Begonia glabra Aubl.
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Felipe (2023-07-24 12:32:17, last updated 2024-11-25 23:08:33) |
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Begonia glabra Aubl. |
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70. Begonia glabra Aubl. View in CoL View at ENA
Figs 88 View Fig , 89 View Fig
Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Françoise 2: 916 ( Aublet 1775). – Wageneria glabra (Aubl.) Klotzsch, Bericht View in CoL über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 126 ( Klotzsch 1854).
– Type: FRENCH GUIANA • Cayenne Arrondissement . Entre la riviere de Sinémari & la crique de Galibis; [5°08′ N, 52°38′ W]; J.B.C.F. Aublet s.n.; lectotype: BM [ BM001008462 ], designated by Smith & Wasshausen (1979: 239). GoogleMaps
Klotzsch (1855: 235); Walpers (1858: 926); Schulz (1911: 6); Standley (1937: 741); Smith & Schubert (1941a: 190, 1944: 82, 1952: 38, 1958: 54); Smith (1973: 216); Smith & Wasshausen (1979: 239, 1986: 14, 1989: 39); Brako & Zarucchi (1993: 192); Vásquez et al. (2005: 112–125); Wasshausen et al. (2014: 384); Burt-Utley (2015: 47).
Begonia scandens Sw. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; nom superfl.), Nova Genera & Species Plantarum: 86 ( Swartz 1788).
– Type: FRENCH GUIANA • Cayenne Arrondissement : entre la rivière de Sinémari & la crique de Galibis; 5°08′ N, 52°38′ W]; J.B.C.F. Aublet s.n.; holotype: BM [ BM001008462 ]. GoogleMaps
von Steudel (1840: 194); de Candolle (1864: 362); Schulz (1911: 5).
Begonia elliptica Kunth View in CoL in Humboldt et al. (1825), Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.), vol. 7: 138 ( Humboldt et al. 1825).
– Type: PERU – [Cajamarca Region: Prov. Jaén] • Prope Jaen de Bracamoros (Alto Marañón) ; [5°40′ S, 78°40′ W]; 300 m a.s.l.; Aug, F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland s.n.; lectotype: P [ P00679512 ], designated here; GoogleMaps isolectotype: P [ P00679513 ]. GoogleMaps
de Candolle (1864: 362); Schulz (1911: 5).
Begonia moritziana Kunth & Bouché, View in CoL Index Seminum in Horti Botanici Berolinensis. Berlin (Berolinensis) 1848: 16 ( Kunth & Bouché 1848).
– Type: VENEZUELA • Caracas J.W.K. Moritz s.n.; [n.v., herbarium unknown].
de Candolle (1864: 362).
Begonia lucida Otto & A.Dietr. (nom. illeg.; later homonym non Haw.), Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 16 (21): 162 ( Otto & Dietrich 1848). – Wageneria lucida (E.Otto & A.Dietr) Klotzsch, Bericht View in CoL über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 126 ( Klotzsch 1854).
– Type: unknown.
Klotzsch (1855: 234); Walpers (1858: 926); de Candolle (1864: 362); Schulz (1911: 5).
Begonia physalifolia Liebm., View in CoL Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn 1852: 19 ( Liebmann 1852).
– Type: COSTA RICA • “in monte Naranjo” ; 1524 m a.s.l.; May 1847; C. Ørsted 196; lectotype: C [ C10008256 ], designated here.
de Candolle (1864: 362); Schulz (1911: 5).
Wageneria deflexa Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 233 ( Klotzsch 1855) View in CoL .
– Type: VENEZUELA • H. Wagener 2543; holotype: B [n.v.].
Walpers (1858: 925); Schulz (1911: 6).
Wageneria montana Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 235 ( Klotzsch 1855) View in CoL .
– Type: PERU – [Huánuco Region: Prov. Huánuco] • Muña ; [9°40′ S, 75°49′ W]; 1785, H. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n.; [n.v., herbarium unknown]. GoogleMaps
Walpers (1858: 926); Schulz (1911: 6).
Begonia locellata A.DC., Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique, Série 4 11: 137 ( de Candolle 1859). View in CoL
– Type: MEXICO – [Oaxaca State] • Sierra San Pedro Nolasco , Talea ; [17°18′ N, 96°25′ W]; 1843–1844; C. Jurgensen 958; lectotype: K [ K000536562 ], designated here; GoogleMaps isolectotypes: BM, G. GoogleMaps
Smith & Schubert (1958: 54).
Begonia scandens var. amplifolia A.DC., Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864) View in CoL . – Begonia glabra var. amplifolia (A.DC.) L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub., Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13 (4/1): 191 ( Smith & Schubert 1941a). View in CoL
– Type: PERU – [Huánuco Region: Prov: Huánuco] • Pampayaco ; [9°33′ S, 75°54′ W]; E.F. Poeppig 1063; syntype: G-BOIS [n.v.] GoogleMaps • ibid.; E.F. Poeppig 1928; syntype: G-BOIS [n.v.]. GoogleMaps – [Prov: Tocache: Dist. Tocache] • Tocache ; [8°12′ S, 76°30′ W]; E.F. Poeppig 1928; syntype: W [n.v.]. GoogleMaps
Brako & Zarucchi (1993: 192).
Begonia hoegeana Regel & Schmidt, Gartenflora 35: 398 ( von Regel & Schmidt 1886). View in CoL
– Type: GUATEMALA – Jalapa Department • C.T. Hoege s.n.; [n.v., herbarium unknown].
Smith & Wasshausen (1979: 467).
Begonia repens Sessé & Moç. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; later homonym non Lam.), Flora Mexicana, 2 nd Edition: 219 ( Sessé & Moçino 1894).
– Type: MEXICO • M. Sessé & J.M. Mociño 4512; lectotype: MA [ MA603076 ], designated here.
Smith & Schubert (1945: 27).
