Centromyrmex fugator

Bolton, Barry & Fisher, Brian L., 2008, Afrotropical ants of the ponerine genera Centromyrmex Mayr, Promyopias Santschi gen. rev. and Feroponera gen. n., with a revised key to genera of African Ponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Zootaxa 1929, pp. 1-37 : 18-19

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.274588



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scientific name

Centromyrmex fugator


Centromyrmex fugator Bolton & Fisher sp. n.

( Figs 15–16 View FIGURES 9 – 16 )

HOLOTYPE WORKER. TL 4.7, HL 0.78, HW 0.73, CI 94, ML 0.56, MI 72, SL 0.50, SI 68, PW 0.58, WL 1.30.

With characters of the genus and the feae group. Head capsule in full-face view longer than broad, the sides extremely shallowly convex, almost straight and feebly converging anteriorly. Mandibles smooth with scattered small punctures. Masticatory margin of mandible with about 10 very small, inconspicuous low, broad teeth, the basal tooth discernible. Proximal of the basal tooth the basal margin is shallowly concave and almost as long as the masticatory margin. Dorsum of head with scattered punctures on smooth cuticle; on sides of head the punctures no denser than on dorsum; there are also some vestigial remnants of punctulate to striolate sculpture within the antennal fossae and anteriorly on the sides. Anterior margination of pronotum blunt, not a sharply defined rim; sides of pronotum not marginate. Dorsal surface of metatibia with 3–4 spiniform setae near the apex, without others located more proximally on the dorsum. Anterior surface of metatibia with 4–5 spiniform setae, all located near the apex. Petiole node in dorsal view longer than broad, the node narrow anteriorly and becoming broader posteriorly. Pronotal dorsum with coarse shallow punctures and low, transversely arched, shallow broad rugulae. Mesonotal dorsum mostly smooth, with a few widely scattered small punctures. Colour yellow to light brownish yellow.

PARATYPE AND NON-PARATYPIC WORKER. TL 4.7–4.8, HL 0.80–0.84, HW 0.77–0.78, CI 93–96, ML 0.58–0.62, MI 73–74, SL 0.52–0.54, SI 68–69, PW 0.60, WL 1.36 (2 measured). Paratype as holotype but the non-paratypic worker with mandibular teeth very reduced, almost effaced, although the small basal tooth remains clearly visible. Sides of head in full-face view are somewhat more convex and converge both anteriorly and posteriorly.

QUEEN. TL 5.1, HL 0.81, HW 0.78, CI 96, OI 22, ML 0.64, MI 79, SL 0.54, SI 69, PW 0.65, WL 1.48. With the characteristic mandibular form of the worker and also with the petiole node distinctly longer than broad in dorsal view. The mesoscutum of the queen is much more coarsely and densely punctate than in the worker.

MALE: unknown.

Holotype worker, Democratic Republic of Congo ( Zaire on data label): Kinshasa, 4.ii.1985 (A. Dejean) (BMNH).

Paratype, 1 worker with same data as holotype (CASC).

Closely resembling praedator but smaller and with different mandibular morphology; see the comments under praedator . The two collection localities are very far apart and probably have very different ecologies, but there is no doubt that only a single species is represented.

Non-paratypic material examined. South Africa: Gauteng Prov., Ezemvelo (Hawkes & Clark).















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