Apleurotropis anemia, Hansson, Christer, 2010

Hansson, Christer, 2010, Apleurotropis Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) new to tropical America, including six new species and biological records, Zootaxa 2563, pp. 35-52 : 42-45

publication ID




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scientific name

Apleurotropis anemia

sp. nov.

Apleurotropis anemia sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 12–16 View FIGURES 12 – 16 , 31 View FIGURES 27 – 31. 27 – 30 , 32, 34 View FIGURES 32 – 35 , 40, 41 View FIGURES 36 – 46 )

Diagnosis. Costal cell with ventral surface bare or with setae in basal ½ only ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 32 – 35 ); frontal suture downcurved laterally ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ); fore coxa white to dark brown, mid and hind coxae white to yellowish-white; postmarginal vein 3.7X as long as stigmal vein; petiole 0.5–1.0X as long as wide in female and 1.0–1.5X as long as wide in male, in both sexes with a spine mediolaterally ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ), completely metallic bluish-green in female ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 32 – 35 ), metallic bluish-green dorsally and yellowish-white ventrally in male.

Description. FEMALE. Length 1.5–2.2 mm.

Scape yellowish-white to yellowish-brown, remaining antenna dark brown. Frons below frontal suture golden-green or golden-red, above suture metallic bluish-purple. Vertex metallic bluish-purple. Mesoscutum, scutellum and propodeum metallic bluish-green — sometimes with purple tinges, or golden-green. Fore coxa white to dark brown, mid and hind coxae white to yellowish-white; fore femur white to pale brown, mid and hind femora pale brown to dark brown; tibiae and tarsi white to yellowish-white. Forewing hyaline with an infuscate spot medially. Petiole completely dark. Gaster with tergites 1−3 metallic bluish-purple, remaining tergites metallic dark purple.

Antenna as in Fig. 40 View FIGURES 36 – 46 . Frons with raised and weak small-meshed reticulation ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Vertex with engraved and weak small-meshed reticulation ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ).

Mesoscutum with engraved and strong reticulation, posterior 1/3 with weak median groove ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ); notaular depressions smooth and shiny. Scutellum with engraved reticulation, medially more or less smooth, laterally and posteriorly always smooth ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Axillae with engraved and very weak reticulation ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Dorsellum smooth with two large foveae anterolaterally ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Propodeal callus with two setae ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Forewing rounded, speculum closed below. Petiolar foramen triangular.

Petiole dorsally smooth and shiny, 0.5– 1 X as long as wide, mediolaterally with a spine ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12 – 16 ). Gaster ovate with pointed apex.

MALE. Length 1.0– 1.5 mm.

Scape yellowish-brown to pale brown. Entire frons metallic bluish-purple to bluish-green. Vertex goldengreen. Fore coxa pale brown to dark brown, fore femur yellowish-brown to dark brown; hind tibia yellowishwhite to dark brown. Petiole dark dorsally and pale ventrally. Colour otherwise as in female.

Antenna as in Fig. 41 View FIGURES 36 – 46 . Head otherwise as in female.

Petiole 1.0–1.5X as long as wide. Mesosoma and metasoma otherwise as in female.

Distribution. Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Peru.

Biology. Primary parasitoid on Bucculatrix sp. ( Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae ) on Forsteronia spicata (Apocyanaceae) ; Elachista sp. ( Lepidoptera : Elachistidae ) on Olyra latifolia (Poaceae) ; Marmara sp. ( Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae ) on Heliconia sp. ( Heliconiaceae ); Phyllocnistis sp. ( Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae ) on Trichilia havanensis (Meliaceae) ; lepidopterous leafminer on Trichilia havanensis and Peperomia peltata (Piperaceae) , and Melastomataceae ; Agromyzidae indet. ( Diptera ) on Tradescantia sp. ( Commelinaceae ).

