Cocconeis kurakakea Riaux-Gob. & Witkowski, 2018

Riaux-Gobin, Catherine, Witkowski, Andrzej, Jordan, Richard W., Parravicini, Valeriano & Planes, Serge, 2018, Cocconeis kurakakea, a new diatom species from Nukutavake (Tuamotu Archipelago, South Pacific): description and comparison with C. diruptoides and C. pseudodiruptoides, Phytotaxa 349 (2), pp. 115-129 : 118-121

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.349.2.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cocconeis kurakakea Riaux-Gob. & Witkowski

sp. nov.

Cocconeis kurakakea Riaux-Gob. & Witkowski , sp. nov. Figs 2 – 39 View FIGURES 2–3 View FIGURES 4–13 View FIGURES 14–20 View FIGURES 21–27 View FIGURES 28–35 View FIGURES 36–39

LM: Small valves (7–16 μm long), narrow (3–6 μm wide), rod-like, linear-elliptic (length/width ca. 2.4), SV sternum and raphe sigmoid. SV ( Figs 2 View FIGURES 2–3 , 9–13 View FIGURES 4–13 ) and RV ( Figs 3 View FIGURES 2–3 , 4–8 View FIGURES 4–13 ) striation almost indiscernible with the LM, only a decussate pattern is observed on SV specimens at high magnification ( Figs 2 View FIGURES 2–3 , 9–13 View FIGURES 4–13 ).

SEM: Sternum valve: Striae regularly spaced, slightly radiate ( Figs 14–16 View FIGURES 14–20 ). SV areolae small, slightly elongate and decussate (no axial rows of SV areolae). Hexagonal areola pattern (i.e., honeycomb-like) with a decussate regular arrangement, as observed in a corroded SV ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–20 ). One marginal row of elongate areolae present ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–20 ); hyaline marginal area absent ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–20 ). SV sternum narrow ( Figs 14, 16 View FIGURES 14–20 ), very slightly enlarged on central area before last quarter of valve ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–20 arrows). SV corroded areola hymenes ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 14–20 arrowhead) with probable slits perpendicular to the areola walls. SV marginal supplementary short striae present ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 14–20 arrowheads); often one stria slightly shorter in center, on one side of valve (not shown). Internal side: presence of a round to oblong foramina ( Figs 25–26 View FIGURES 21–27 ). Marginal SV areolae covered (funnel-like, Fig. 25 View FIGURES 21–27 arrow) with lateral foramina ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 21–27 arrowhead). Sternum valve valvocopula (SVVC, Figs 23, 27 View FIGURES 21–27 arrowheads) as an open and imperforated large band, without fimbriae ( Figs 22, 24 View FIGURES 21–27 arrow). SV sternum thickened ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 21–27 ). Cingulum composed of 4 narrow open copulae ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 14–20 , 34 View FIGURES 28–35 ), up to 6 (not shown). Raphe valve: Valve weakly silicified, flat to slightly concave ( Figs 29, 34 View FIGURES 28–35 ). Striae regularly spaced, parallel to radiate close to apices, composed of small round areolae. One row of marginal slightly elongate areolae ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 28–35 arrowheads). Raphe sigmoid, proximal raphe endings straight, simple and close together, terminal raphe endings close to margin ( Figs 33–34 View FIGURES 28–35 ). Short hemi-fascia ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 28–35 arrow), sometimes almost lacking ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 28–35 ). Axial area narrow. RV areolae externally closed by hymenes with radiate slits ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 28–35 ). Internally, raphe located in an elevated axial area ( Figs 36–39 View FIGURES 36–39 ). Raphe valve valvocopula (RVVC) open ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 28–35 ), without fimbriae ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 36–39 arrowhead). Terminal raphe endings bent in opposite directions ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 36–39 ). No areolae on apices ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 36–39 ).

Diagnostic features of Cocconeis kurakakea sp. nov.: The new species is characterized by its small size, linear-elliptic shape, and RV and SV striae that are almost undetectable with the LM. Using the LM we can only distinguish the asymmetrical small RV fascia (hemi-fascia), the decussate pattern on the SVs and the sigmoid structure of the SV sternum and raphe. With the SEM, the SV areola structure and pattern, the RV hemi-fascia and high cingulum make the species easily distinguishable.

Types:— BM-101912 (holotype: BM), illustrated in Figs 2–3 View FIGURES 2–3 ; specimen on SEM stub 1–310217 (illustrated in Fig. 16 View FIGURES 14–20 ) and slide ‘NTV A1’ in collection C. Riaux-Gobin (isotype: CRIOBE, Perpignan , France, here designated) ; slide SZCZ 24377 in collection A. Witkowski (isotype: The Faculty of Geosciences , Szczecin, Poland, here designated) .

Type locality:—Nukutavake reef (Tuamotu Archipelago, 19°16′50″S 138°47′07″W). Sample ‘NTV A1’. Oct. 2016. Collector: Valeriano Parravicini.

Etymology:The epithet kurakakea refers to the marae Kurakakea, located in the village of Tavananui (Nukutavake, Tuamotu Archipelago). This marae (ancient sacred site where religious and tribal ceremonies were celebrated), the most important marae of the atoll, was destroyed by a cyclone in 1983.

Habitat: Undetermined filamentous green macroalgae on the coral reef slope.

Distribution: Presently, the new taxon is only recorded from Nukutavake, and hence may be narrowly endemic.


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University of Szczecin

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