Begonia scandens var. cordifolia C.DC. View in CoL , Bulletin de L’Herbier Boissier II 320 ( de Candolle 1908). – Begonia glabra var. cordifolia (C.DC.) Irmsch., Pareys Blumengartnerei, 2 nd Edition: 72 ( Irmscher 1960) View in CoL .
– Type: NICARAGUA – Grenada Dept. • Volcan Mombacho ; [11°50′ N, 85°58′ W]; 10 Feb. 1903; C.F. Baker 2336; holotype: G; GoogleMaps isotypes: K [2], MICH [ MICH11115797 ], MO [ MO-024982 ], US [ US00115448 ]. GoogleMaps
de Candolle (1864: 362); Burt-Utley (2015: 47).
Begonia glabra var. coralipetiolis Anon., Begonian View in CoL 13: 153 ( Anonymous 1946).
– Type: unknown. Syn. nov.
Begonia populifolia Schott (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Begonia scandens Sw. (nom. illeg.; nom. superfl.)), Systema Vegetabilium, 16 th Edition 4 (appendix): 408 ( Schott 1827).
Von Steudel (1840: 194); Schulz (1911: 5).
Wageneria deflexa Klotzsch View in CoL (nom. inval.; nom. nud.), Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 126 ( Klotzsch 1854).
Wageneria montana Klotzsch View in CoL (nom. inval.; nom. nud.), Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 126 ( Klotzsch 1854).
Pritzelia deflexa A.DC. (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Begonia scandens Sw. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; nom. superfl.)), Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864).
Schulz (1911: 6); Golding & Wasshausen (2002: 185) [as ‘deflecta’].
Pritzelia glabra A.DC. (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Begonia scandens Sw. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; nom. superfl.)), Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864).
Schulz (1911: 6).
Pritzelia lucida A.DC. (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Begonia scandens Sw. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; nom. superfl.)), Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864).
Schulz (1911: 6).
Pritzelia montana A.DC. (nom. inval.; nom. rej. pro syn. Begonia scandens Sw. View in CoL (nom. illeg.; nom. superfl.)), Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864).
Schulz (1911: 6).
Begonia glabra var. physalifolia Liebm. ex Buxton View in CoL (nom. inval.; nom. nud.), Check List of Begonias: 78 ( Buxton 1957).
Named for the species’ lack of indumentum, although some individuals outside Peru do have an indumentum.
Specimens examined
PERU • 1778–1788; H.A. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n.; MA [ MA813504 , mixed collection], OXF. – Loreto Region: Prov. Loreto • Carretera Oleoducto secundario entre los campamentos Bartra 1 y Bartra 4 ; 2°30′ S, 75°45′ W; ca 200 m a.s.l.; 15 Sep. 1979; C. Díaz & N. Jaramillo 1444; MO [ MO-1642665 ], US [ US00222080 ] GoogleMaps • Valseca-Rudolpho , río Corrientes between Q. Platanoyacu and mouth of río Mucusari; [2°59′ S, 75°48′ W]; 18 Sep. 1961; S. McDaniel & M. Marcos 11071; NY, USM GoogleMaps • Pampa Hermosa and vicinity , río Corrientes , 1 km S of jct. with río Macusari; 3°15′ S, 75°50′ W; 150 m a.s.l.; 4–9 Jun. 1986; W.H. Lewis, M. Elvin-Lewis, M.C. Gnerre & C. Díaz 10687; MO [ MO-2340415 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Maynas • Negro Urco , río Napo ; 3°00′ S, 73°25′ W; ca 125 m a.s.l.; 13 Jul. 1971; S. McDaniel 15345; USM GoogleMaps • San Antonio , en río Italaya; [3°44′ S, 73°14′ W]; ca 110 m a.s.l.; 18 Sep. 1929; E.P. Killip & A.C. Smith 29368; NY, US [ US00222107 ] GoogleMaps • Dist. Iquitos, Estación Experimental IIAP , Alpahuayo , 21 km al S de Iquitos; 4°10′ S, 73’30′ W; 180 m a.s.l.; J.J. Pipoly, R. Vásquez, N. Jaramillo & R. Ortíz 12154; MO [ MO-1642602 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Datem del Marañón • NW slopes of Cerros Campanquiz , río Marañón just above Pongo de Manseriche; [4°27′ S, 77°35′ W]; 250–350 m a.s.l.; 17 Oct. 1962; J.J. Wurdack 2290 ( NY, US [ US00222099 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Alto Amazonas • Puranchim , río Sinchiyacu ; 2°50′ S, 76°55′ W; 200 m a.s.l.; 21–27 Nov. 1986; W.H. Lewis, M. Elvin-Lewis, J. Campos & D. Fast 12105; MO [ MO-2340414 ] GoogleMaps • Puerto Limón ; [4°42′ S, 72°13′ W]; G. Tessmann 3854; NY GoogleMaps • Yurimaguas ; [5°54′ S, 76°06′ W]; Aug. 1902, E. Ule 6268; K, L. GoogleMaps – Prov. Ucayali • Contamana, trail to Aguas Calientes ; [7°15′ S, 74°59′ W]; 160–200 m a.s.l.; 27 Jul. 1970; S. McDaniel 14085; MO [ MO-1642634 ], USM GoogleMaps • ibid.; 27 Jul. 1970; F. McDaniel & L. Santiago 2558; US [ US00222092 ]. GoogleMaps – Amazonas Region: Prov. Condorcanqui • Quebrada Satik entsa ; 600 m a.s.l.; 16 Jul. 1974; R. Kayap 1130; MO [ MO-286136 ], NY, USM • Cerros Kampanis , serranía entre los ríos