Ancylorhynchus insignis Bromley, 1936
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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:04:57, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:28:19) |
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Ancylorhynchus insignis Bromley, 1936 |
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Ancylorhynchus insignis Bromley, 1936 View in CoL
Figs 12 View Figs 3–30 , 42 View Figs 41–50 , 93–95 View Figs 93–110
Ancylorrhynchus insignis: Bromley 1936: 137 ; Hull 1960: 217; Oldroyd 1974: 34.
Ancylorhynchus insignis: Oldroyd 1980: 360 View in CoL (catalogue).
Male (based on holotype. Condition: Good; right antenna broken off beyond pedicel; right wing with small hole centrally.).
Head: Dark red-brown, silver and reddish pruinose, white, orange and brown-orange setose.Antenna ( Fig. 12 View Figs 3–30 ): Scape and pedicel orange, orange setose, postpedicel orange proximally becoming slightly orange-brown distally, terminal stylus ‘segment’ present, red-brown, tipped with pit-enclosed spine-like sensory element. Segmental ratios: 1:0.4:3.2:0.2. Face dark red-brown, uniformly strongly silver pruinose (weakly on lateral parts of epistomal margin), mystax shiny white occupying ventral c. ½ of face. Frons and vertex dark red-brown, fine reddish pruinose, brown-orange setose; ocellar tubercle fine brown-orange setose (no macrosetae). Occiput dark red-brown, uniformly silver-gold pruinose, orange setose. Palpus orange, orange-brown setose, terminal palpomere swollen, apex projecting with terminal sensory pit. Proboscis dark brown, brown-orange setose.
Thorax: Dark red-brown and orange, fine silver pruinose, white, orange and brown-orange setose. Prothorax mostly orange, dark red-brown laterally (and tiny spot medially), fine silver pruinose, white and brown-orange setose. Mesonotum orange except for broad dark red-brown medial band (which is broader at midlength and extends onto scutellum), fine silver pruinose, fine moderately long white and brown-orange setose. Mesonotal macrosetae (orange when present): dc present posterior to transverse suture, 3 npl, 1 spal, 2 pal. Scutellum orange with dark red-brown anterior area (adjacent to mesonotal band), fine silver pruinose, disc sparsely orange-brown setose, hind margin with 4 orange macrosetae accompanied by minor setae. Pleura largely dark red-brown (ktg and surrounding area orange), entirely silver pruinose, setae white (confined to anepst, kepst and ktg). Anatg and mes pnot dark red-brown, contrasting with mainly orange scutellum. Legs: cx dark red-brown, silver pruinose, white setose; tro largely orange (tro 2 with row of short black setae ventrally); fem, tib and tar uniformly orange (tip of tar 5 brownish), pale yellow and white setose, claws dark red-brown with orange proximal parts. Wings ( Fig. 42 View Figs 41–50 ): 6.9× 2.4 mm. Veins yellow-brown. Membrane extensively microtrichose (some proximal cells partly bare), fairly uniformly yellow. Haltere pale yellow with brownish extremities.
Abdomen: Predominantly dark red-brown with some orange patches, silver pruinose, white and red-brown setose. T1 dark red-brown with orange lateral parts, weakly pruinose, white setose. T2 dark red-brown with large orange posterolateral corners, orange parts strongly silver pruinose, red-brown setose. T3–4 dark red-brown with small orange posterolateral corners, weakly silver pruinose (T3 only). T5–8 progressively more orange (terminalia orange). Sternites dark red-brown, hind margins somewhat orange and silver pruinose.
Genitalia ( Figs 93–95 View Figs 93–110 ): Epand bifid, forming pair of relatively long, slender lobes that project distally beyond all other genital structures. Lobes closely abut proximally, each being fairly straight, lying parallel to each other, distal parts slightly inwardly curved, a row of subapical setae present externally. Proct simple, dorsally situated cerc appearing fused proximally. Goncx well developed, outer lobe terminating in weakly developed lobe; dorsal finger-like process well-developed, relatively short and stout; inner lobe well developed, projecting posteriorly beyond level reached by outer lobe, distal end sclerotised, medially directed. Gonst slightly laterally compressed, dorsally directed, tip curved anteriorly. Hypd moderately developed, somewhat oval on shape; distal margin with pair of closely associated small, rounded, posteriorly directed protuberances. Aed sheath almost parallel sided in ventral view, with narrower terminal section ending in bifid tip.