Material examined. Holotype female ( INBio) labelled “ Costa Rica: Cartago, Parque Nacional Tapantí, 09˚45'N 83˚47'W, 1200–1550 m, iv.1999, C. Hansson, from agromyzid leafminer on Tradescantia sp.”.

Paratypes. 64Ψ 45ɗ on cards. COSTA RICA. Alajuela: Northern slope Volcan Cacao, 650 m, 17.iii.1986, C. Hansson (3Ψ, CH, USNM); Estacion Biologica San Ramón, 900 m, 10˚13'N 84˚37'W, x– xii.1995, P. Hanson (2Ψ, MIUCR) and iv.1999, from Lepidoptera leafminer on Peperomia peltata (3Ψ, CH, MIUCR); Parque Nacional Arenal, 600 m, 10˚28'N 84˚45'W, 21–28.ii.2005, C. Hansson (2Ψ 1ɗ, CH); Parque Nacional Arenal, La Peninsula, 600 m, 10˚27'N 84˚45'W, 25.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ, BMNH); Parque Nacional Arenal, Sendero Pilón, 600 m, 10˚27'N 84˚43'W 26.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ 2ɗ, BMNH), and 17– 18.v.1999 (1Ψ, INBio), 9.iii–7.iv.2000 (1ɗ, INBio), 5.iii–20.iv.2001 (1ɗ, INBio); Reserva Forestal Rincón, Estacion Caribe, 10˚53'N 83˚18'W, 400 m, 19–20.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ, BMNH). Cartago: Humo, El Copal, 9˚47'N 83˚45'W, 1050–1250 m, 29.ii–6.iii.2008, C. Hansson (5Ψ 4ɗ, CH, INBio, USNM); Parque Nacional Tapantí, 09˚45'N 83˚47'W, 1200–1550 m, iv.1999, C. Hansson, from agromyzid leafminer on Tradescantia sp. (3Ψ, BMNH, CH, MIUCR), and 20.iii–10.iv.2000 (2Ψ, CH, INBio); Turrialba, CATIE, Reventazon, 4.ix.1986, L. Masner (1Ψ, CNC) and 14–15.iii.1990 (1ɗ, BMNH). Guanacaste: Estacion Cacao, 10°55'N 85°30'W, 1100 m, 22.ii.2003, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ, BMNH); Guanacaste National Park, below Volcan Cacao, 400–500 m, 3.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes (2Ψ 1ɗ, BMNH); Parque Nacional Guanacaste, 9 km South Santa Cecilia, 700 m, Estacion Pitilla, ix.1991, P. Rios (1ɗ, INBio), and iv.1994 (1Ψ, INBio); Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Santa Rosa, 22.x.1990, J. Memmott, ex Bucculatrix sp. 1 on Forsteronia spicata (1ɗ, BMNH), and reared from Elachista sp. on Olyra latifolia (2ɗ, BMNH); Reserva Privada Karen Mogensen, 09˚52'N 85˚03'W, 300 m, 14–15.ii.2005, J.S. Noyes (2ɗ, BMNH, INBio); Zona Protectorada Miravalles, Cabro Muco, 9.ix.2004, J.A. Azofeifa, LN 299151/410000 (1Ψ, INBio), and 11–21.ii.2005 (1Ψ 1ɗ, CH). Heredia: Braulio Carrillo National Park, 25.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes (1ɗ, MIUCR); La Selva, 50 m, 22.i–2.ii.1991, J.S. Noyes (2Ψ 2ɗ, BMNH, INBio), and ii.2000 from lepidoptera leafminer on Heliconiaceae (3ɗ, BMNH, CNC), ii.2000 from lepidoptera leafminer on Melastomataceae (3ɗ, INBio, USNM), 27–28.ii.2001 (1Ψ 1ɗ, BMNH), 30– 31.iii.2002 (2Ψ, INBio, MIUCR), 27–28.ii.2003 (5ɗ, BMNH, CH, INBio), 22.iv.2004 from Marmara sp. on Heliconia leaf (1Ψ, USNM), 23–24.ii.2005 (1Ψ, INBio); Reserva Privada Selva Verde, 10˚27'N 