Santa Morena, desde río Marañón hasta frontera con Ecuador; 3°49′19.28″S, 77°36′36.02″ W; 1044 m a.s.l.; I. Huamantupa, D. Neill, N. Pitman, C. Kakekai & J. Ramírez 15831; F [ V0386830F ], USM GoogleMaps • río Cenepa , 7 km E of Huampami; [4°27′ S, 78°10′ W]; 305 m a.s.l.; 10 Oct. 1972; B. Berlin 213; MO [ MO-286132 ] GoogleMaps • Bajo Cachiaco, Tayuntsa , Quebrada Kagtashentsa , río Nieva ; [5°05′ S, 77°59′ W]; 14 Aug. 1997; J. Albán, B. Millán, N. Malca & R. Apanú 9948; MO [ MO-2991016 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Bagua • Dist. Imaza, comunidad Aguaruna de Kusú-Listra , Cerro Apág ; [4°45′ S, 78°20′ W]; 600–700 m a.s.l.; 16 Sep. 1996; C. Díaz, A. Peña & D. Shuwin 8179; MO [ MO-286134 ], MOL, USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Imaza, comunidad Aguaruna de Putuim ; 4°55′ S, 78°19′ W; 480 m a.s.l.; E. Rodríguez R., P. Atamain, E. Chavez-Agkuash & W. Atamain 1144; HUT, MO [ MO-286139 ], USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Aramango, Cerros de Nueva Esperanza ; 5°28′02″ S, 78°23′11″ W; 1800 m a.s.l.; 20 Jul. 2001; R. Vásquez, R. Rojas & L. Campos 27528; MO [ MO-3009259 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Bongará • Dist. Shipasbamba, along quebrada Fortuna ; ca 1300 m a.s.l.; 6 May 1981; K. Young & M. Eisenberg 330; MO [ MO-1835926 ]. – Prov. Luya • Camporedondo, montanas de “Jaype” ; [6°08′ S, 78°20′ W]; 1600–1700 m a.s.l.; 25 Jun. 1991; C. Díaz & L. Campos 4468; MO [ MO-1835910 ], USM GoogleMaps • Camporedondo, Tullanya ; 6°09′07″ S, 78°21′05″ W; 1550 m a.s.l.; 27 Nov. 1996; C. Díaz & A. Peña 8699; MO [ MO-1642673 ], US [ US00672848 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Cajamarca Region: Prov. San Ignacio • Dist. Namballe, Vega del Toro ; 4°58′46″ S, 79°05′01″ W; 800–1000 m a.s.l.; R. Vásquez, R. Rojas, A. Peña & E. Chávez 25145; MO [ MO-1642631 ], US [ US00672842 ], USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Namballe, bosque Pacashal , margen derecho y arriba río Canchis; 4°58′ S, 79°10′ W; 650–800 m a.s.l.; 10 Jul. 1997; E. Rodríguez R. & O. Pesantes 1667; HUT, MO [ MO-1642620 ], US [ US00672846 ], USM. GoogleMaps – San Martín Region: Prov. Rioja • Cerca Puente Naranjillo , carretera marginal Rioja-Chachapoyas; [5°40′ S, 77°40′ W]; 1000–1100 m a.s.l.; 5 Sep. 1974; R. Ferreyra 18505; USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Nuevo Cajamarca, cerca del Poblado Palestina , camino a la Cueva Palestina; 5°54′ S, 77°21′ W; 890 m a.s.l.; 1 Nov. 1997; I. Sánchez V. & M.O. Dillon 8386; CPUN, F GoogleMaps • Naciente río Negro ; 910 m a.s.l.; [6°05′ S, 77°16′ W]; 16 Jul. 1995; I. Sánchez Vega & M.O. Dillon 8071; CPUN, F [2: V0086766F , V0086767F ], US [ US00673147 ] GoogleMaps . – Prov. Lamas • Dist. Alonso de Alvarado, San Juan de Pacaipaza , km 72, carretera Tarapoto-Moyobamba; [6°16′ S, 76°46′ S], 1000–1050 m a.s.l.; 12 Jun. 1977; J. Schunke V. 9702; MO [ MO-1642645 ], NY, U, US [ US00222088 ], USM • Caserio El Progreso, Tarapoto-Yurimaguas road ; 6°25′05″ S, 79°19′ W; 700 m a.s.l.; 25 Sep. 1986; S. Knapp & K. Mallet 8441; MO [ MO-1642715 ], NY [ NO00453979 ], USM GoogleMaps • 20–27 km NE of Tarapoto, road to Yurimaguas , near top of Cordillera; [6°29′ S, 76°16′ W]; 900– 1000 m a.s.l.; 21 Jul. 1982; A.H. Gentry, D.N. Smith & R. Tredwell 37890; MO [ MO-1642679 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. San Martín • Dist. Tarapoto, Tarapoto ; [6°27′ S, 76°20′ W]; Jun. 1856; R.E. Spruce 3960; G-DC, K [ K000006034 ], OXF GoogleMaps • ibid.; [6°27′ S, 76°20′ W]; Jun. 1855; R.E. Spruce 4826; BM [ BM000777906 ], E [ E00299524 ], G-DC, K [2: K000006035 , K000006036 ], NY GoogleMaps • Carretera Tarapoto-Yurimaguas , from km 13–12; [6°27′ S, 76°19′ W]; ca 700 m a.s.l.; 16 Jun. 1980; M. Rimachi Y. 5230; US [ US00222083 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Huallaga • Dist. Saposoa, Al sur de Anazco Pueblo ; [6°51′ S, 77°29′ W]; 2000 m a.s.l.; 3 Sep. 2000; V. Quipuscoa S., S. Leiva G., Y. Díaz V. & M. Strarup J. 2344; HUT, US [ US00689821 ] GoogleMaps • Route from Saposoa from El Dorad ; 6°55′16″ S, 76°49′39″ W; 935 m a.s.l.; 5 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 180; E [ E00885580 ], MO, MOL GoogleMaps • Road from Tarapoto to Tocache ; 7°44′31″ S, 76°39′39″ W; 917 m a.s.l.; 6 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 186; E [ E00885579 ], MOL. GoogleMaps – Prov. Tocache • Dist. Tocache, La quebrada de Huaquisha , margen derecha del río Huallaga; [8°05′ S, 76°36′ W]; 400 m a.s.l.; 15 Aug. 1969, J. Schunke V. 3343; NY [2], US [ US00222091 ] GoogleMaps • Nor oeste de la carretera marginal , 28 km de Tocache; [8°10′ S, 76°36′ W]; 525 m a.s.l.; 6 Jun. 1974; J. Schunke V. 7168; MO [ MO-1642745 ], US [ US00222089 ], USM GoogleMaps • Entre Uchiza y Puente Huiete ; [8°25′ S, 76°27′ W]; 400–500 m a.s.l.; 6 Aug. 1948; R. Ferreyra 5162; MOL, USM. GoogleMaps – Ucayali Region: Prov. Coronel Portillo • Dist. Callería, Cuenca del río Utiquinia , quebrada Espjoyacu, afluente de la quebrada Manuela; 7°56.67′ S, 73°53.61′ W; 300 m a.s.l.; 21 Jul. 2003; J.G. Graham 2412; F [ V0088040F ], G, US [ US01008601 ], USM [2] GoogleMaps • Km 209 cerca Pucallpa ; [8°24′ S, 74°36′ W]; 1 Aug. 1943; C.A. Ridoutt 12865; MO [ MO-1652735 ], USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Iparía, falda dentro las cuencas del río Ariapo y río Iparía , afluentes del río Ucayali, Reserva Comunal el Sira; 9°27.85′ S, 74°33.95′ W; 1550– 1600 m a.s.l.; 30 Oct. 2009; J.G. Graham 5154; MOL, US [ US01088861 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Padre Abad • Dist. Padre Abad, cuenca del río Aguaytía , quebrada el Velo de la Novia; 9°03′ S, 75°48′ W; 30 Jun. 2004; J. Schunke V. & J.G. Graham 15758; F [ V0088038F ], G, MOL, US [ US01008612 ] GoogleMaps • Orilla del río Previsto , km 227; [9°04′ S, 75°42′ W]; 460 m a.s.l.; 9 Aug. 1943; C.A. Ridoutt 12969; MO [ MO-1642718 ], USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Padre Abad, Carretera Centro Poblado Yurac , margen izquierda río Yurac; 250–300 m a.s.l.; 9°05′ S, 75°32′ W; 28 Sep. 2004; J. Schunke V. & J.G. Graham 16136; F [ V0088033F ], G, MOL, US [ US01008615 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Atalaya • Road from Puerto Ocopa to Atalaya , km 58; 10°52′28″ S, 74°10′35″ W; 964 m a.s.l.; 14 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 243; E [ E00885884 ], MO, MOL. GoogleMaps – Huánuco Region: Prov. Marañón • La Merced , entre Situlli y cerca Santa Cruz ± km 86 de Tingo María; [8°39′ S, 76°17′ W]; 500–600 m a.s.l.; 3 Aug. 1948; R. Ferreyra 4384; USM GoogleMaps • Centro poblado Chipaco , sector Nueva Sena; 9°14′05.21″ S, 76°29′42.77″ W; 1450 m a.s.l.; 24 Jul. 2021; P. González & P. Arista 10071; USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Leoncio Prado • Villa Isabel , valley Huallaga ; [9°01′ S, 76°06′ W]; 520 m a.s.l.; 26 Jul. 1954; F. Woytkowski 1246; MOL GoogleMaps • Shapagilla cerca a Tingo María ; [9°13′ S, 75°59′ W]; 700–800 m a.s.l.; 19 Aug. 1947; R. Ferreyra 896; MO [ MO-1642741 ], USM GoogleMaps • Tingo María ; [9°18′ S, 76°00′ W]; 31 Jul. 1942; V. Cárdenas 12457; USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Huánuco • Tulumayo cerca a Tingo María ; [9°11′ S, 75°58′ W]; 600–700 m a.s.l.; 9 Jul. 1947; R. Ferreyra 2399; MO [ MO-1642643 ], US [ US00222120 ], USM [2] GoogleMaps • Fundo Naranjillo , near Tingo María, highway Huánuco-Pucallpa; [9°15′ S, 76°00′ W]; 600–700 m a.s.l.; 6Aug. 1947; R. Ferreyra 2202; MO [ MO-1642646 ], US [ US00222119 ], USM GoogleMaps • Cayumba entre Huánuco y Tingo María ; [9°39′ S, 75°57′W]; 800–900 m a.s.l.; 15 Jul.1948; R. Ferreyra 4219; MO [ MO-1642720 ], MOL, USM. GoogleMaps – Pasco Region: Prov. Oxapampa • Cahuapanas , on río Pichis; [10°00′ S, 74°59′ W]; ca 340 m a.s.l.; 20–21 Jul. 1929; E.P. Killip & A.C. Smith 26753; NY, US [ US00222115v ] GoogleMaps • Dist. Palcazú, Comunidad Nativa Loma Linda-Laguna , Sector Nueva Aldea , Bosque de la Asociación Forestal Yanesha Concoll-Toroñ (AFYCT) ; 10°21′51″ S, 75°03′20″ W; 400 m a.s.l.; 16 Oct. 2008; M. Huamán, J. Mateo & W. Gabriel 337; HOXA, MO [ MO-2217946 ], USM GoogleMaps • Pichis trail, Eneñas ; [10°45′ S, 75°13′ W]; 1600–1900 m a.s.l.; 30 Jun.–2 Jul. 1929; E.P. Killip & A.C. Smith 25629; NY, US [ US00222114 ]. GoogleMaps – Junín Region: Prov. Chanchamayo • arriba de Pampa Silva ; [10°55′ S, 75°14′ W]; 1000–1200 m a.s.l.; 29 Aug. 1984; R.A. Ferreyra & R. Fernández 20290; USM [3]); GoogleMaps Puyu Sacha field station ; 11°05′41″ S, 75°25′57″ W; 2181 m a.s.l.; 23 Jun. 2014; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 38; E [ E00835505 ], MOL GoogleMaps • río Rondayacu , 45 km from San Ramón; 11°20′ S, 72°20′ W; 1880–1950 m a.s.l.; 15 Oct. 1982; D.N. Smith, R.B. Foster & M. Palacios 2611; F, MO [ MO-1835938 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Prov. Satipo • Satipo ; [11°15′ S, 74°38′ W]; Aug. 1940; C.A. Ridoutt 11424; MO [ MO-1642719 ], USM GoogleMaps • Route from Mazamari to Puerto Ocopa , path to catarata Arco Iris; 11°18′02″ S, 74°27′21″ W; 599 m a.s.l.; 14 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 240; E [ E00885885 ], G, MOL GoogleMaps • Route from Comas to Satipo ; 11°26′17″ S, 74°46′31″ W; 1511 m a.s.l.; 13 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 238; E [ E00885577 ], MOL, P. GoogleMaps – Prov. Jauja • Road from Monobamba to Jauja , valley of río Tulumayo; 11°13′42″ S, 75°20′02″ W; 975 m a.s.l.; 17 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 262; MOL GoogleMaps • Road from Monobamba to Uchumayo ; 11°28′12″ S, 75°15′35″ W; 1950 m a.s.l.; 17 Feb. 2016; P.W. Moonlight & A. Daza 269; E [ E00885575 ], MO. GoogleMaps – Prov. Tarma • A. Weberbauer 10081; USM [2] • Colonia del Perené ; [10°53′ S, 75°13′ W]; 900–1000 m a.s.l.; Sep. 1920; A. Weberbauer 46; USM GoogleMaps • Pampa Tigre ; [10°59′ S, 75°12′ W]; 1500–1600 m a.s.l.; 8 Sep. 1985; R.A. Ferreyra & C. Díaz 20504; USM [2]. GoogleMaps – Madre de Dios Region: Prov. Manu • Cocha Cashu uplands ; 11°45′ S, 71°00′ W; 400 m a.s.l.; 7 Aug. 1986; P. Nuñez 5636; MO [ MO-1643522 ], US [ US00222097 ], USM GoogleMaps • Vicinity of Cocha Cashu Station , Parque Nacional de Manu ; [11°50′ S, 71°25′ W]; 400 m a.s.l.; 18 Jul. 1977; R.B. Foster 6429; MO [ MO-1642610 ], US [ US00222087 ], USM GoogleMaps • Pantiacolla , serrania across río Madre de Dios from Shintuya; [12°39′ S, 71°17′ W]; 480–840 m a.s.l.; 29 Oct. 1979; A.H. Gentry, J. Terborgh, J. Aronson & R. Ramirez 27355; MO [ MO-1642695 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Tambopata • W of CICRA Camp , trail to Cocha Lobo; 12°34.166′ S, 70°6.024′ W; 11 Aug. 2004; P. Acevedo R., M. Chocce & P. Maceda 14311; US [ US01060990 ] GoogleMaps • Zona reservada de Tambopata , 12°49′ S, 89°18′ W; 280 m a.s.l.; 11 Aug. 1990; C. Reynel & E. Meneses 5054; MO [ MO-1642696 ]. GoogleMaps – Cusco Region: Prov. La Convención • en C.N. Nueva Luz , río Urubamba ; [11°27′ S, 73°02′ W]; 11 Feb. 1996; M.I. Toribio 374; USM GoogleMaps • Trail along río Mapituriani , a tributary of the Apurimac, opposite Hacienda Luisiana; [12°23′ S, 72°29′ W]; 1000 m a.s.l.; 14 Sep. 1976; D.C. Wasshausen & F. Encarnación 653; K, NY, US [ US00222082 ], USM GoogleMaps • Dist. Santa Ana, Poromate , 12°54′59″ S, 72°47′02″ W; 961 m a.s.l.; 21 Jul. 2004; W. Galiano, E. Suclli & A. Rodríguez 6802; MO [ MO-1102814 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Paucartambo • Atalaya , near junction with río Carbon and río Alto Madre de Dios; [12°53′ S, 71°22′ W]; 27 Aug. 1973; R.B. Foster 2755; F, USM GoogleMaps • Keros, Valle Kosñipata ; [13°01′ S, 71°26′ W]; 950 m a.s.l.; 23–31 Jul. 1948; R. Scolnik 908; US [2: US00222076 , US00222077 ] GoogleMaps • Kosñipata Valley , km 150 , San Pedro , río Unión and río Kosñipata junction ; [13°04′ S, 71°34′ W]; 1800 m a.s.l.; 20 Mar. 1990; P. Núñez 11983; MO [ MO-1642697 ]. GoogleMaps – Prov. Quispicanchi • Quincemil ; 13°13′ S, 70°45′ W; 643 m a.s.l.; 24 Jul. 1991; P. Núñez 13867; MO [ MO-1835946 ], USM GoogleMaps • Camanti, Maniri , el Cerro Camanti ; 13°17′ S, 70°48′ W; 720 m a.s.l.; 24 Aug. 1990; M. Timaná 728; MO [ MO-1835931 ], USM. GoogleMaps – Ayacucho Region: Prov. La Mar • río Catute , 2 km NW of Santa Rosa; [12°40′ S, 73°43′ W]; 680 m a.s.l.; 8 Sep. 1976; D.C. Wasshausen & F. Encarnación 612; K, MO [ MO-1642624 ], NY, US [ US00222081 ], USM GoogleMaps • Aina , between Huanta & río Apurimac; [12°41′ S, 73°52′ W]; 750–1000 m a.s.l.; 7–17 Mar. 1929; E.P. Killip & A.C. Smith 22763; NY, US [ US00222109 ] GoogleMaps • Between Tambo San Miguel, Anya , and the Hacienda Luisiana; 12°43′ S, 73°50′ W; ca 1580 m a.s.l.; 18 Aug. 1968; T.R. Dudley 11841; US [ US00222096 ]. GoogleMaps – Puno Region: Prov. Sandia • Between río Azata-Colorado ; [13°58′ S, 68°59′ W]; 1100 m a.s.l.; 26 Jun. 1986; P. Núñez & C. Muñoz 5284; MO [ MO-1642727 ] GoogleMaps • San Juan del Oro ; [14°14′ S, 69°11′ W]; 1900 m a.s.l.; May 1977; S. Antunez 159; USM. GoogleMaps
Caulescent herb, to at least 5 m high. Stem scandent, branching, rooting at the nodes; internodes to 13 cm long, to 7 mm thick, succulent, pale green to brown or red, glabrous. Stipules persistent, triangular, 5–32 × 2–8 mm, apex acuminate, translucent, white to pale green, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate. Leaves> 5, alternate, basifixed; petiole 0.5–5.5 cm long, pale green to red, glabrous; blade subsymmetric, ovate, to 15 × 9.5 cm, succulent, apex short-acuminate, base truncate, margin entire to denticulate or rarely dentate, aciliate to ciliate, upper surface green, glabrous, lower surface pale green, glabrous, 3-veined from the base, with 2–4 secondary on both sides of the blade. Inflorescences 1–3 per stem, bisexual, axillary, erect to pendulous, cymose, with 6–8 branches, bearing up to 256 staminate flowers and 128 pistillate flowers, protandrous; peduncle to 20 cm long, pale green flushed red, glabrous, bracts late deciduous, lanceolate, 0.5–3 × 0.2–0.8 