Bauhinia beguinotii Cufodontis (1933: 192)

Juárez, Pedro, Flores, Rodolfo & Blanco, Mario A., 2018, Bauhinia proboscidea (Fabaceae: Cercidoideae), a new species from Costa Rica and Panama, with notes on B. beguinotii, B. gorgonae and B. pansamalana, Phytotaxa 361 (1), pp. 25-40 : 34-35

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Felipe (2024-09-06 00:34:31, last updated 2024-09-06 03:51:21)

scientific name

Bauhinia beguinotii Cufodontis (1933: 192)


Bauhinia beguinotii Cufodontis (1933: 192) View in CoL .

Type:— COSTA RICA. [Limón]: In regione Atlantica, “Waldeck”, 28 milia a Puerto Limon, ad silvarum margines versus Río Barbilla, [10°06’N, 83°23’W], 40 m, 12 May 1930 (fl.), Cufodontis 664 (holotype: W! [photos F!, MEXU!, MO!]).

Distribution and habitat:— Bauhinia beguinotii occurs on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica and Panama, at elevations of 50–700 m ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). See additional comments below. Available specimens describe the habitat as primary and secondary tropical wet forest, frequently in the understory.

Comments:—In herbaria, Bauhinia proboscidea has often been confused with B. beguinotii because of its arborescent habit, shortly petiolate, entire to apically bifid leaves of similar shape and occurrence in both Costa Rica and Panama. However, B. proboscidea can be distinguished from B. beguinotii by its more elongate leaf blades (lengthto-width ratio 2.5–3.3 vs. 1.5–2.3), the inner pair of leaf blade nerves more or less equidistant between those of the outer pair and the midrib (vs. much closer to the midrib), linear (vs. oblanceolate) petals, 3 (vs. 10) fertile stamens and longer fruits (20–35 vs. 12–18 cm). Zamora (2010) mentioned the number of leaf blade nerves as a distinguishing character between B. beguinotii and B. proboscidea (as “ Bauhinia sp. B ”; 7 vs. 5, respectively), but an exhaustive examination of herbarium specimens shows that this is not a reliable difference. Also, while B. proboscidea occurs on the Pacific slope of central Costa Rica and extreme western Panama at 200–1300 m, B. beguinotii is naturally distributed on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica to central Panama at 50–700 m ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Thus, although occurring in the same two countries, both species are allopatric. Because of misidentified specimens of B. proboscidea and B. gorgonae , some studies based on determinations mined from herbarium databases have erroneously reported the occurrence of B. beguinotii on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica and/or Panama, and also in Colombia and/or Venezuela (e.g., Contu 2012, Cornejo et al. 2012, Ulloa Ulloa et al. 2017; see further comments in the following paragraphs and under B. gorgonae below).

A sterile specimen from 800–1300 m in Darien Province in Panama, identified as Bauhinia beguinotii (G entry & Mori 13607, MO), has exceedingly long petioles (3.5–7 vs. 1.5–3.5 cm, the range otherwise known from the species even in the juvenile condition) and long-acuminate to caudate apices of the leaf lobes (up to 4 cm long, a condition never seen in B. beguinotii ; see below). It is apparent that this specimen is misidentified. Another specimen misidentified as B. beguinotii from Cerro Obu in the Panamanian province of San Blas (de Nevers et al. 8099, MO), described as having white petals but lacking any flowers on the sheet, has large, deeply divided leaf blades with a ferrugineous abaxial surface (a condition never present in that species, see below).

Bauhinia beguinotii has been erroneously reported from Colombia ( Ruiz et al. 2016, Ulloa Ulloa et al. 2017) based both on misidentified specimens of Schnella (Forero 1499, Romero 10081 and Romero 10087, all at COL, and Gentry & Cuadros 63779, MO, which are lianescent and have visible tendrils), and on B. gorgonae ; see comments under that species below).

The collection Kriebel 1613 indicates that the white flowers of Bauhinia beguinotii stay open at night.

