Trogellus (Trogoides) hawksi, Paulsen, 2013

Paulsen, M. J., 2013, A new genus for the Neotropical species of Aesalus Fabricius, with descriptions of eight new species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae), Insecta Mundi 2013 (325), pp. 1-25 : 12

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Felipe (2021-08-07 10:03:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 20:51:48)

scientific name

Trogellus (Trogoides) hawksi

new species

Trogellus (Trogoides) hawksi View in CoL Paulsen, new species.

Type Material. Holotype male ( TAMU) labeled: a) “ Mex : Chiapas, 3 / km. W. Jotolito / vi-7-1987, D.B. / Thomas & A. Mendoza ”; b) “TAMU – ENTO / X0074298 ” barcode label; c) red paper: “ Trogellus / hawksi [male symbol] / Paulsen, 2013 / HOLOTYPE ”.

One paratype female ( WBWC) labeled: a) “ MEX: Edo. Chiapas / Parque Laguna / Belgica, VI-4-87 / W.B. Warner ” ; b) handwritten “ Aesalus / sp. / Det. W.B. Warner ‘92” ; c) yellow paper: “ Trogellus / hawksi [female symbol] / Paulsen, 2013 / PARATYPE ”. One paratype female ( MJPC) labeled: a) “GUA- TEMALA: Such- / itepéquez, Finca / Tarrales, Volcan Atitlan / 9–13-VI-2012, 1340m / collector: J.B. Heppner ” .

Description. Holotype male. Length: 4.7 mm. Width: 2.5 mm. Head: Clypeus triangular, apex not distinctly produced. Canthus long, length approximately 2× width. Mandibles without external tooth at angulation. Pronotum: Surface densely punctate, with distinct tubercles posterolaterally at base of bristles, punctures large, ocellate. Metasternum: Anterolateral punctures large. Elytra: Surface with blunt bristles, bristles moderately long (distinctly longer than 4 th tarsomere). Legs: Protibiae tridentate, teeth small, margin between teeth nearly flat. Mesotibia with 4 external teeth (proximal tooth smaller) and acute apex. Metatibia straight, with 1 small median tooth and 2–3 smaller teeth proximally; apex acute. Male genitalia: Parameres broad and elongate, over 1/2 as long as median lobe, located on side of median lobe; median lobe symmetrical, with large triangular lateral processes at distal third, processes with distal margin straight ( Fig. 22 View Figures 18–23 ).

Paratypes vary as follows: Length: 4.1–5.8 mm. Width: 2.3–3.1 mm. Female with external margin of protibiae slightly concave between teeth and mesotibial external tooth smaller. Legs: Metatibiae of females with tumid apex. Female genitalia: Styli moderately elongate, strongly hooked.

Non-type specimens. One male (CMNC) labeled: a) “ Mexico, V.C. Volcan / San Martin, E. slope / B. & B. Valentine”; b) “beating el. / 49-5000’ / 30-VII-59”; c) “[ Aesalus / neotropicalis / Bates] / DET. / H.F. Howden [74]”.

Distribution. GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez (1): Finca los Tarrales/Volcan Atitlan. MEXICO: Chiapas (2): Jotolito; Parque Laguna Belgica. Veracruz (1): Volcan San Martin Tuxtla, SE slope (CMNC);

Temporal Distribution. June (3), July (1).

Diagnosis/Remarks. The holotype is distinguished from the other Mexican species ( T. trogoides ) by its distinctly tuberculate head and pronotum; elongate, narrow ocular canthus; and much longer parameres. Specimens of T. chapinitus have smaller, weakly ocellate punctures on the metasternum.

An additional specimen from Veracruz is tentatively identified as T. hawksi because of the elongate ocular canthi and strongly tuberculate pronotum, but it is excluded from the type series. The Veracruz specimen is from the remote mountains of Tuxtla, an isolated montane area that is home to several endemic species, including two species and five subspecies of endemic birds ( Winker et al. 1992). The male genitalia are similar to those of the holotype, but the parameres appear slightly larger, and the vestiture of the elytra appears coarser. A series of specimens from the locality would indicate whether the population is T. hawksi or an undescribed species. The specimen was identified and listed as A. near neotropicalis by Howden and Lawrence (1974), but as A. neotropicalis by Maes (1992).

Etymology. The species is named in honor of my friend and colleague, David C. Hawks, University of California, Riverside, California, for his unceasing efforts to bring some order to the chaos of scarabaeoid classification and the tremendous help he has provided me over the years.

Howden, H. F., and J. F. Lawrence. 1974. The New World Aesalinae, with notes on the North American lucanid subfamilies (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 52: 1505 - 1510.

Maes, J. - M. 1992. Lista de los Lucanidae (Coleoptera) del mundo. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 22 A: 1 - 121.

Winker, K., R. J. Oehlenschlager, M. A. Ramos, R. M. Zink, J. H. Rappole, and D. W. Warner. 1992.

Gallery Image

Figures 18–23. Male genitalia of Trogellus species, dorsal view. 18. T. herrmanni n. sp. 19) T. ticiticus n. sp. 20) T. neotropicalis. 21) T. chapinitus n. sp. 22) T. hawksi n. sp. 23) T. trogoides. The male genitalia of T. maesi n. sp. are unknown.


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