along distal veins (from about r–m) and along Rs. Haltere pale cream.
Abdomen: Predominantly blackish, strongly gold-silver pruinose, pale yellow setose. T1–4 blackish, fine silver pruinose except for strongly gold-silver pruinose hind margins; T5–7 blackish, fairly uniformly strongly gold-silver pruinose; terminalia orange, apruinose. Sternites similar to tergites (largely hidden from view).
Genitalia ( Figs 90– 92 View Figs 75–92 paratype): Epand bifid, forming pair of relatively short, proximally stout lobes. Lobes closely abut proximally, each having curved appearance in dorsal view, distal parts tapering and strongly inwardly curved, opposing tips almost touching medially. Proct simple, dorsally situated cerc appearing fused proximally (specimen weakly sclerotised and detail not evident). Goncx well developed, outer lobe tapering posteriorly and projecting well beyond level reached by epand; dorsal finger-like process completely absent; inner lobe well developed, distal end strongly sclerotised, strongly medially directed (overlapping opposing lobe). Gonst laterally compressed, dorsally directed, tip curved anteriorly (largely hidden from view in undissected genitalia). Hypd well developed, tapering fairly rapidly to broad, somewhat truncate distal end; distal end with pair of slightly diverging, broadly-rounded protuberances each with group of setae. Aed small (largely hidden in undissected genitalia).
Female (based on holotype striatus . Condition: Fair; both antennae broken off beyond pedicel; right metathoracic tarsus missing terminal four segments; abdomen reattached with glue partly obscures scutellum. Useful details displayed by the paratype are provided in square brackets).
Head: Dark red-brown to black and orange, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow, orange and dark red-brown setose. Antenna: Scape and pedicel orange, pale yellow setose, [postpedicel orange proximally becoming brown-orange distally, tipped with obliquely situated pit-enclosed spine-like sensory element, terminal stylus ‘segment’ absent. Segmental ratios: 1:0.3:4.5. Face black, strongly silver-gold pruinose except on lateral parts of epistomal margin and dorsomedial spot adjacent to antennal sockets, mystax shiny pale yellow occupying ventral ⅔ of face. Frons and vertex black, fine silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow setose; ocellar tubercle fine pale yellow setose. Occiput black, uniformly silver-gold pruinose, orange setose except for few pale yellow setae dorsally. Palpus orange, dark red-brown setose, terminal palpomere swollen, apex projecting with terminal sensory pit. Proboscis red-brown, pale yellow setose.
Thorax: Black with orange areas dorsally, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow and orange setose. Prothorax orange anteriorly with orange setae, dark red-brown posteriorly with dark red-brown setae, fine silver-gold pruinose. Mesonotum orange except for large blackish (masked by pruinescence) central area extending from anterior to posterior margin (widest at level of transverse suture, but not extending to orange margin, silver-gold pruinose, fine shortish pale yellow setose. Mesonotal macrosetae (orange when present): dc not evident, 4 npl, 1–2 spal, 3 pal. Scutellum orange with dark red-brown anterior and lateral margins, silver-gold pruinose, disc sparsely pale yellow setose, [hind margin with c. 6 pale yellow macrosetae accompanied by minor setae]. Pleura entirely dark red-brown to black, entirely silver-gold pruinose, setae white to pale yellow confined mainly to anepst, kepst and ktg. Anatg and mes pnot black, contrasting with mainly orange scutellum. Legs: cx dark red-brown, silver pruinose, white and pale yellow setose; tro red-brown (tro 2 with row of short black setae ventrally); fem orange with dark red-brown longitudinal stripe anterodorsally, tib and tar uniformly orange, entirely yellow setose, claws dark red-brown with orange proximal parts. Wings: 9.6×3.6 [11.2×4.3] mm. Veins orange and brown. Membrane extensively microtrichose (some proximal cells partly bare), distal cells brown especially adjacent to veins (from just beyond level of r–m), proximal cells pale yellow, semi-transparent. Haltere yellow with brown-yellow base.
Abdomen: Predominantly dark red-brown to blackish with brown-orange parts, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow setose. T1 dark red-brown, fine silver-gold pruinose; T2–6 dark red-brown with narrow orange-brown posterior margins, strongly silver-gold pruinose; T7–8 and terminalia orange, largely apruinose. Sternites similar to tergites in coloration, evenly fine silver-gold pruinose, white setose.
Variation: The species shows some variation in abdominal coloration. Most specimens have fairly uniformly dark red-brown to black abdomens except for the BMNH male from Kilindini where the dominant colour is orange.
Holotype hylaeiformis (examined): ♂ TANZANIA: ‘Meru [Mt Meru, 03°13'S: 36°40'E] / Nieder.’, ‘Sjöstedt. 1905’, ‘okt.’, ‘Type! / Ancÿlorhÿnchus / hÿlaeiformis m. / P. Speiser det.’ ( NHRS).