Conservation status:— Contu (2012) provided a Red List conservation assessment of Bauhinia beguinotii according to the methods and criteria of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (2012), resulting in the placement of this species in the Least Concern (LC) category. However, Contu cited, as sites of occurrence of B. beguinotii , several protected areas on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica where B. proboscidea is known to occur (Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Parque Nacional Corcovado–Estación Sirena and Parque Nacional Barbilla; see specimens cited for that species), and others in Colombia ( Isla Gorgona and Paramillo National Park on the mainland; localities for B. gorgonae and for Gentry & Cuadros 63779 [ Schnella sp. , cited above], respectively). Contu (2012) also listed the upper elevation limit of B. beguinotii as 1300 m, which agrees with the corresponding value for B. proboscidea but not for that of B. beguinotii (700 m). This, together with B. beguinotii (as circumscribed here) being confined to the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica and Panama, shows that Contu (2012) included specimens of B. gorgonae and also misidentified specimens of both B. proboscidea and of the genus Schnella in her calculation of the EOO and AOO for B. beguinotii , possibly underestimating the extinction risk of the latter.

With an EOO of 45,152.88 km 2, an AOO of 56 km 2, and known from nine localities (seven in Costa Rica, two in Panama), our global-level assessment for Bauhinia beguinotii shows that this species fits the category of Endangered (EN). However, because of its presence in at least four protected areas (three in Costa Rica, one in Panama), it can be safely placed in the LC category. Thus, even when the EOO calculated by us with curated data is much smaller than that calculated by Contu (2012, 270,000 km 2), this species maintains the same Red List category.

Our national-level assessment for Costa Rica also places Bauhinia beguinotii in the LC category (EOO= 7,217.66 km 2, AOO= 32 km 2). For Panama, our national-level assessment places this species in the Vulnerable category (VU B1ab(ii,ii,iv)+2ab(ii,iii,iv), EOO= 3,263.06 km 2, AOO= 24 km 2).

