Closterocerus flammeus, Hansson, 2022

Hansson, Christer, 2022, Eulophidae Of Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), 4 The Genus Closterocerus Westwood S. Str., Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 1 (1), pp. 1-137 : 48-49

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Felipe (2023-11-07 19:44:06, last updated 2024-02-19 17:54:41)

scientific name

Closterocerus flammeus


Closterocerus flammeus sp.nov.

( Figs 95–97 View Figs 95–101 )

Diagnosis. Antenna slightly flattened, scape widest at apex ( Fig. 96 View Figs 95–101 ); flagellum with F4–5 paler than remainder of antenna ( Fig. 96 View Figs 95–101 ); pronotal collar without a carina along anterior margin ( Fig. 95 View Figs 95–101 ); mesoscutellum with weak reticulation and 0.9× as long as wide ( Fig. 95 View Figs 95–101 ); major part of midlobe of mesoscutum and scutellum golden-red ( Fig. 95 View Figs 95–101 ); fore wing hyaline with area below stigmal vein infuscate ( Fig. 95 View Figs 95–101 ); hind tarsus yellowish-brown ( Fig. 95 View Figs 95–101 ); length of body female 0.8–1.2mm, male 0.6–1.0mm.

Female holotype: length of body 1.2mm.

Antenna with scape, pedicel and F1–3 dark brown, F4–5 infuscate. Frons golden-green. Vertex metallic blue in anterior one-half, golden-green in posterior one-half. Mesoscutum with midlobe golden-red, sidelobes metallic blue. Mesoscutellum golden-red with lateral and posterior margins golden-green. Dorsellum metallic bluish-green. Propodeum golden-green medially and metallic bluish-purple laterally. Legs with coxae, femora, mid and hind tibiae dark brown, fore tibia white with base brown; fore tarsus infuscate, mid and hind tarsi yellowish-brown. Fore wing hyaline with area below stigmal vein infuscate; hind wing hyaline. Petiole dark brown. Gaster with Gt 1,6 metallic blue, Gt dark brown with sides metallic blue, Gt 7 dark brown.


Antenna slightly flattened, scape widest at apex. Frons and vertex with strong reticulation. Frontofacial suture V-shaped. Subtorular sutures present. Occipital margin with a rounded edge behind ocellar triangle.

Pronotal collar without a carina along anterior margin. Mesoscutum with strong reticulation; notauli distinct ±throughout and strongly curved; midlobe without setae. Mesoscutellum slightly flattened with weak reticulation. Dorsellum convex with weak reticulation. Propodeum smooth, without median carina; callus with two setae. Fore wing speculum closed; with a stigmal hairline and with radial cell bare.

Petiole very short, just a transverse strip. Gaster ovate; Gt 1-2 with weak reticulation, remaining tergites with strong reticulation.

Relative measurements: head length dorsal 14; head length frontal 18.5; head width 31; POL 5; OOL 2.5; lateral ocellus maximum width 2; eye length 16; malar space 4; mouth width 9.5; mesosoma length 34; mesosoma width 26; mesoscutellum length 13.5; mesoscutellum width 15.5; fore wing length 55; fore wing width 32; marginal vein length 27; postmarginal vein length 1.5; stigmal vein length 5; fore wing marginal fringe length 5; gaster length 40; gaster width 26.

Variation in paratype material. Length of body: 0.8–1.2mm. Vertex metallic blue in anterior one-half and golden-green in posterior one-half, or metallic purple in anterior one-half and metallic blue in posterior one-half, to completely metallic purple; with strong reticulation throughout, or with strong reticulation in anterior one-half and weak reticulation in posterior one-half. Midlobe of mesoscutum with strong reticulation, or with posterior two-thirds with same weak reticulation as on mesoscutellum; sidelobes metallic blue or purple. Propodeum golden-green medially and metallic bluish-purple laterally, or metallic purple. Gaster with Gt 1 metallic blue or purple.

Male ( Fig. 97 View Figs 95–101 ). Length of body: 0.6–1.0mm. Vertex golden-green, or metallic blue. Otherwise similar to female.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Venezuela.

Material examined.

Type material. Holotype ♀ “ COSTA RICA: Cartago, Humo, El Copal , 9°47’N, 83°45’W, 1050-1250m, 29.ii-6.iii.2008, C. Hansson ” ( MZLU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (55♀ 37♂, CNC, MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK, TAMU) : 5♀ with same label data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 5♀ “ COSTA RICA: Alajuela, P.N. Arenal, Send. Ceibo , 10º27’N, 84º41’W, 22-23.ii.2016, J.S. Noyes, NHM (Ent) 2016-79” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ 1♂ “ COSTA RICA: Alajuela, 7km N Boca Tapada, Laguna Lagarto Lodge , 55m, 10˚41’N, 84˚11’W, 18-19.ii.2018, J.S. Noyes, NHM (Ent) 2018-87” ; 11♀ 9♂ “ COSTA RICA: Heredia, E.B. La Selva , 75m, 10º26’N, 84º01’W, 23-24.ii.2005, J.S. Noyes ”; following from same locality as previous but collected 23.ii.2006 (3♀ 1♂), 28-29.ii.2008 (1♀ 3♂), 23-24.ii.2012 (3♂) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ GoogleMaps “ COSTA RICA: Heredia, R.P. Selva Verde , 10°27’N, 84°04’W, 75m, 13.ii.2005, C. Hansson ” GoogleMaps ; 7♀ 3♂ “ COSTA RICA: Limón, R.B. Hitoy-Cerere, 100m, 9˚40’N, 83˚02’W, 24-25.ii.2004, J.S. Noyes ”; following from same locality as previous but collected 20-22.ii.2006 (1♀ 3♂), 22-23.ii.2010 (2♂) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ GoogleMaps “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, San Vito, Las Cruces , 8º47’N, 82º58’W, 1000-1300m, 7-19.ii.2007, C. Hansson ” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ from same locality as previous but collected 15-16.ii.2006 GoogleMaps ; 7♀ 4♂ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, P.N. Corcovado, Sirena , 8º29’N, 83º35’W, 5m, 19-20.ii.2004, J.S. Noyes ” GoogleMaps ; 1♀ 4♂ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, R.P. Karen Mogensen, 305m, 9˚52’N, 85˚03’W, 14-15.ii.2005, J.S. Noyes ” ; 1♀ 2♂ from same locality as previous but collected 17-18.ii.2011 ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, P.N. Piedras Blancas, 100m, 8˚43’N, 83˚13’W, 13-14.ii.2012, J.S. Noyes, NHM (Ent) 2012-91” ; 1♀ “ COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, Dominical , 31.viii.1986, L. Masner, S.S.[screen sweeping]” . 7♀ 2♂ “ VENEZUELA: Araqua, Rancho Grande , 28.v.1990, 3650´, J.B. Woolley, 90/003” .

Etymology. From the Latin flammeus = fiery-red, flame-coloured, in reference to the colour of midlobe of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum.

Gallery Image

Figs 95–101. Closterocerus spp. C. flammeus – (95) habitus dorsal view, paratype ♀; (96) habitus lateral view, paratype ♀; (97) habitus lateral view, paratype ♂. C. eulampis, paratype ♂ – (98) habitus lateral view. C. flavicinctus, non-types – (99) habitus dorsal view, ♀; (100) habitus lateral view, ♀; (101) vertex, ♀.


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Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Natural History Museum, London