mm, translucent, white, glabrous, apex acuminate, margin entire, aciliate. Staminate flowers: pedicels to 12 mm long, glabrous; tepals 4, spreading, outer 2 ovoid to spherical, 2.5–8 × 2–5 mm, apex obtuse to rounded, white flushed pink, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate, inner 2 elliptic to ovate, 2.5–6 × 2–3 mm, apex rounded, white flushed pink, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate; stamens 8–25, projecting, yellow, filaments 1–2.5 mm long, fused at the base, anthers ellipsoid, 1–1.5 × 0.2–0.4 mm, dehiscing via lateral slits, connectives extended to 0.2 mm, symmetrically basifixed. Pistillate flowers: pedicels to 15 mm long; bracteoles lacking; tepals 5, subequal, deciduous in fruit, spreading, elliptic to ovate, 4–8 × 2–5 mm, apex obtuse, white flushed red, glabrous, margin entire, aciliate; ovary body ellipsoid, 2–9 × 0.5–4 mm, pale green, white, or pink, glabrous, unequally 3-winged, largest wing triangular, 2–8 × 2.5–6 mm, smallest ridgelike, to 0.5 mm wide; 3-locular, placentae branches entire, bearing ovules on both surfaces; styles 3, yellow, free, 2–5 mm long, once-divided, stigmatic papillae in a spirally twisted band. Fruiting pedicel to 15 mm long. Fruit body ovoid, to 9 × 6 mm, drying brown, wings same shape as in ovary, the largest expanding to 12 × 16 mm, the smallest expanding to 3 mm wide.
Proposed conservation assessment
Widespread and often extremely common species, with an EOO of> 10 000 000 km 2 and found in numerous protected areas. We assess B. glabra as Least Concern (LC).
Synonymy notes
Previous authors have treated the name B. populifolia Schott as a later homonym on account of the earlier publication of B. populifolia Kunth ( Humboldt et al. 1825: 185) . However, in the protologue of B. populifolia Schott , the author states the name “est. B. scandens Sw. ”, implying he knew this was the same species as B. scandens (now a synonym of B. glabra ). The name B. populifolia Schott is therefore an invalid, rejected name rather than an illegitimate later homonym.
Typification notes
Begonia scandens is a superfluous name because the author cited the earlier name B. glabra in synonymy ( Swartz 1788: 86). No type was cited under the protologue of B. scandens so, the type of B. scandens is the same as the type of B. glabra ( Turland et al. 2018: Article 7.5).
The protologue of B. locellata A.DC. cited the collection Jurgensen 958 but no herbarium was cited ( de Candolle 1859: 137) so a lectotype is required. A duplicate of this collection in Kew herbarium (K000536562) has a determination slip by Alphonse Pyramus de Candolle and is an excellent specimen so we designate it as the lectotype.
Begonia elliptica Kunth was described based upon material collected by Humboldt and Bonpland close to Jaen in the Cajamarca Region of Peru ( Humboldt et al. 1825: 180). There are two sheets matching this description in Paris herbarium and we designate one of these (P00679512) as the lectotype as it is the more complete specimen.
The protologue of B. lucida Otto & A.Dietr. does not cite a type collection so a lectotype or neotype is likely needed ( Otto & Dietrich 1848: 162). We have not been able to conduct a full search of the principal herbaria of either Otto (LB or S) or Dietrich (HBP) to search for original material, so refrain from designating a neotype.
The name B. physalifolia Liebm. was published on the basis of material collected in Costa Rica by C. Ørsted near Naranjo at an elevation of 5000 feet ( Liebmann 1852: 19). A specimen in Cophenhagen herbarium of C. Ørsted s.n. (C10008256) is an excellent match for this description so we designate it as the lectotype.
Wageneria deflexa Klotzsch was described based upon material grown in Berlin botanic gardens and the collection H. Wagener 2543 held in the garden’s herbarium ( Klotzsch 1855: 233). We have not visited this herbarium and located this specimen but cite it as a holotype. It may be that there are multiple sheets of this collection in Berlin, so one may need designating as a lectotype.
Klotzsch described Wageneria montana Klotzsch based upon material collected by Ruiz and Pavón in the now abandoned village of Muña in Huánuco Region ( Klotzsch 1855: 235). No herbarium was cited, so a lectotype is required. We have seen two specimens of B. glabra collected by Ruiz and Pavón: one in Oxford University herbarium and the second in Madrid. The labels of neither of these specimens indicate that they were collected in Muña so they cannot be considered syntypes. We have not carried out an exhaustive search of European herbaria for matching specimens so refrain from designating a type for this name.
