Doriopsilla aroni, Maniei & Wägele, 2024

Maniei, Fatemeh & Wägele, Heike, 2024, Dendrodorididae (Heterobranchia, Nudibranchia) from Persian Gulf with a description of a new species of Doriopsilla and remarks on the family, European Journal of Taxonomy 943 (1), pp. 179-217 : 194-198

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2595

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Doriopsilla aroni

sp. nov.

Doriopsilla aroni sp. nov.

Figs 2F View Fig , 7–9 View Fig View Fig View Fig


Size up to 40 mm or slightly longer. Coloration cream yellow to deep orange or vermilion; a tiny white line along the rim of the gill pocket present. Dorsal notum covered by tubercles, in which many spicules intrude. Spicules also forming a thick layer around visceral cavity. Oral tentacles fused. Five gill plumes present; small gill glands present at their base. Anus eccentric. Pyloric gland present. Prostate gland forming a large mass. Penial hooks arranged in longitudinal lines in the proximal part of eversible penis.


Doriopsilla aroni sp. nov. is named after the first author’s young son, Aron.

Material examined


IRAN • 38 mm; Bandar Lengeh ; 26°33′29″ N, 54°52′50″ E; intertidal; 14 Feb. 2015; Fatemeh Maniei leg.; ZMH 141485 View Materials . GoogleMaps


IRAN • 3 specs; same data as for holotype; ZMH 141486 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 spec.; same data as for holotype; ZMH 141487 View Materials histological slide series GoogleMaps .


GENERAL APPEARANCE. Body length of preserved animals: holotype 38 mm, paratypes 20–40 mm. Colour of living animals varying from cream yellow to deep orange or vermilion. White pigmentation in the form of dots or lines on notum or rhinophores absent ( Fig. 2F View Fig ), except for a thin white line around the rim of the gill pocket. Body oval. Notum covered with rounded spiculate tubercles of approximately the same size, becoming smaller only along mantle margin; their colour sometimes a little paler than the notum. Hyponotum nearly translucent or cream in colour, stiffened by a network of spicules ( Fig. 2F View Fig ). Cylindrical rhinophores with 11–13 lamellae, same colour as tubercles but with a brighter apex. Five gill plumes (two pointing forward and three backward) located in a gill pocket. Anus eccentric to the left of the gill. Oral tentacles small and fused. Fleshy muscular foot rounded anteriorly and more acute posteriorly.

HISTOLOGY. The preserved specimen ZMH 141487 used for histological examination had a length of 40 mm. The slide series is deposited in the collection of the LIB, Zoological Museum Hamburg.

INTEGUMENT. Dorsal notum epithelium with many single subepithelial glandular cells staining red to violet and glandular follicles composed of several large bluish gland cells. These glandular follicles surrounded by muscle layers ( Fig. 7A View Fig ). Spicules mainly present in the tubercles, around the visceral cavity ( Fig. 7A–B View Fig ), and in the foot.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. A schematic outline of the digestive tract is given in Fig. 8A View Fig . Mouth opening non glandular. Proximal oral tube highly folded with few epithelial mucus glands staining reddish. Subsequent part widening, with increasing number of epithelial acid mucus cells. Distal part of oral tube widening considerably, surrounded by muscle fibres and dorsally with subepithelial glands staining violet. Gradual transition into pharynx. Pharynx oval, surrounded by muscle fibres and with a slightly folded, glandular epithelium. Subepithelial glands reaching into muscle layer. No cuticle observed. Transition of pharynx into oesophagus marked by the location of the ganglionic nervous system ( Fig. 7C View Fig ). At this transition, two lateral retractor muscles attached. Salivary glands absent. Tubular oesophagus with Y-shaped interior lumen and no glandular epithelium ( Fig. 7D View Fig ), subsequently entering a highly muscular portion without Y-shaped lumen ( Fig. 7E View Fig ) and with few subepithelial glands, staining pale blue. Two small retractor muscles arising from this muscular part. After the muscular part oesophagus transiting into a small tube before entering the stomach. Stomach completely embedded in digestive gland; characterised by folded and ciliated epithelium. Transition into intestine with folds, but without a distinct typhlosole ( Fig. 7D– E View Fig ). Pyloric gland opening immediately after transition of stomach into intestine; internally folded but without glandular cells and filled with stomach contents ( Fig. 7D View Fig ). Interior lining of the intestine highly folded and ciliated, especially in the anal papilla. Intestine surrounded by a muscular layer throughout its course ( Fig. 7F View Fig ). Besides the oral gland layer, no ptyaline or salivary glands present. No caecum found.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. A schematic outline of the genital system is provided in Fig. 8B View Fig . Gonad in mature phase with sperm and eggs formed in the same follicles. A distinct ampulla not found. Vas deferens leading into strongly lobulated, bulky prostate gland ( Fig. 9A View Fig ), showing pristine glandular areas, with small cells and large nuclei, other areas with elongate cells and vesicles with blue stained droplets, as well as some areas where the prostatic material was already exuded. Distal vas deferens (ejaculatory duct) coiled, lying in muscular sheath ( Fig. 9B View Fig ); penis long, inverted, with hooked spines only in the proximal part, which lies in the wider part of the penial sheath. Spines arranged in longitudinal lines along the proximal penis. Size of spines ca 200 µm, some of them smaller and thinner in the region where spines start. Distal part without spines ( Figs 8B–C View Fig , 9C View Fig ). Bursa copulatrix stalked and filled with decaying sperm and prostatic material; epithelium thin and characterised by apocrine secreting cells ( Fig. 9E View Fig ). Muscular receptaculum seminis empty, indicating a recent fertilisation process ( Fig. 9F View Fig ). Fertilisation chamber with a few eggs ( Fig. 9D View Fig ). Female glands well developed with typical three glandular parts staining violet or reddish; opening into a joint non glandular vestibulum with vas deferens and the vaginal duct.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. Statocyst between cerebropleural and pedal ganglia, with many otoconia ( Fig. 7C View Fig ).

CIRCULATORY AND EXCRETORY SYSTEM. Blood gland large, surrounding the central nervous system and also the anterior part of the oesophagus. Syrinx highly folded and rather small (compared to species of Dendrodoris ). Kidney thin, covering gonad and digestive gland.

Additional features

Body cavity surrounded by a thick muscle layer, especially in the hind part of the body. One thick gill retractor starting close to gills and running ventrally towards anterior part of body. Small gill glands with pale bluish cells present at the base of gills, opening into gill pocket. A few unidentified parasites lying in the notal tissue, as well as close to the oral tube ( Fig. 7B View Fig ).

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