
Smith, Alan R., Kessler, Michael, León, Blanca, Almeida, Thaís Elias, Jiménez-Pérez, Iván & Lehnert, Marcus, 2018, Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XL. Polypodiaceae, Phytotaxa 354 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.354.1.1

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Key to the Bolivian species of Ceradenia View in CoL

1 Sori linear, 3–6(10) mm long; blades pinnatifid, lobed about halfway to the midrib ................................................. C. tryonorum View in CoL

– Sori round to occasionally slightly oblong, 1–3 mm long; blades various, simple to pinnatifid to 1-pinnate ................................. 2

2 Petioles lacking or less than 1/4 the blade length; rhizomes radially symmetric; whitish glands present on blade surfaces (subg. Ceradenia View in CoL ) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

– Petioles 1/4–3 times the blade length; rhizomes dorsiventral; usually glands absent on the blade surfaces (subg. Filicipecten ). 12

3 Blades simple, entire; rhizomes lacking scales ............................................................................................... C. jungermannioides View in CoL

– Blades pinnatifid or more divided; rhizomes with scales ................................................................................................................. 4

4 Blades deeply pinnatifid ................................................................................................................................................................... 5

– Blades fully pinnate with well-spaced pinnae .................................................................................................................................. 7

5 Hydathodes present; blades chartaceous, to 16 cm long; rhizome scales 1–1.8 mm long, with gland-tipped marginal hairs ............ ....................................................................................................................................................................................... C. kalawayae View in CoL

– Hydathodes lacking; blades thick, fleshy, to 45 cm long; rhizome scales 3–6 mm long, entire or setose ....................................... 6

6 Pinnae 1–2 times as long as wide ..................................................................................................................................... C. discolor View in CoL

– Pinnae 3–7 times as long as wide ...................................................................................................................................... C. pearcei View in CoL

7 Petioles with setae 0.5–2 mm long; pinna margins sinuate .............................................................................................................. 8

– Petioles glabrous or with small, glandular hairs 0.1–0.15 mm long; pinnae entire to slightly sinuate or pinnatifid ..................... 10

8 Petioles to 20 cm, rarely less than 5 cm, ca. 0.3 – 0.5 mm diam.; rachises abaxially brown to blackish, contrasting with blades; proximal segments as long as medial segments (or slightly shorter), usually remote, not connected by green tissue ..... C. comosa View in CoL

– Petioles 5 cm or less, ca. 0.5 – 0.6 mm diam.; rachises greenish abaxially, not contrasting with blades; proximal segments smaller than medial ones, proximate, or if smaller then connected by a narrow greenish wing .................................................................. 9

9 Blades thin- to firm-herbaceous; petiolar hairs thinning with age; sclerenchyma of rachises evident and usually lustrous, at least abaxially; petioles 0.2–0.4(0.5) mm diam. ..................................................................................................................... C. capillaris View in CoL

– Blades subcarnose; petiolar hairs persistent; sclerenchyma of rachises usually obscured by laminar tissue (greenish), if slightly darkened then not lustrous; petioles (0.4) 0.6–0.9 mm diam. ............................................................................................. C. pilipes View in CoL

10 Plants terrestrial or epilithic; fronds erect; pinnae slightly lobed or sinuous-margined .................................................. C. intricata View in CoL

– Plants epiphytic; fronds arching or pendent; pinnate entire or pinnatifid ...................................................................................... 11

11 Blades 1-pinnate; rhizome scales 2.5–3 × 0.3–0.4 mm .................................................................................................. C. jimenezii View in CoL

– Blades 1-pinnate-pinnatifid; rhizome scales 0.5–1.0 × 0.03–0.1 mm (1–3 cells wide at the bases) .............................. C. mirabilis View in CoL

12 Median pinnae to 3(4.5) times longer than wide ............................................................................................................................ 13

– Median pinnae over 5 times longer than wide ................................................................................................................................ 14

13 Pinnae 1.5–2.5(4.5) times longer than wide, ascending, set about 60° to the rachises; setae pale castaneous ........... C. ayopayana View in CoL

– Pinnae 2–3(4) times longer than wide, slightly ascending, set about 80° to the rachises; setae dark castaneous ..... C. madidiensis View in CoL

14 Rhizomes long-creeping, petioles about 5 mm apart ....................................................................................................... C. bishopii View in CoL

– Rhizomes short-creeping, petioles <2 mm apart ............................................................................................................................ 15

15 Pinnae shallowly crenulate ............................................................................................................................................................. 16

– Pinnae entire ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

16 Pinnae acuminate at tips, 3 – 8 cm long, widened and broadly adnate at bases, abaxially glabrous or with sparse setae along margins and costae; petioles ca. 0.6 – 1 mm diam. ......................................................................................................................... C. clavipila View in CoL

– Pinnae rounded at tips, to 1–2 cm long, narrowed at bases, abaxially with numerous setae along margins and costae; petioles ca. 0.2 – 0.4 mm diam. ...................................................................................................................................................... C. madidiensis View in CoL

17 Pinna margins glabrous or with branched hairs to 0.1 mm, rarely with a few setae ...................................................................... 18

– Pinnae lacking small, branched hairs, at least with some marginal setae> 1 mm .......................................................................... 19

18 Rhizome scales orange-brown; rachises densely setose; costal sclerenchyma not visible ................................................ C. glabra View in CoL

– Rhizome scales atropurpureous; rachises with pale hairs to 0.1 mm and lacking setae; dark costal sclerenchyma exposed ............. ................................................................................................................................................................................... C. kookenamae View in CoL

19 Sori setose ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

– Sori lacking setae ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21

20 Petioles brown; rhizome scales to 5 × 0.8 mm, with superficial and marginal setae; pinnae perpendicular to the rachises; abaxial blade surfaces setose; setae in the sori whitish, shorter than blade setae ............................................................................ C. setosa View in CoL

– Petioles atropurpureous; rhizome scales to 3 × 0.6 mm, with marginal setae only; pinnae ascending, set 60–75° to the rachises; abaxial blade surfaces glabrous; setae in the sori brown, as long as blade setae .................................................... C. tunquiniensis View in CoL

21 Abaxial blade surfaces glabrous, with short brownish hairs, or with a few, scattered setae especially on the costae ................... 22

– Abaxial blade surfaces with abundant setae ................................................................................................................................... 24

22 Rhizome scales golden brown, 4–9 × 0.2–0.7 mm .......................................................................................................... C. spixiana View in CoL

– Rhizome scales castaneous, 2.5–8 × 0.2–0.4 mm .......................................................................................................................... 23

23 Rhizome scales 5–8 × 0.2–0.4 mm .................................................................................................................................. C. clavipila View in CoL

– Rhizome scales 2.5–3.5 × 0.2 mm ................................................................................................................................ C. nudicarpa View in CoL

24 Rhizome scales dark castaneous, with setae along the margins and on the surfaces, especially towards the scale bases .................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ C. pilipalaea View in CoL

– Rhizome scales golden brown to castaneous, with marginal setae only ........................................................................................ 25

25 Rhizome scales golden brown, with marginal setae partly>1 times as long as the scale width; blades abaxially glabrous, rarely with short brownish hairs or with scattered setae shorter than the marginal setae .................................................................. C. spixiana View in CoL

– Rhizome scales orange-brown to castaneous, with marginal setae mostly <1 times as long as the scale width; blades abaxially with abundant setae about as long as the marginal setae ........................................................................................................................ 26

26 Rhizome scales orange-brown, with marginal setae 0.5–1 times as long as the scale width; pinnae perpendicular to the rachises, separated by less than half their width .......................................................................................................................... C. pilipecten View in CoL

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