Therates laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner, 1999

Wiesner, Jürgen, 2013, The chennelli group of the Genus Therates Latreille (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) 114. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelidae, Insecta Mundi 2013 (315), pp. 1-86 : 13-14

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scientific name

Therates laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner


6. Therates laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner View in CoL

( Fig. 45 View Figures 45-60 )

Therates laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner 1999b: 305 View in CoL , 306, f. 14, 15, 23.

Therates laotiensis View in CoL . Sawada and Wiesner 2002: 80.

Type depository. Holotype male in JWGC, paratypes in JMCC, JWGC, RNFC and ZSMC.

Type status. Holotype male! Type labels: “ Laos centr., Bolikhamsai prov., BAN NAPE-Kaew Nua Pass , 18. 4.-1. 5. 1998, alt. 600 ± 100 m, N 18°22.3, E 105°09.1 (GPS), E. Jendek and O. Šauša leg.” [printed, with yellow border; “Holotype THERATES laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner ” [printed, red, with black borders] GoogleMaps . Paratypes! Type labels: “ Laos centr., Bolikhamsai prov., BAN NAPE-Kaew Nua Pass, 18. 4.-1. 5. 1998, alt. 600 ± 100 m, N 18°22.3, E 105°09.1 ( GPS), E. Jendek and O. Šauša leg.” [printed, with yellow borders]; “ Paratype THERATES laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner ” [printed, red, with black borders] GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Distinguished by the combination of lanceolate antennae, yellow elytral apex, and large central dot.

Re-description. Size: Total length (without labrum) 6.4 mm- 9.1 mm (mean= 7.6 mm, n=80). Head: Shining greenish black. Mandibles yellowish, brownish distally in females, teeth brownish marginally. Labrum (male Fig. 50 View Figures 45-60 , female Fig. 51 View Figures 45-60 ) as wide as long, yellowish, brownish at lateral base, with six apical teeth and one lateral tooth. Labial and maxillary palpi yellowish. Antennae lanceolate, extending posteriorally behind elytral shoulders in males, somewhat shorter in the females, scape with a single apical bristle, antennomeres 2 to 5 glabrous, antennomeres 6 to 11 finely and evenly pubescent; scape yellowish above, black on underside, all the other antennal segments blackish. Clypeus glabrous. Frons smooth with one shallow furrow in the posterior part of the orbital plates. Thorax: Pronotum shining greenish black, as long as wide, constricted in front and at back, transverse furrows strong, middle line and lateral lines nearly obsolete, middle line with several transverse short branches. Elytra: Shining brownish black, with basal and apical humps, distinctly punctate in front, nearly absent in the apical half ( Fig. 46 View Figures 45-60 ). Apex with lateral and sutural corner, recurved between. Maculation composed of a brownish yellow humeral lunule, a long brownish yellow basal dot, a rather large central dot, and a light yellow apex which does not reach the apical humps ( Figs. 47, 48 View Figures 45-60 ). Ventral aspect: Venter black. Legs of males yellowish, tibiae and tarsomeres somewhat darkened distally, legs of females somewhat darker. Aedeagus: ( Fig. 49 View Figures 45-60 ) straight, with long produced tip, total length 2.0 mm.

Distribution. Laos (Borikhamxai).

Localities. LAOS, Annam ( HNHM) , Bolikhamsai, 8 km NE Ban Nape , 1.-18.v. 2001, 600 m ( JWCG) .


Zoologische Staatssammlung














Therates laotiensis Sawada and Wiesner

Wiesner, Jürgen 2013

Therates laotiensis

Sawada, H. & J. Wiesner 2002: 80

Therates laotiensis

Sawada, H. & J. Wiesner 1999: 305
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