Paratypes hylaeiformis View in CoL (examined): 1♂ 1♀ TANZANIA: ♂ ‘Meru / Nieder.’, ‘Sjöstedt. 1905’, ‘2 dec.’, ‘ Ancÿlorhÿnchus View in CoL / hÿlaeiformis View in CoL m./ P. Speiser det.’ (NHRS); ♀ ‘Meru / Nieder’, ‘Ngare na / nyuki’, ‘Sjöstedt’, ‘jan.’, ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / hylaeiformis View in CoL / P. Speiser det.’, ‘Typus [orange]’, ‘Zool. Mus. / Berlin’ (ZMHB). Notes: In describing hylaeiformis Speiser (1910: 89) View in CoL states ‘ 3♂ und 1♀ aus der Niederung am Meru, vom Oktober und 9. December und mit der desonderen Bezeichnung vom Flusse Ngare na nyuki, vom Januar.’ He does not say these are types, but this must be inferred from a label on one ♂. This ♂ is considered the holotype, other specimens must therefore be accepted as paratypes. Of this material I have seen 2♂ and 1♀ and the whereabouts of the third ♂ paratype (presumably collected on 9 December) are not known to me. Holotype striatus View in CoL (examined): ♀ BURUNDI: ‘Nyamibu [3.890°S: 29.399°E] /’, ‘ Urundi: Nyamibu / Lac Tanganyika / 29-vi-1949 / F.J. François’, ‘Type’ [purple], ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / striatus Oldroyd View in CoL / H. Oldroyd det., 1965 / Holotype’ (ISNB).
Paratype striatus (examined): ♀ BURUNDI:same data as holotype but labelled as paratype [orange] ( ISNB) . Other material examined: KENYA: 1♂ ‘ Kenya / Sokoke / Forest [03°29'S: 39°50'E] / 16.v.1964 / D.J. Greathead’ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ Kilindini [harbour, 04°04'S: 39°39'E] K.C. [Kenya Colony] / 31.v.23. Loveridge’ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps .
Distribution, phenology and biology: Fairly widely distributed in East Africa ( Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania) south of the equator ( Table 1, Fig. 149 View Fig ). Adults have been collected in December–January and May –June (Table 2) which might suggest a bivoltine species. The biology is unknown, but localities suggest that the species inhabits grassland and savanna, although one record may suggest an association with subtropical or temperate forest vegetation.
Similar species: A member of the nomadus species-group with close similarities to cruciger and sokokensis .
OLDROYD, H. 1970. Studies of African Asilidae (Diptera). 1. Asilidae of the Congo basin. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, Supplement 24 (7): 207 - 334.
SPEISER, P. 1910. 4. Orthorhapha. Orthorhapha Nematocera. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition Kilimandjaro - Meru 10 (Diptera): 31 - 112 (Asilidae 82 - 107).
Figs 3–30. Antennae of Ancylorhynchus species: (3) A. cruciger (Loew, 1858), holotype, left side outer view; (4) A. dilobion sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (5) A. doryphorus sp. n., holotype, right side inner view; (6) A. feijeni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (7) A. fulvicollis (Bigot, 1879), ♂ Pietermaritzburg, left side outer view; (8) A. funebris Bromley, 1936, ♂ Masiene, left side outer view; (9) A. gessi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (10) A. greatheadi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (11) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, holotype, left side outer view; (12) A. insignis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (13) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (14) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), ♂ Zungeru, right side outer view (reversed); (15) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, holotype, right side outer view (reversed); (16) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, holotype,right side outer view (reversed); (17) A. phelpsi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (18) A. pretoriensis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (19) A. prunus Oldroyd 1974, holotype, left side outer view; (20) A. reynaudii (Macquart, 1838), ♀ Kommetjie, left side outer view; (21) A. similis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (22) A. simpsoni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (23) A. snowi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (24) A. sokokensis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (25) A. susurrus (Karsch, 1879), holotype, left side outer view; (26) A. tricolor (Loew, 1863), holotype braunsi, right side outer view (reversed); (27) A. unifasciatus (Loew, 1858), ♂ Cumberland, left side outer view; (28) A. variabilis nom. n., ♂ Hotazel, left side outer view; (29) A. whiteheadi sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (30) A. zophos sp. n., holotype, right side inner view. Scale lines = 1 mm.
Figs 41–50. Wings of Ancylorhynchus species: (41) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, holotype; (42) A. insignis Bromley, 1936; ♂ Alicedale; (43) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, holotype; (44) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), ♂ Zungeru; (45) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, ♂ Lake Baringo; (46) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, holotype; (47) A. phelpsi sp. n., paratype ♀ Rekomitjie; (48) A. pretoriensis Bromley, 1936, holotype; (49) A. prunus Oldroyd, 1974, allotype; (50) A. reynaudii (Macquart, 1838), ♀ Kommetjie. Not to scale, see text for measurements.
Figs 75–92. Male terminalia of Ancylorhynchus species, lateral, dorsal and ventral views: (75–77) A. feijeni sp. n., holotype; (78–80) A. fulvicollis (Bigot, 1879), holotype; (81–83) A. funebris Bromley, 1936, holotype; (84–86) A. gessi sp. n., holotype; (87–89) A. greatheadi sp. n., paratype Salamona; (90–92) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, paratype. Scale lines = 1 mm.
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910
Londt, Jason G. H. 2011 |
Ancylorrhynchus striatus
OLDROYD, H. 1970: 274 |
Ancylorhynchus hylaeiformis: Speiser 1910: 88
SPEISER, P. 1910: 88 |