Female. Similar to male but larger (allotype wing 8.9× 3.4 mm) and more extensively orange.
Variation: A species demonstrating little variation. A male from ‘Tierberg’ has a somewhat broader mesonotal medial band when compared with other specimens, but this is considered acceptable intraspecific variation.
Holotype (examined): ♂ SOUTH AFRICA: ‘Capland / Willowmore [33°17'S: 23°29'E] / 1 ii 1907 / Dr. Brauns’, ‘ Holotype / Ancylorrhynchus / insignis Br’ [red], ‘ Ancylorrhyn / chus n. sp. / det. Lichtwardt’, ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / insignis / Bromley / Det. / S.W. Bromley 1934’, ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / insignis Broml. / Holotype 146.’ [red ink] (NMSA).
Allotype (examined): ♀ SOUTH AFRICA: ‘Willowmore / Capland / Dr. Brauns. / 7 09’ [sideways], ‘ Allotype / Ancylorrhynchus / insignis Br’ [red], ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / insignis / Brom. / Allotype No 147’ [red ink] (NMSA).
Other material examined: SOUTH AFRICA: 1♂ ‘ On flowers of / Acacia karroo’, ‘ Cape Province / Prince Albert Dist. / Tierberg ( Res. Stat. ) / 33°7’42”S, 22°16’24”E / 26 xi. – 5 xii.1987 / F.W., S.K. & R.W. Gess’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘77/78/221’, ‘ Sandstone / bank’, ‘ Cape Province / Hilton [33°15'S: 26°21'E] / Grahamstown / 7.ii.1978 / F.W. Gess’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ Willowmore [33°17'S: 23°29'E] / Capland. / Dr. Brauns / 20.12.09 ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘S Africa : Cape #7 / 6km E of Alicedale / 33°19'S: 26°07’E 600m / Date: 21 xi.1990 / Whittington & Londt / New Years Dam area’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ Cape Province / Alicedale [33°19'S: 26°07'E] / 2 xii.1970 / F.W. Gess’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ Boesmans Riv. [Boesmansriviermond = Bushman’s River Mouth, 33°42'S: 26°40'E] / nr. Grahamstown / E. Cape’ ~ ‘ S. A. Museum / March 1954 ’ ( SAMC) GoogleMaps .
Distribution, phenology and biology: Fairly widely distributed in the southern parts of Southern Africa ( South Africa) ( Table 1, Fig. 150 View Fig ) being found in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces. Adults have been collected from November–March (no records for January) (Table 2). The biology is unknown, but localities suggest that the species inhabits savanna and dry fynbos biomes.
Similar species: A fairly distinctive member of the reynaudii species-group, but with some similarities to unifasciatus .
Ancylorhynchus magnificus Bromley, 1936 View in CoL
Figs 13 View Figs 3–30 , 43 View Figs 41–50 , 96–98 View Figs 93–110 , 148 View Fig
Ancylorrhynchus magnificus: Bromley 1936: 136 ; Hull 1960: 217; Oldroyd 1974: 33.
Ancylorhynchus magnificus: Oldroyd 1980: 360 View in CoL (catalogue). Redescription:
Female (based on holotype. Condition: Excellent; right antenna broken off beyond pedicel; terminal 4 tarsomeres of right prothoracic leg missing).
Head: Orange, fine silver pruinose, orange and dark red-brown setose. Antenna ( Fig. 13 View Figs 3–30 ): Scape and pedicel orange, orange setose, postpedicel orange, tipped with obliquely placed pit-enclosed spine-like sensory element (terminal stylus ‘segment’ absent). Segmental ratios: 1:0.3:6.0. Face orange, fine silver pruinose except for inverted V-shaped area extending from antennal sockets to ventrolateral parts of epistomal margin, mystax shiny orange occupying ventral ½ of face. Frons and vertex orange, fine silver pruinose, orange-yellow setose; ocellar tubercle fine pale yellow setose (no macrosetae). Occiput mainly orange with black circumcervical ring, uniformly fine silver pruinose, orange setose (few dark red-brown setae ventrally). Palpus orange, segment 1 red-brown setose, segment 2 orange setose, swollen, apex projecting with terminal sensory pit. Proboscis brown-orange, dark red-brown setose.