84˚04'W, 75 m, 13.iii.2005, C. Hansson (1Ψ, CH). Limón: Hitoy-Cerere Biological Reserve, Headquarters, 14–18.i. 1991, 100 m, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ, INBio), and 24–25.ii.2004 (1Ψ, CNC). Puntarenas: Estacion Altamira, 9˚02'N 83˚00'W, 1450–1700 m, 7.ii–5.iii.2002, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos (4Ψ 3ɗ, CH, INBio); Parque Nacional Corcovado, Estación Sirena, 8˚29'N 83˚35'W, 5 m, 19–20.ii.2004, J.S. Noyes (1Ψ, BMNH); San Vito, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Garden, 1150 m, 22.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes (2Ψ 1ɗ, BMNH, CH), and 15–16.ii.2006 (2Ψ, INBio), 7–19.ii.2007 (1Ψ 3ɗ, BMNH, INBio), 19–29.ii.2008 (1Ψ 1ɗ, CH). San José: San Pedro, UCR campus, 1200 m, vii.1996, Roberto, ex lep leafminer on Trichilia havanensis (1Ψ, MIUCR), and 8.i.2003 ex Phyllocnistis sp. leafminer on Trichilia havanensis (1ɗ, MIUCR). BRAZIL. Bahia Fazenda, Matiapa Camara , 14.x.1978, F. Benton (1Ψ, BMNH); Bahia, Mata de São João, Reserva de Sapiranga, 12°33’42.1”S 38°02’43.8”W, Varredura veg. – Am. 5, 21.vii.2001, M.T. Tavares e eq., col. (1Ψ, MZSP); Caruaru, P.E., 900 m, iv.1972, M. Alvarenga (1Ψ, CNC); Espirito Santo, Linhares, Res. Biol. Sooretama, 19°19’11”S 40°07’08.1”W, Varredura veg. – Am. 23, 06.iv.2002, C.O. Azevedo e eq., col (1Ψ, MZSP); Guanabara, Represa Rio Grande, ix.1972, M. Alvarenga (1Ψ, CNC); Rio de Janeiro, Nova Iguaçu, Res. Biol. Tinguá, 22°34’38”S 43°26’09”W, Varredura Veg. – Am. 14, 07.iii.2002, S.T. Amarante e eq., col. (1Ψ, MZSP); Santa Catarina, São Francisco do Sul, CEPA Vila da Glória, 26°13’ 40.0S 48°40’49.1”W, Varredura Veg. – Am. 30, 17.x.2001, A.M. Penteado-Dias e eq., col. (1Ψ, MZSP). ECUADOR. Napo, 5 km S Sacha, cultivated forest, 7.iii.1983, Lars Huggert (1Ψ, LUZM). HONDURAS. Copán, Copán Ruinas, 23.x.1988, R. Cave (1ɗ, LUZM). PERU. Huanuco, Tingo Maria, Cueva de las Pavas, 30.i.1984, Lars Huggert (1ɗ, LUZM); Loreto: Iquitos, Barillal, 10.ii.1984, Lars Huggert (1Ψ, LUZM); Iquitos, Rio Nanay, 4–6.ii.1984, Lars Huggert (1ɗ, LUZM); Iquitos, Quisto Cocha, 5.ii.1984, Lars Huggert (1Ψ, LUZM). Junin: Satipo, 19.i.1984, Lars Huggert (1Ψ, LUZM).

Etymology. Named for the predominantly bare costal cell (Greek aneimon = naked, unclad).

Remarks. In the material from the inventory project of the Mata Atlantica project in Brazil there is one damaged female from Bahia, Ilhéus , and one damaged male from Pernambuco, Recife that are not included in the type material because of their incomplete states (female without petiole and damaged gaster, male without head). These two specimens are kept in MZSP.


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center (CATIE)


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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