Coenosia Meigen
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Coenosia Meigen |
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Key to species of the genus Coenosia Meigen View in CoL View at ENA from China (males)
1. Dc 2+3 ........................................................................................................................... 2
Dc 1+3 ........................................................................................................................... 6
2. Femora black, at most apex and base yellow ................................................................ 3
Mid and hind femora yellow or mostly yellow ............................................................. 5
3. Thorax with grayish white pruinosity, without vittae; hind tibia without pd. ................. ............................................................................................ C. lacteipennis (Zetterstedt) View in CoL
Thorax with brown pruinosity, with fuscous longitudinal vittae; hind tibia with 1–2 small pd ......................................................................................................................... 4
4. Parafacial about threefifths width of antenna; abdominal tergites 3–5 with spots, cerci asymmetrical in posterior view ............................. C. ansymmectrocerca Xue and Feng
Parafacial about onefourth width of antenna; abdominal tergites 2–4 with spots, cerci symmetrical in posterior view ................................. C. brunneipennis View in CoL Cui, Xue and Liu
5. Mid and hind femora entirely yellow; pedicel and flagellomere 1 reddish brown at base .......................................................................................................... C. scissura View in CoL Ma
Mid and hind femora gray near apex; antenna black ................................. C. pauli View in CoL Pont
6. Costa ending slightly beyond vein R4+5 ......................................................................... 7
Costa ending in vein M ................................................................................................. 8
7. 1 proepisternal seta; mid femur and tibia yellow, hind femur and tibia blackish brown .................................................................................................... C. cornectens (Hennig)
2 proepisternal setae; mid and hind legs black ............................ C. oligochaeta View in CoL Hennig
8. Hind tibia with apposed av and ad ................................................................................ 9
Hind tibia without apposed av and ad ......................................................................... 16
9. Antenna with at least apex of flagellomere 1 yellow.. ............................................... 10
Antenna entirely black or fuscous............................................................................... 12
10. Antenna entirely yellow, frontal vitta with bright silvery pruinosity. C. attenuata Stein View in CoL
At least most of pedicel brown, frontal vitta without silvery pruinosity..................... 11
11. Femora with dense fine ventral hairs, especially on mid and hind legs.......................... .............................................................................................................. C. strigipes View in CoL Stein
Femora without fine hairs on ventral surface .... C. strigipes bannaensis View in CoL Xue and Tong
12. Legs mostly yellow, femora brown on dorsal surface ............................. C. exigua View in CoL Stein
At least fore femur black............................................................................................. 13
13. At least mid and hind femora yellow on basal onefourth .......................................... 14
Mid and hind femora mostly black or fuscous............................................................ 15
14. Mid and hind femora yellow on basal twothirds; frontal vitta distinctly with gray pru inosity ............................................................................. C. breviaedeagus View in CoL Wu and Xue
Mid and hind femora yellow on basal onefourth; frontal vitta black, without pruinos ity ...................................................................................... C. albisquama View in CoL Xue and Tong
15. Frontal vitta with bright gray pruinosity; thorax and abdomen with grayish pruinosity ........................................................................................................... C. humilis View in CoL Meigen
Frontal vitta with dense dark brown pruinosity; thorax and abdomen with fuscous pru inosity .................................................................. .. C. attenuata brunnea Xue and Tong View in CoL
16. First and second tarsomeres of mid and hind legs distinctly broadened, pulvilli of mid and hind legs longer than those of fore leg ..................................... C. dilatitarsis Stein View in CoL
Characters not as above...............................................................................................17
17. Hind tibia with 2 coarse posterior median spines; body black, abdominal spots indis tinct.............................................................................................. C. chinensis (Malloch) View in CoL
Hind tibia without coarse spines .................................................................................18
18 Hind tibia with 2 preapical d ....................................................... C. intermedia (Fallén) View in CoL
Hind tibia with only 1 preapical d ...............................................................................19
19. Lower calypter extremely small, shorter than half length of the upper one................20
Lower calypter similar to or longer than the upper one. .............................................31
20. Femora mostly yellow, only the dorsal surface of fore femur and the distal onefourth of mid and hind femora fuscous............................................... .. C. orbimacula View in CoL sp. nov.
Femora mostly black or fuscous..................................................................................21
21. Hind tibia with 2 pd (1 fine)........................................................................................22
Hind tibia only with 1 pd .............................................................................................28
22. Tibiae entirely yellow............................................................. ... C. fengi Yang and Zhao View in CoL
Tibiae fuscous or black, except for base yellow.......................................................... 23
23. Femora with many fine ventral hairs on basal half; genal height at least eighth of eye height. ................................................................................... C. fimbripeda View in CoL Wu and Xue
Femora without fine ventral hairs on basal half; genal height at least onesixth of eye height...........................................................................................................................24
24. Abdomen with a median rectangular spot............. C. mimolongipeda Li, Feng and Xue
Abdomen with triangular spots laterally or without spots .........................................25
25. Genal height about onesixth of eye height................................................................. 26
Genal height about onefourth of eye height...............................................................27
26. Frons about onethird width of head, parafacial with dark brown pruinosity, flagellom ere 1 about 2.5 times as long as broad; palpus yellow; cerci and surstyli curved in S shape in profile .............................................................. C. obscuripennis View in CoL Xue and Feng
Frons about twofifths width of head, parafacial with gray pruinosity, flagellomere 1 about 1.5 times as long as broad; palpus black; cerci and surstyli very straight in pro file ................................................................. C. angulipunctata View in CoL Xue, Wang and Zhang