Thorax: Dark red-brown with orange areas, fine silver pruinose, orange and dark red-brown setose. Prothorax predominantly orange, small dark red-brown areas laterally, fine silver pruinose, orange and fine dark red-brown setose. Mesonotum orange except for large central black area which extends narrowly medially to anterior margin, fine silver pruinose, orange and fine pale yellow setose. Mesonotal macrosetae (short orange when present): few weak dc confined to area posterior to transverse suture, c. 4 npl, 1–2 spal, 2 pal. Scutellum orange with dark red-brown disc, fine silver pruinose, disc sparsely red-brown setose, hind margin with 4 orange weakly developed macrosetae, accompanied by dark red-brown minor setae. Pleura mainly dark red-brown, entirely silver-grey pruinose, setae orange and fine red-brown confined to anepst, kepst and ktg. Anatg orange and red-brown, mes pnot dark red-brown, contrasting with largely orange scutellum. Legs: cx dark red-brown, silver pruinose, pale yellow setose; tro predominantly orange (tro 2 with row of short black setae ventrally); fem, tib and tar uniformly orange, pale yellow and orange setose (tar with some black setae), claws dark red-brown with orange proximal parts. Wings ( Fig. 43 View Figs 41–50 ): 14.2× 6.5 mm. Veins orange proximally, dark brown distally. Membrane extensively microtrichose (some proximal cells partly bare), distal cells brown (from about first fork of Rs), proximal cells yellow and partly transparent. Haltere red-brown.
Abdomen: Predominantly blackish with small orange to orange-brown areas, fine silver-grey pruinose except for terminal segments (6–10), white and dark red-brown setose. T1 entirely blackish, dark red-brown setose; T2–3 dark red-brown with narrow brown-yellow posterolateral margins, white setose (few dark red-brown setae anterolaterally); T4–7 dark red-brown, white setose; T8 and terminalia orange, fine dark red-brown setose. Sternites dark red-brown, S2–5 narrowly orange posteriorly, white setose.
Genitalia (St Lucia ♂, Figs 96–98 View Figs 93–110 ): Epand bifid, forming pair of moderately long, fairly stout lobes that project posteriorly beyond levels achieved by other genital structures. Lobes closely abut proximally, lie parallel with each other, distal parts being relatively straight. Proct simple, dorsally situated cerc not appearing fused proximally. Goncx well developed, outer lobe projecting posteriorly and terminating in rounded lobe; dorsal finger-like process absent, represented by slight, broadly rounded setose bump; inner lobe well developed, distal end strongly sclerotised, medially directed. Gonst hardly laterally compressed, dorsally directed, tip curved anteriorly. Hypd moderately developed, suboval in shape with pair, broad, fairly widely separated distal protuberances. Aed fairly stout with tiny bifid distal tip. Note: Olifants R. ♂ essentially similar but hypd with slightly more convoluted posterior margin.
Variation: Perhaps the most variable of Ancylorhynchus species. Females are on average larger than males: male wing length 10.0– 12.5 mm (mean of 6, 11.6 mm), female wing length 10.0– 14.2 mm (mean of 12, 12.3 mm). In coloration the species is also highly variable. For example, wing colour (in both sexes) varies from being mainly yellow with a dark red-brown tip to entirely blackish. The abdomen varies from being almost entirely orange to entirely blackish. The legs range from being orange through to dark red-brown. Male genital structure, however, appears to be reasonably consistent. It is of interest that of the 32 specimens listed below only 9 (29%) are male, the vast majority (22, or 71 %) being female (1 specimen could not be sexed as the abdomen is missing).
Holotype: ♀ SOUTH AFRICA: ‘Barberton [25°47'S: 31°03'E] / (Stentor.) / 9.11.10 / L.S. Hulley’, ‘ Holotype / Ancylorrhynchus / magnificus Br’ [red], ‘ Ancylorrhynchus / magnificus Broml. / Holotype 157.’ [red on white] (NMSA).