Additional specimens examined:— COSTA RICA. Alajuela: San Ramón, distrito Peñas Blancas, Reserva Biológica Soltis Center , sendero a la catarata, 500 m, 10º23’14” N, 83º37’19” W, 29 August 2016 (fl., fr.), Cedeño- Fonseca et al. 935 ( USJ [2 sheets]) GoogleMaps ; Upala, Volcán Tenorio, Pilón , [ca. 10°40’N 85°01’W], 19 November 1987 (sterile), Sánchez & Poveda 1285 ( CR, MO) GoogleMaps ; Upala, área no protegida, cuenca del Zapote, entrada la Carmela a salir a la estación, 600–700 m, 10º43’15” N, 84º59’45” W, 19 May 2004 (fl.), Kriebel 4629 ( CR, CR-INB, K, MO) GoogleMaps ; Upala, Bijagua, El Pilón, Cabeceras del Río Celeste , 700 m, 10º49’ N, 84º27’ W, 14 November 1987 (fl., fr.), Herrera 1275 ( CR, F, MO [2 sheets]) GoogleMaps . Cartago: Turrialba, R. B. Barbilla, cuenca del Matina , sendero que lleva al Río Danta , 500 m, 9º58’24” N, 83º27’02” W, 16 July 1998 (fr.), Rodríguez & Vargas 3822 ( CR, CR-INB) GoogleMaps ; Turrialba, P. N. Barbilla, cuenca del Matina , márgen Sur del Río Danta , 400 m, 9º58’19” N, 83º27’39” W, 16 May 2001 (fl.), Acosta et al. 3078 ( CR, CR-INB, K, MO, USJ) GoogleMaps . Heredia: Sarapiquí, Rara Avis, ca. 15 km al suroeste de Horquetas , sendero Atajo , 700 m, 10º17’ N, 84º02’ W, 24 June 1989 (fl., fr.), Vargas 1 ( CR, CR-INB, MO [2 sheets], USJ) GoogleMaps ; Sarapiquí, Rara Avis, ca. 15 km al suroeste de Horquetas , siguiendo los caminos Real y Atajo , hasta la Catarata Grande , en su base, 400 m, 10º17’ N, 84º02’ W, 10 October 1989 (fr.), Vargas 213 ( CR, CR-INB, MEXU, USJ) GoogleMaps ; Sarapiquí, Rara Avis , ca. 15 km al suroeste de Horquetas, 400–600 m, 10º17’ N, 84º02’ W, 23 November 1989 (fr.), Vargas 321 ( CR, CR-INB, MEXU, MO) GoogleMaps ; Sarapiquí, Horquetas, El Plástico, sendero El Tigre y Atajo , 700 m, 10º17’03” N, 84º02’47” W, 11 January 1994 (fl., fr.), Vargas et al. 1668 ( CR, K, MO, USJ) GoogleMaps . Limón: Drenaje de Rio Valle Estrella, Montana de Andromeda , [ca. 9°40’N 83°02’W], 150 m, 26–28 October 1951 (sterile?), Shank & Molina 4466 ( EAP, US) GoogleMaps ; Pococí, área no protegida, cuenca Tortuguero-Sierpe, Estación Biológica La Suerte , Primavera , 100 m, 10º26’30” N, 83º47’20” W, 2 November 2002 (fl.), Kriebel 1613 ( CR, CR-INB, MO) GoogleMaps ; Pococí, Llanura de Santa Clara, Finca La Suerte , 50 m, 10º26’30” N, 83º47’20” W, 8 July 1995 (fr.), Aguilar et al. 4163 ( CR, CR-INB, MEXU, MO) GoogleMaps . PANAMÁ. Bocas del Toro: Al N. O. del campamento Changuinola 1 de Corriente Grande , Cerro Bracha , [ca. 9º17’58” N, 82º32’04” W], 18 January 1980 (fl.), Correa et al. 3227 ( PMA, USF) GoogleMaps ; Al SE y NE del campamento Changuinola 1 del IRHE, 19 January 1980 (fl., fr.), Correa et al. 3316 ( PMA, USF). Panama: Ca. 10 km N of Pan American Highway on El Llano-Carti Road , 500 m, 12 December 1973 (st.), Gentry et al. 8881 ( MO) ; Cartí Rd., 7 ml from turnoff at El Llano , 320 m, 9º15’ N, 78º58’ W, 16–17 April 1985 (fl.), Hammel 13547 ( MO, USF) GoogleMaps ; El Llano-Carti Road, 10–12 km from junction with Inter-American Hwy , 410 m, 30 October 1974 (fl.), Mori & Kallunki 2847 ( MO) ; El-Llano-Carti-Tupile road, 16 km N of Pan-Am Highway at El Llano, 400–500 m, 16 January 1974 (fl.), Nee & Dressler 9362 ( MO [2 sheets]) ; Panama / San Blas, El Llano-Cartí road, 300–400 m, 9º20’ N, 79º00’ W, 28 August 1982 (fr.), Hamilton & Stockwell 1089 ( MO, USF) GoogleMaps ; Road from El Llano to Carti , 14.8 km N of the Panamerican Highway , 300–500 m, 3 September 1977 (fl.), Folsom & Maas 5202 ( MO). San Blas [now Guna Yala]: El Llano to Carti road, near Nusgandi , along Sendero Nusgandi , west of buildings, 250–300 m, 9º15’ N, 79º00’ W, 16 June 1987 (fl.), McPherson 11033 ( MEXU, MO [2 sheets], USF) GoogleMaps ; El Llano-Carti road, near Nusagandi, along sendero Nusagandi , ca. 11 road-miles from Pan-American Highway , 300 m, 9º15’ N, 79º00’ W, 12 July 1988 (fl., fr.), McPherson 12734 A ( MO) GoogleMaps ; El Llano-Carti Road , km 19.1, 350 m, 9º19’ N, 78º55’ W, 11 March 1986 (fr.), de Nevers et al. 7326 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; El Llano-Carti Road, 19.1 km from Interamerican Hwy , 350 m, 9º19’ N, 78º55’ W, 5 March 1985 (fl., fr.), de Nevers et al. 4957 ( MEXU, MO, PMA, USF) GoogleMaps ; El-Llano-Carti Rd. Km 19.1, 350 m, 9º19’ N, 78º55’ W, 1 July 1985 (fl., fr.), de Nevers 5946 ( MEXU, MO, PMA, USF) GoogleMaps ; Nusagandi, along continental divide on El Llano-Carti Road, headwaters of Atlantic draining creeks, 320 m, 9º19’ N, 78º15’ W, 12 August 1984 (fl.), de Nevers & Pérez 3701 ( MO, PMA, USF) GoogleMaps ; Nusagandi, along the continental divide on the El Llano-Carti Road , 350 m, 9º19’ N, 78º15’ W, 30 July 1984 (fl.), de Nevers & Pérez 3582 ( MO, USF) GoogleMaps ; Nusgandi ridge running NW from Punta Mamá , 300–350 m, 9º19’ N, 78º15’ W, 13 August 1984 (fl., fr.), de Nevers et al. 3728 ( MEXU, MO [2 sheets], USF [2 sheets]) GoogleMaps ; Pemasky, sendero Nusagandi, Km 18 de la carretera Llano-Cartí , 350 m, 9º20’ N, 78º58’ W, 4 July 1994 (fl., fr.), Galdames et al. 1306 ( CR-INB, PMA, SCZ) GoogleMaps ; Trail along continental divide, 400 m, 9º20’ N, 78º56’ W, 23 July 1986 (fl.), McDonagh et al. 287 ( MO) GoogleMaps .

