
Xue, Guo-Xi, Li, Meng, Nan, Wen-Hao, Jia, Xing-Long, Huang, Si-Yao, Sun, Hao & Li, Xiao-Juan, 2015, A new species of the genus Sovia (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Qinling-Daba Mountains of China, Zootaxa 3985 (4), pp. 583-590 : 586-587

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3985.4.7

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scientific name



Key to the species of the genus Sovia View in CoL

1 Forewing with two separated cell spots.................................................................... 2

- Forewing with one spot across the cell..................................................................... 5

2 Ventral side of hindwing with basal half milk white and outer half purple-brown........................... S. hyrtacus View in CoL

- Ventral side of hindwing checkered with small whitish and brown spots, a large brown spot always in spaces m1–m2....... 3

3 Two cell spots on forewing close to each other, spot in space m3 located in the middle of the one in m2 and the lower cell spot; tornus of hindwing slightly pointed................................................................ S. ueharai

- Two cell spots on forewing quite separated, spot in space m3 closer to that in m2 than to the lower cell spot; tornus of hindwing rounded............................................................................................ 4

4 On the dorsal side of forewing, the upper end of stigma located in the middle of the lower cell spot and the spot in space m 3; markings on the ventral side of hindwing contrasting, submarginal dark spots large, some of which being the same size of the dark spot in spaces m1–m2...................................................................... S. eminens

- On the dorsal side of forewing, the upper end of stigma closer to the lower cell spot than to the spot in space m3; markings on the ventral side of hindwing dull, submarginal dark spots small, always smaller than the dark spot in spaces m1–m2.........

........................................................................................... S. albipectus View in CoL 5 Ventral side of hindwing bright yellow, space 1b black................................................ S. subflava View in CoL

- Ventral side of hindwing ochreous brown to dull yellow, space 1b with the same color as other part of the wing, or slightly paler............................................................................................... 6

6 Cilia not checkered.................................................................................... 7

- Cilia chekered....................................................................................... 9

7 Dorsal side of forewing with the spot in space m3 nearer to the cell spot than to the one in space m2............... S. malta View in CoL

- Dorsal side of forewing with the spot in space m3 nearer to that in space m2 than to the cell spot....................... 8

8 Uncus tapered to a slender stalk before the flat tip...................................................... S. fangi

- Uncus wide, with a roundish tip.................................................................. S. grahami View in CoL

9 Cell spot on forewing slanted outwards or almost perpendicular to dorsum, tip of uncus nearly flat.................. S. lii

- Cell spot on forewing slanted inwards, tip of uncus rounded................................................. 10

10 Ventral side of hindwing with a series of submarginal spots, male genitalia with the lateral process long and bent... S. lucasii View in CoL

- Ventral side of hindwing usually unmarked, male genitalia with the lateral process short and straight........... S. separata View in CoL











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