Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843

Zhao, Qing, Liu, Guoqing & Bu, Wenjun, 2013, A review of the Chinese species of the genus Picromerus Amyot and Serville, with description of a new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae), Zootaxa 3613 (2), pp. 146-164 : 147

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.2.3

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scientific name

Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843


Genus Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843 View in CoL View at ENA

Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843: 84 View in CoL . Type species by monotypy: Cimex bidens Linnaeus, 1758 . Dallas,1851: 76; Fieber, 1861: 349; Distant, 1902: 251; Schouteden, 1907: 24; Stichel, 1962: 768; Ahmad et al., 1974: 36; Gapud, 1981: 516; Hsiao et al., 1977: 327; Ahmad, 1990: 75; Thomas, 1994: 191; Péricart, 2010: 210.

Cimex View in CoL subgenus Picromerus Stål, 1867: 497 View in CoL .

Diagnosis. Body medium size, somber. Paraclypei subequal to clypeus, not convergent apically. Rostrum robust, the apex passing mesocoxae. Antennomere segment I not reaching apex of head, the second longest, the third and fourth segment subequal. Pronotum with anterolateral margins coarsely dentate, humeral angle sharp or obtuse angulated, bifurcate or unbifurcate. Scutellum without gibbosity. Mesosternum carinate mesially. Metasternum slightly carinate in the middle. Auricle of ostiolar peritreme extending half way to the metapleural margin. Profemur with a small spine subapically, protibia not dilated. Tarsus 3-segmented. The second abdominal sternum with basal spine or not. Males with or without glandular patches on abdominal venter.

Male terminalia. Pygophore cup-like, wider than long, lateroposterior angle short and rounded; dorsoposterior rim concave, medial notch situated below its ventroposterior rim, with sparse setae and two parandria; ventroposterior rim sinuated, with a medial notch and dense long setae, in ventral view, the venter decorated with deep punctures, and a concave situated at the center of subapex of venter, with some long setae. Paramere wide in basal part, with an inner branch; apex of paramere narrow and hooked; the inner branch short and obtuse, directed lateroposteriorly. Aedeagus with an apical conjunctival lobe, bifurcate apically or not, and with one pair of basolateral conjunctival lobes, each with two branches or not. Median penial plates strongly sclerotized, united in base. Vesica obvious or not.

Female genitalia. First gonocoxites large, plate-like, posterior margins straight or slightly sinuate. Sternite ten large but not passing beyond fused eighth paratergites and slightly concave in posterior margin. The eighth paratergite subtriangular. Apices of ninth paratergites as long as those of eighth paratergites.












Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843

Zhao, Qing, Liu, Guoqing & Bu, Wenjun 2013


Stal, C. 1867: 497


Pericart, J. 2010: 210
Thomas, D. B. 1994: 191
Ahmad, I. & Onder, F. 1990: 75
Gapud, V. P. 1981: 516
Hsiao, T. Y. 1977: 327
Ahmad, I. & Abbasi, Q. A. & Khan, A. A. 1974: 36
Stichel, W. 1962: 768
Schouteden, H. 1907: 24
Distant, W. L. 1902: 251
Fieber, F. X. 1861: 349
Dallas, W. S. 1851: 76
Amyot, C. J. B. & Serville, J. G. A. 1843: 84
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