Contu, S. (2012) Bauhinia beguinotii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e. T 19891831 A 20026190. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, 6 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.2305 / IUCN. UK. 2012. RLTS. T 19891831 A 20026190. en

Cornejo, X., Mori, S. A., Aguilar, R., Stevens, H. & Douwes, F. (2012) Phytogeography of the trees of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Brittonia 64: 76 - 101. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12228 - 011 - 9194 - 0

Cufodontis, G. (1933) Risultati della spedizione biologica Austriaca in Costarica nel 1930 (Raccolte botaniche - Seconda parte): Descrizione di specie nuove e pubblicazione di specie finora ignote della Costarica, con osservazioni critiche. Archivio Botanico per la Sistematica, Fitogeografia e Genetica (Storica e Sperimentale) e Bulletino dell' Istituto Botanico della r. Universita de Modena 9 (3 - 4): 179 - 204.

IUCN Species Survival Commission. (2012) Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. Second edition. IUCN Species Survival Commission, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, 34 pp.

Ruiz, L. K., Gradstein, S. R., Bernal, R., Romero, C. & Mancera, J. C. (2016) Fabaceae. In: Bernal, R., Gradstein, S. R. & Celis, M. (Eds.) Catalogo de Plantas y Liquenes de Colombia. Volumen I - Capitulos Introductorios, Liquenes a Lythraceae. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 1498 pp. [pp. 1246 - 1343]

Ulloa Ulloa, C., Acevedo-Rodriguez, P., Beck, S., Belgrano, M. J., Bernal, R., Berry, P. E., Brako, L., Celis, M., Davidse, G., Forzza, R. C., Gradstein, S. R., Hokche, O., Leon, B., Leon-Yanez, S., Magill, R. E., Neill, D. A., Nee, M., Raven, P. H., Stimmel, H., Strong, M. T., Villasenor, J. L., Zarucchi, J. L., Zuloaga, F. O. & Jorgensen, P. M. (2017) An integrated assessment of the vascular plant species of the Americas. Science 358: 1614 - 1617 + supplementary materials (23 pp.) + data set (2497 pp.). https: // doi. org / 10.1126 / science. aao 0398

Zamora, N. (2010) Fabaceae. In: Hammel, B. E., Grayum, M. H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (Eds.) Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Volumen V: Clusiaceae - Gunneraceae. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 119: 395 - 775.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Distribution map of Bauhinia beguinotii, B. gorgonae, B. pansamalana and B. proboscidea, according to the localities of available herbarium collections with geographic coordinates (indicated or inferred, see text).


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Missouri Botanical Garden


Universidad de Costa Rica


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Royal Botanic Gardens


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nanjing University


Escuela Agrícola Panamericana


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Provincial Museum of Alberta


University of South Florida


University of New England


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute - Summit Herbarium