Begonia scandens var. amplifolia A.DC. was described from three sheets collected by Poeppig in Peru ( de Candolle 1864: 362). These were E.F. Poeppig 1928 and 1063 collected in Pampayaco and held in the Boissier herbarium, and E.F. Poeppig 1928 collected in Tocache and held in Vienna herbarium ( de Candolle 1864: 362). We have seen no duplicates of E.F. Poeppig 1928 there are several sheets of E.F. Poeppig 1063 held in Vienna and Berlin herbaria. These sheets however show material of B. glauca and B. cyathophora , rather than a variety of B. glabra . Most of Poeppig’s Peruvian Begonia collections are mixed collections so it seems likely that the same is true of E.F. Poeppig 1063. We treat B. scandens var. amplifolia as a synonym of B. glabra but refrain from designating a type until the cited syntypes have been seen.
The protologue of B. hoegeana Regel & Schmidt cites material collected by C.T. Hoege in Jalapa Department, Guatemala ( von Regel & Schmidt 1886: 398). Hoege was primarily a herpetologist but also collected plant specimens. We have not seen any matches that matches this description but have by no means carried out a thorough search of all likely herbaria. We do not designate a type for this name.
Begonia repens Sessé & Moç. was described based upon material collected by Sessé and Moçino in Mexico ( Sessé & Moçino 1894: 219). We lectotypify this name based upon a sheet of M. Sessé & J.M. Moçino 4512 held in MA herbarium (MA603076) that matches the description and is labelled as “ Begonia repens ”.
The name B. glabra var. coralipetiolaris Anon. was described without a type ( Anonymous 1946: 153), as types were not a requirement until 1958, this does not invalidate the name. We know of no material that could be considered original material and refrain from designating a type.
Identification notes
Begonia glabra is by far the most common climbing Begonia in Peru and is abundant in humid forests. Together with B. rossmanniae , it is one of two species of climbing Peruvian Begonia with basifixed leaves that are three-veined from the base. It is readily distinguished by its persistent (vs deciduous) stipules and axillary, symmetrical inflorescences (vs asymmetrical and terminal inflorescences).
Species unplaced to section
There are six species of Begonia from Peru that do not fit into the sectional classification provided by Moonlight et al. (2018). Four of these six species were included in the phylogeny provided by Moonlight et al. (1018) but the authors took a cautious approach to redefining the limits of existing sections or describing new sections. Changes were only made where enough species in sections and their relatives were sampled, where phylogenetic relationships were well supported, and where clades were supported by morphology. All Peruvian species that were left unplaced to section fall within the broad definition of B. sect. Knesebeckia provided by Doorenbos et al. (1998), but this section is highly polyphyletic so many recently described species have been left unplaced to section ( Moonlight et al. 2018).
Anonymous 1946. Descriptions of begonias indigenous to Costa Rica. The Begonian 13: 153.
Aublet F. 1775. Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Francoise. 2 nd Ed. Paris, P. F. Didot Jeune. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 674
Brako L. & Zarucchi L. 1993. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis.
Burt-Utley K. 2015. Begonia. In: Davidse G., Souza Sanchez M., Knapp S. & Chiang Cabrera F. (eds) Flora Mesoamericana 2 (3): 1 - 347. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
Buxton N. W. 1957. Check List of Begonias. American Begonia Society, Los Angeles.
de Candolle A. P. 1859. Memoire sur la famille des Begoniacees. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique, Serie 4 11: 93 - 145.
de Candolle A. P. 1864. Begoniaceae. In: de Candolle A. P. (ed.) Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 266 - 408. V. Masson & fils, Paris.
de Candolle A. C. P. 1908. Begoniaceae novae. Bulletin de L'Herbier Boissier II 8 (5): 309 - 328.
Doorenbos J., Sosef M. S. M. & de Wilde J. J. F. E. 1998. The Sections of Begonia: including descriptions, keys and species lists (Studies in Begoniaceae VI). Wageningen Agricultural University Papers 98 (2): 1 - 266. https: // edepot. wur. nl / 282968
Golding J. & Wasshausen D. C. 2002. Begoniaceae. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 43: 1 - 289.
Humboldt F. W. H. A. v., Bonpland A. J. A. & Kunth K. S. 1825. Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.), vol. 7. Gide Fils, Paris.
Irmscher E. 1960. Pareys Blumengartnerei. 2 nd Ed. Parey, Berlin.
Klotzsch J. F. 1854. Begoniaceae. Bericht uber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1854: 119 - 128.
Klotzsch J. F. 1855. Begoniaceen. In: Klotzsch J. F. (ed.) Gattungen und Arten 1854: 121 - 255. Berlin.
Kunth K. S. & Bouche C. D. 1848. Begonia moritziana. Index Seminum in Horti Botanici Berolinensis. Berlin (Berolinensis) 1848: 16.
Liebmann F. 1852. Mexicos og Central-Amerikas Begonier. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn 1852: 1 - 22.
Moonlight P. W. & Reynel C. 2018. Two new species of Begonia from Peru. Phytotaxa 381 (1): 116 - 126. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 381.1.15
Otto C. F. & Dietrich A. G. 1848. Begonia lucida. Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 16 (21): 162.
Schott H. 1827. Fasiculus plantarum Brasiliensium. Systema vegetabilium, 16 th Edition. Gittingae 4 (app): 403 - 410.
Schulz O. E. 1911. Begonia. In: Urban I. (ed.) Symbolae Antillanae 7 (1): 1 - 29. Fratres Borntraeger, Leipzig.
Sesse M. & Mocino J. M. 1894. Begoniaceae. In: Sesse M. & Mocino J. M. (eds) Flora Mexicana, 2 nd Edition: 219. Oficina tipografica de la secretaria de fomento, Mexico.
Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1941 a. Flora of Peru, Begoniaceae. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13 (4 / 1): 181 - 202.
Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1944. Revision de las especies Bolivianas del genero Begonia. Revistas Cientificas de la Universidad Andina del Cusco 33 (87): 71 - 87.
Smith L. B. & Schubert D. C. 1945. Studies in the Begoniaceae 1. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 154: 23 - 31.
Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1952. Plants collected in Ecuador by W. H. Camp, Begoniaceae. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 8 (1): 36 - 40.
Smith L. B. & Schubert B. G. 1958. Flora of Panama (Begoniaceae) Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: 41 - 67.
Smith L. B. 1973. Begonia of Venezuela. Phytologia 27 (4): 209 - 227. https: // biostor. org / reference / 207522
Smith L. B. & Wasshausen D. C. 1979. Begonia of Ecuador. Phytologia 44 (4): 233 - 256. https: // biostor. org / reference / 63675
Smith L. B. & Wasshausen D. C. 1986. Begoniaceae. In: Harling G. & Andersson L. (eds) Flora of Ecuador 25 (133): 4 - 65.
Smith L. B. & Wasshausen D. C. 1989. Begoniaceae In: Lasser T. (ed.) Flora de Venezuela 4 (1): 5 - 78.
Standley P. C. 1937. Begoniaceae. In: Standley P. C. (ed.) Flora of Costa Rica. Field Museum of Natural History Botanical Series 18 (2): 737 - 748.
Swartz O. P. 1788. Nova Genera & Species Plantarum seu Prodromus Descriptionum Vegetabilium, Maximam Partem Incognitorum quae sub Itinere in Indiam Occidentalem Annis 1783 - 1787. Bibliopoliis Acad. Swederi, Stockholm. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 433
Turland N. J., Wiersema J. H., Barrie F. R., Greuter W., Hawksworth D. J., Herendeen P., Knapp S., Kusber W. - H., Li D. - Z., Marhold K., May T. W., McNeill J., Monro A. M., Prado J., Price M. J. & Smith G. F. (eds) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (Shenzhen Code) Adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2019. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashutten. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / Code. 2018
Vasquez R., Rojas R. G,. Monteagudo A. M., Meza K. V., van der Werff H., Ortiz-Gentry R. & Catchpole D. 2005. Flora vascular de la selva central del Peru: una aproximacion de la copmposicion floristica de tres areas naturales protegidas. Arnaldoa 12 (1 - 2): 112 - 125.
von Steudel E. G. 1840. Begonia. In: von Steudel E. G. (ed.) Nomenclator Botanicus (Steudel), 2 nd Edition, vol. 1: 193 - 194. Sumptibus J. G. Cottae, Stuttgart.
von Regel E. A. & Schmidt F. 1886. Neue und empfehlenswerte Pflanzen. Gartenflora 35: 397 - 399.
Walpers W. G. 1858. Begoniaceae In: Walpers W. G. (ed.) Annales Botanices Systematicae 4: 868 - 942.
Fig. 88. Distribution of Begonia sect. Wageneria (Klotzsch) A.DC. in Peru and surrounding countries: B. glabra Aubl. (red). Black lines indicate country borders, grey lines indicate major administrative divisions, blue lines indicate rivers, and shading indicates elevation.
Fig. 89. Begonia glabra Aubl. A. Habit. B. Stipule. C. Leaf, adaxial surface. D. Leaf, abaxial surface. E. Staminate flower, side view. F. Staminate flower, front view. G. Androecium, side view. H. Pistillate flower, side view. I. Pistillate flower, front view. J. Cross section of ovary. K. Pistils, side view. All photographs taken by D.A. Purvis in the living collections of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Accession 20101699, of unknown origin).
C |
University of Copenhagen |
B |
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
G |
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève |
MA |
Real Jardín Botánico |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
SubClass |
Magnoliidae |
SuperOrder |
Rosanae |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Begonia glabra Aubl.
Moonlight, Peter. W., Jara-Muñoz, Orlando A., Purvis, David A., Delves, Jay, Allen, Josh P. & Reynel, Carlos 2023 |
Begonia glabra var. cordifolia (C.DC.) Irmsch., Pareys Blumengartnerei, 2 nd Edition: 72 ( Irmscher 1960 )
Irmscher 1960: 72 |
Begonia glabra var. physalifolia Liebm. ex
Buxton 1957: 78 |
Begonia glabra var. coralipetiolis Anon., Begonian
Anon. 1946: 153 |
Begonia glabra var. amplifolia (A.DC.) L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub., Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13 (4/1): 191 ( Smith & Schubert 1941a ).
Smith & Schubert 1941: 191 |
Begonia scandens var. cordifolia C.DC.
de Candolle 1908: 320 |
Begonia repens Sessé & Moç.
Sessé & Moçino 1894: 219 |
Begonia hoegeana Regel & Schmidt, Gartenflora 35: 398 ( von Regel & Schmidt 1886 ).
Regel & Schmidt 1886: 398 |
Begonia scandens var. amplifolia A.DC., Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 15 (1): 362 ( de Candolle 1864 )
de Candolle 1864: 362 |
Begonia scandens
de Candolle 1864: 362 |
Begonia scandens
de Candolle 1864: 362 |
Begonia scandens
de Candolle 1864: 362 |
Begonia scandens
de Candolle 1864: 362 |
Begonia locellata A.DC., Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique, Série 4 11: 137 ( de Candolle 1859 ).
de Candolle 1859: 137 |
Wageneria deflexa Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 233 ( Klotzsch 1855 )
Klotzsch 1855: 233 |
Wageneria montana Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 235 ( Klotzsch 1855 )
Klotzsch 1855: 235 |
Wageneria glabra (Aubl.) Klotzsch, Bericht
Klotzsch 1854: 126 |
Wageneria lucida (E.Otto & A.Dietr) Klotzsch, Bericht
Klotzsch 1854: 126 |
Wageneria deflexa Klotzsch
Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 233 (Klotzsch 1854: 126 |
Wageneria montana Klotzsch
Klotzsch, Gattungen und Arten 1854: 235 (Klotzsch 1854: 126 |
Begonia physalifolia
Liebm. 1852: 19 |
Begonia moritziana Kunth & Bouché,
Kunth & Bouché 1848: 16 |
Begonia elliptica
Humboldt et al. 1825: 138 |
Begonia scandens
Swartz 1788: 86 |
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