Other material examined: KENYA: 1♀ ‘ Van Someren / Garissa [00°28'S: 39°38'E] Bura / Tana Kenya 3 49 [iii.1949]’ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . MALAWI: 1♀ ‘ Nyasaland / Zomba [15°23'S: 35°20'E] / Nov. 1913 / H.S. Stannus’ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . MOZAMBIQUE: 1♂ ‘ Port. E. Africa [Portuguese East Africa] / Kola Valley [17°02'S: 35°11'E] / 24.v.1913 / S.A. Neave. ’ ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . NAMIBIA: 1♀ ‘ S.W.Africa: 21 mi / W. Outjo [20°12'S: 15°53'E] 1200m / 22 xii.1966 / E.S. Ross & / K. Lorenzen’ ( CASC) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ 1- xii.1970 / Windhoek / South West Africa / SE 2217CA / R. Oberprieler’ ( NMSA) ; 1♀ ‘ South West Africa / Windhoek 22.05S / 17.05E 30.12.1983 / R. Oberprieler’ ( SANC) GoogleMaps . SOUTH AFRICA: 1♀ ‘ Ben Lavin [23°08'S: 29°57'E] / Louis Trichardt / 19/01/98’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ Transvaal / Ellisras [23°40'S: 27°43'E] / 22 xi.1978 / J. J.B. and C.J.G’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ Transvaal / Olifants R. [24°03'S: 32°40'E] / nr Babelulo / 29 x.90 / F. de Moor’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ South Africa, Tvl. / Kopermyn , 14 km NE / Chuniespoort , 24.07S / 29.26E. 2 xii.1981 / G.L. Prinsloo’ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ Transvaal / 30km S.E. of / Hoodspruit [Hoedspruit, 24°21'S: 30°58'E] / 12 xi.1978 / J. J.B. and C.J.G’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ South Africa, Tvl. / Soutpan Pretoria / Dist. 25.24S / 28.06E. 16 xi.1983 / I.M. Millar’ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ Eastern Transvaal / Nelspruit / 25°29’S: 30°55’E / 25/i/95 / Charles Tanton’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1? ‘ Rustenburg [25°40'S: 27°15'E] / 1.11.45 / A.L. Capener’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘Pienaars- / poort [25°44'S: 28°25'E] / 1.11.48. / B. Smit. ’ ( SANC) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ ‘ RSA: KZN, Ndumo Game R. / main camp area at: / 26°54.652’S, 32°19.719’E / 27–30 xi.2009 / A.H. Kirk-Spriggs’, ‘ Malaise traps / broad-leaved deciduous / woodland’ ( BMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ KwaZulu-Natal , RSA / False Bay Park [27°58'S: 32°22'E], St / Lucia 17–21/2/1997 / Coll.A Weaving’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ Natal False Bay / Lake St Lucia / 27°58’S, 32°23’E, 2–21.ii.1991 / Coll A. Weaving’ ( AMGS) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ South Africa: Natal / False Bay Reserve / 3225E 2800S 15.iii.89 / PE Reavell 35m / Umziki Pan / Swim pool’ ( NMSA) ; 1♀ ‘ Coastal bush’, ‘ Natal Fanies / Island , St Lucia / 28°06’S, 32°26’E / 21–25.ii.1987 / Coll A. Weaving’ AMGS GoogleMaps ); 1♂ ‘ St Lucia [28°23'S: 32°25'E] / Bell Marley / 4.4.31’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ St Lucia Z / 28-12-30 / Marley’ ( NMSA) ; 1♂ ‘ Dukuduku Forest / 7m. NE. Matubatuba [= Mtubatuba, 28°25'S: 32°11'E] / Natal, S. Afr. / 10.11.1969 / H.D. Brown’ ( SANC) GoogleMaps . ZIMBABWE: 2♀ ‘ Sanyati Valley [16°49'S: 28°10'E] / S. Rhodesia / Sept. – Oct., 1925. / RHR Stevenson’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 2♀ ‘ Sawmills [19°35'S: 29°01'E] / S. Rhodesia / 14.xi.1924 / R.H.R. Stevenson’ ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ‘ Sawmills / S. Rhodesia / 16.v.1924 / Rhod. Museum’ ( BMNH) ; 1♀ ‘ Sawmills, S.R. / 25.10.1919. / Rhodesia / Museum’ ( BMNH) . UNKNOWN: 1♂ ‘2150” ( NMSA) ; 1♂ ‘887’ ( NMSA) .
