Juroala pulchra, FU & HUANG, 2021

FU, YAN-ZHE & HUANG, DI-YING, 2021, A new species of Sinoalidae from the (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha) topmost Late Jurassic Daohugou Bed, Palaeoentomology 4 (1), pp. 34-38 : 34-37

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.1.7

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scientific name

Juroala pulchra

sp. nov.

Juroala pulchra sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURE1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Holotype. NIGP171749 View Materials , with part and counterpart; legs missing, hindwings mostly invisible.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin “pulcher”, meaning beautiful.

Typelocalityandhorizon. Nanlianglocality, Daohugou Village, Wuhua Township, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China; Haifanggou Formation; Upper Jurassic.

Diagnosis. Antenna with flagellomere I relatively long, slighter shorter than flagellomere II (flagellomere I much shorter in J. daidaleos Fu & Huang, 2019 ); tegmen with length/width about 3.9, without contrasting colour pattern; vein RA arched, bent to RP at middle, making a broad fanshaped area between veins ScP and RA, wider than cell C1; MP deeply forked; cell C3 elongate, distinctly longer than cell C3a and C3b; apical cells ten in number.

Description. Body strongly dorsoventrally flattened ( Fig. 1A, B View FIGURE1 ), preserved body length about 13.30 mm long, 3.27 mm wide at broadest point.

Head ( Fig. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ). Rounded apically, width with compound eyes narrower than pronotum; compound eyes large; postclypeus flat, covered with distinct dense punctures; antenna inserted in deep cavities, length about 1.78 mm, scape apparently thicker than pedicel, pedicel thicker and longer than flagellomere I, at least seven flagellomeres visible ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ), flagellomeres incrementally grading to slightly thinner, flagellomere I slighter shorter than flagellomere II, flagellomeres II–VI becoming progressively shorter, flagellomere VII quite long, tapering apically.

Thorax ( Fig. 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ). Pronotum broad, subhexagonal, 3.25 mm wide at broadest point, about 1.5 times as wide as head; covered with tiny punctures; anterior margin almost straight; posterior margin smoothly concave medially. Mesonotum slightly wider than head.

Tegmen ( Fig. 1C, D View FIGURE1 ). Length 12.2 mm, width 3.1 mm; surface without disruptive colour pattern, e. g. dark bands or irregular patches of darker areas; clavus area sclerotized; postcostal cell, median cell, cubital cell, clavus area and around veins covered with punctures; costal margin smoothly arched, apical margin rounded, posterior margin almost straight; Pc+CP ending not beyond tip of basal cell; ScP fused with stems R+MP+CuA at about 1/3 of basal cell length; ScP+R, MP and CuA separating from stems ScP+R+MP+CuA almost at same point; basal cell with length about 0.30 of tegmen length; basal cross vein cua-cup almost straight; RA 2-branched, RA 1 unparallel with ScP, RA 2 arched, bent to RP medially and connected to RP by cross vein ir; stem MP forking into MP 1+2 and MP at basal 0.62 of tegmen length; cross vein imp connected MP 2 and MP 3; cell C3 about 1.5–1.8 times as long as C3a and C3b; stem CuA curved anteriorly, forked nearly at same level of stem ScP+RA fork, CuA 1 arched basally, connected to MP 3+4 by cross vein mp-cua; CuP almost straight; Pcu ending slightly apicad of stem MP fork; A 1 sinuous.


Abdomen. Abdomen slightly narrower than pronotum; genital plates obscure; genital styles elongate; anal tube relatively wide; aedeagus and anal styles not clearly visible.

















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