Closterocerus petiolatus, Hansson, 2022

Hansson, Christer, 2022, Eulophidae Of Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), 4 The Genus Closterocerus Westwood S. Str., Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 1 (1), pp. 1-137 : 66-67

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Felipe (2023-11-07 19:44:06, last updated 2023-11-13 01:45:03)

scientific name

Closterocerus petiolatus


Closterocerus petiolatus sp.nov.

( Figs 137–140 View Figs 137–142 , 213 View Figs 205–213 , 224 View Figs 224–232 , 234 View Figs 233–238 )

Diagnosis. Antenna flattened, scape long with one-third of its length reaching above level of vertex and widest at apex, all flagellomeres distinctly separated ( Figs 224 View Figs 224–232 ); pronotal collar with a carina along anterior margin ( Figs 137, 139 View Figs 137–142 ); mesoscutum with one pair of weak setae in posterior part ( Fig. 137 View Figs 137–142 ); fore wing infuscate with two elongate hyaline parts in apical part of wing, separated by infuscation ( Figs 137, 138, 140 View Figs 137–142 , 213 View Figs 205–213 ); hind tarsus with T1–3 white and T4 dark brown ( Fig. 138 View Figs 137–142 ); petiole as long as wide with strong sculpture on dorsal part; length of body female 1.7–2.3mm, male 1.4–2.0mm.

Female holotype: length of body 2.0mm.

Antenna dark brown. Frons metallic bluish-green. Vertex metallic purple. Mesoscutum metallic bluish-purple with posterior one-half of midlobe golden-green. Mesoscutellum golden-green with sides and posterior part metallic bluish-purple. Dorsellum metallic bluish-purple. Propodeum golden-green. Coxae black, femora, mid and hind tibiae dark brown, fore tibia infuscate with ventral part dark brown; fore tarsus infuscate, mid and hind tarsi with T1–3 white and T4 dark brown. Fore wing infuscate with two elongate hyaline parts in apical part of wing, separated by infuscation; hind wing hyaline. Petiole black. Gaster with Gt 1-2 metallic bluish-purple, remaining tergites dark brown with metallic tinges.

Antenna flattened, scape long with one-third of its length reaching above level of vertex and widest at apex. Frons and vertex with strong reticulation. Frontofacial suture V-shaped. Subtorular sutures present. Occipital margin rounded.

Pronotal collar with a carina along anterior margin. Mesoscutum with strong reticulation; notauli narrow and complete; midlobe of mesoscutum with one pair of weak setae in posterior part. Mesoscutellum with strong, but weaker than mesoscutum, reticulation. Dorsellum convex and smooth. Propodeum reticulate in posterior two-thirds, otherwise smooth, without a median carina; callus with two setae. Fore wing speculum small and closed; without stigmal hairline and with radial cell hairy.

Petiole about as long as wide with strong sculpture on dorsal surface. Gaster ovate; Gt 1 smooth, remaining tergites with weak reticulation.

Relative measurements: head length dorsal 21; head length frontal 27; head width 46; POL 9; OOL 6.5; lateral ocellus maximum width 3; eye length 18.5; malar space 10.5; mouth width 11; mesosoma length 69; mesosoma width 43; mesoscutellum length 25; mesoscutellum width 25; fore wing length 132; fore wing width 80; marginal vein length 70; postmarginal vein length 3; stigmal vein length 9; fore wing marginal fringe length 8; gaster length 67; gaster width 47.

Variation in paratype material. Length of body: 1.7–2.3mm. Vertex metallic purple or bluish-green. Fore wing wing infuscate with two elongate hyaline parts in apical part of wing, separated by infuscation, sometimes with a hyaline part below basal one-half of marginal vein.

Male ( Figs 139, 140 View Figs 137–142 ). Length of body 1.4–2.0mm. Vertex golden-green or golden-red; mesoscutum golden-red with anterior one-third and sidelobes golden-green; mesoscutellum completely golden-red; gaster elongate. Otherwise as in female.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Costa Rica.

Material examined.

Type material. Holotype ♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, Cerro de la Muerte , 20km S Empalme, 2800m, iiiiv.1989, P. Hanson ” ( NHMUK) . Paratypes (19♀ 6♂, CNC, MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK) : 6♀ with same label data as holotype ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, 2km SE Empalme , xi.1988, P. Hanson ” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, Cerro de la Muerte, 19km S, 3km W Empalme , 2600m, v-vi.1989, Hanson & Godoy” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, E.B. Cerro de la Muerte, 3100m, vii.2000, P. Hanson ” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, Zurqui de Moravia , 1600m, 10˚3’N, 84˚0’W, v.1992, P. Hanson ” ; 2♀ “ COSTA RICA: San José, San Gerardo de Dota , 20-21.ii.2013, J.S. Noyes, NHM (Ent) 2012-91” ; 2♀ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, Potrero Grande, Cerro Kasir , 2959m, 19.vii-19.viii.2000, M.Alfaro, LS 349700/566850 #59114”; following from same locality as previous but collected 20.viii.2000 (1♀), 19.ix-19.x.2000 (1♀) ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Estación Altamira, Sendero a Casa Coca , 1700m, 16.vii-16.viii.2000, D. Rubí, MT, LS 574400 /331750 #84976” ; 1♂ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, E.B. Monteverde , 10º20′N, 84º49′W, 1540m, 26.ii.2007, J.S. Noyes, BMNH(Ent) 2010-21” GoogleMaps ; 2♂ “ COSTA RICA: Highway #2, Km 72, 9˚38’N, 83˚50’W, 2850m, 31.iii.1985, Goulet & Masner” ; 1♀ 1♂ “ COSTA RICA: Highway #2, Km 93, 9˚36’N, 83˚45’W, 3200m, 1.iv.1985, Goulet & Masner” ; 2♂ “ COSTA RICA: Highway #2, Km 66, 9˚45’N, 84˚10’W, 2400m, 4.iv.1985, Goulet & Masner” .

Etymology. Name referring to large petiole, as long as wide, which is unusual but not unique within this genus. Most species has petiole very short, just a narrow band.

Gallery Image

Figs 137–142. Closterocerus spp. C. petiolatus – (137) habitus dorsal view, paratype ♀; (138) habitus lateral view, paratype ♀; (139) habitus dorsal view, paratype ♂; (140) habitus lateral view, paratype ♂. C. platycerus – (141) habitus dorsal view, holotype ♀; (142) habitus lateral view, paratype ♀.

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Figs 205–213. Closterocerus spp., fore wing ♀ – (205) C. alpestris; (206) C. trimaculatus; (207) C. cinctipennis; (208) C. coffeellae; (209) C. complanatus; (210) C. deltoides; (211) C. mirandus; (212) C. nitidulus; (213) C. petiolatus.

Gallery Image

Figs 224–232. Closterocerus spp. ♀ – 224–229. Antenna lateral view – (224) C. petiolatus; (225) C. platycerus; (226) C. triquetrus; (227) C. scitulus; (228) C. trimaculatus; (229) C. stigmalis. – 230. C. woolleyi ♀, head+antenna lateral view. – 231–232. Head frontal view – (231) C. woolleyi; (232) C. nitidulus.

Gallery Image

Figs 233–238. Closterocerus spp. ♀ – 233–237. Head frontal view – (233) C. coffeellae; (234) C. petiolatus; (235) C. platycerus; (236) C. scitulus; (237) C. stigmalis. – 238. C. trifasciatus, fore wing. Abbreviations: mf = marginal fringe length; rc = radial cell; sl = stigmal hair line; wl = wing length; ww = wing width.


Natural History Museum, London


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Lund University