Distribution, phenology and biology: Fairly widely distributed in Southern, Central and East Africa ( Table 1) south of the equator ( Fig. 148 View Fig ). Adults have been collected from September–May (Table 2). The biology is poorly known, but label data suggest that this is a woodland species. A single prey record in AMGS involves a female pinned with a small hemipteran ( Membracidae ).
Similar species: A member of the nomadus species-group with close similarities to feijeni .
BROMLEY, S. W. 1936. Studies in South African Asilidae. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 18: 125 - 146.
Figs 3–30. Antennae of Ancylorhynchus species: (3) A. cruciger (Loew, 1858), holotype, left side outer view; (4) A. dilobion sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (5) A. doryphorus sp. n., holotype, right side inner view; (6) A. feijeni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (7) A. fulvicollis (Bigot, 1879), ♂ Pietermaritzburg, left side outer view; (8) A. funebris Bromley, 1936, ♂ Masiene, left side outer view; (9) A. gessi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (10) A. greatheadi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (11) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, holotype, left side outer view; (12) A. insignis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (13) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (14) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), ♂ Zungeru, right side outer view (reversed); (15) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, holotype, right side outer view (reversed); (16) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, holotype,right side outer view (reversed); (17) A. phelpsi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view; (18) A. pretoriensis Bromley, 1936, holotype, left side outer view; (19) A. prunus Oldroyd 1974, holotype, left side outer view; (20) A. reynaudii (Macquart, 1838), ♀ Kommetjie, left side outer view; (21) A. similis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (22) A. simpsoni sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (23) A. snowi sp. n., holotype, left side outer view (postpedicel missing); (24) A. sokokensis sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (25) A. susurrus (Karsch, 1879), holotype, left side outer view; (26) A. tricolor (Loew, 1863), holotype braunsi, right side outer view (reversed); (27) A. unifasciatus (Loew, 1858), ♂ Cumberland, left side outer view; (28) A. variabilis nom. n., ♂ Hotazel, left side outer view; (29) A. whiteheadi sp. n., paratype, left side outer view; (30) A. zophos sp. n., holotype, right side inner view. Scale lines = 1 mm.
Figs 41–50. Wings of Ancylorhynchus species: (41) A. hylaeiformis Speiser, 1910, holotype; (42) A. insignis Bromley, 1936; ♂ Alicedale; (43) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, holotype; (44) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), ♂ Zungeru; (45) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, ♂ Lake Baringo; (46) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, holotype; (47) A. phelpsi sp. n., paratype ♀ Rekomitjie; (48) A. pretoriensis Bromley, 1936, holotype; (49) A. prunus Oldroyd, 1974, allotype; (50) A. reynaudii (Macquart, 1838), ♀ Kommetjie. Not to scale, see text for measurements.
Figs 93–110. Male terminalia of Ancylorhynchus species in lateral, dorsal and ventral views: (93–95) A. insignis Bromley, 1936, holotype; (96–98) A. magnificus Bromley, 1936, St Lucia; (99–101) A. nomadus (Wiedemann, 1828), Zungeru; (102–104) A. nyukinus Speiser, 1910, Voi ZSMC; (105– 107) A. oldroydi Lindner, 1961, Bagamoyo SMNS; (108–110) A. phelpsi sp. n., paratype. Scale lines = 1 mm.
Fig. 150. Distribution of Ancylorhynchus species in Southern Africa: ● = A. feijeni sp. n.; ■ = A. insignis Bromley, 1936.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Ancylorhynchus insignis Bromley, 1936
Londt, Jason G. H. 2011 |
Ancylorrhynchus insignis:
BROMLEY, S. W. 1936: 137 |
Ancylorrhynchus magnificus:
BROMLEY, S. W. 1936: 136 |