27. Thorax with five gray vittae; hind tibia with 1 av, 1 ad ....... .. C. spinifemorata View in CoL sp. nov.
Thorax with three gray vittae; hind tibia with 2 av, 2 ad ... ungulipardus View in CoL Xue and Feng
28. Tarsi distinctly shorter than tibiae; sternite 5 with long dense hairs ............................... .................................................................................... C. brevimana Cui and Xue, 2001 View in CoL
Tarsi distinctly longer than tibiae; sternite 5 without long hairs ................................ 29
29. Parafacial about onethird width of flagellomere 1, palpus yellow on basal half; fore tibia yellow, mid and hind tibiae fuscous .............................. C. longipeda View in CoL Wu and Xue
Parafacial about half width of flagellomere 1, palpus dark brown; tibiae entirely yel low or brownish yellow............................................................................................... 30
30. Genal height about onethird of eye height; hind tibia with 1 pd ... C. changjianga View in CoL Xue
Genal height about onefourth of eye height; hind tibia with 2 pd. .. C. shennonga Xue View in CoL
31. Lower and upper calypters subequal in length............................................................ 32
Lower calypter longer, distinctly protruding beyond upper one ...............................40
32. At least most of mid and hind femora yellow. ............................................................33
Mid and hind femora entirely black or slightly yellow at apex. ................................. 38
33. Femora entirely yellow................................................................................................34
Mid and hind femora dark brown or black on distal onefourth to onethird ............. 36
34. Body hairs mostly yellow; flagellomere 1 yellow on basal half, fuscous on distal half, about 2.7 times as long as broad, palpus yellow. ............ ... C. subflaviseta Xue and Cui View in CoL
Body hairs mostly black; other characters varied. ......................................................35
35. Flagellomere 1 entirely yellow. ...................................................... C. mollicula (Fallén) View in CoL
Antenna black, flagellomere 1 about twice as long as pedicel........................................ ............................................................................................. C. yulongxueshanensis Xue View in CoL
36. Antenna brownish, parafacial narrower than half width of flagellomere 1.. ................... ................................................................................. C. unpunctata View in CoL Xue, Yang and Feng
Antenna and palpus black; parafacial varied in width. ............................................... 37
37. Parafacial and flagellomere 1 subequal in width; fore femur black at apex, mid and hind femora black on distal onethird to half.................... C. octopunctata (Zetterstedt) View in CoL
Parafacial about twothirds width of flagellomere 1; fore femur mostly yellow except for the fuscous dorsal surface, mid and hind femora dark brown on distal onefourth.. ..................................................................................................... C. carinata View in CoL Cui and Li
38. Body length at least 4.5 mm ... ........................................................... C. hirsutiloba View in CoL Ma
Body length shorter than 4.0 mm. ............................................................................... 39
39. Hind tibia without av; abdomen subequal in length to thorax ........................................ ............................................................................................ C. nigrimixta Feng and Xue View in CoL
Hind tibia with av; abdomen longer than thorax................. C. subgracilis Xue and Cui View in CoL
40. Flagellomere 1 with conelike process at apex. ..........................................................41
Flagellomere 1 without conelike process at apex ...................................................... 48
41. 1 proepisternal seta...................................................................................................... 42
2 proepisternal setae.................................................................................................... 45
42. Coxae and femora entirely black or fuscous ...............................................................43
Coxae and femora colour not as above ....................................................................... 44
43. Mid tibia with ad; legs entirely black..................................... C. flavimana (Zetterstedt) View in CoL
Mid tibia without ad; apex of femora yellow.......................... C. pulicaria (Zetterstedt) View in CoL
44. Frontal vitta distinctly with yellowish white pruinosity; mid and hind coxae brown; abdomen with one spot on each tergite.. ........................................ C. ambulans View in CoL Meigen
Frontal vitta without pruinosity; mid and hind coxae brownish; abdomen yellow on basal half, without spots ............................................................... C. flaviambulans View in CoL Xue
45. Antenna, face and gena all yellowish white; legs entirely yellow; body hairs yellowish ...................................................................................................... C. aurea View in CoL Xue and Cui
Antenna, legs and body hairs at least partly black ...................................................... 46
46. Antenna yellow, parafacial about half width of flagellomere 1; legs mostly yellow...... ............................................................................................................... C. erdosica Tian View in CoL
Antenna black or fuscous; parafacial varied; legs black .............................................47
47. Parafacial about threefourths width of flagellomere 1; the latter about 1.6 times as long as pedicel... ........................................................................... C. parva View in CoL Xue and Cui
Parafacial about onethird width of flagellomere 1; the latter about 2.3 times as long as pedicel. .............................................................................................. C. grisella View in CoL Hennig
48. 1 proepisternal seta...................................................................................................... 49
2 proepisternal setae. .................................................................................................. 52
49. Mid tibia with ad ... ...................................................................................................... 50
Mid tibia without ad .................................................................................................... 51
50. Flagellomere 1 yellow on basal half; face, parafacial and gena all grayish white.......... ....................................................................................................... ... C. incisurata Wulp View in CoL
Flagellomere 1 entirely fuscous; face, parafacial and gena all yellowish. C. zhaoi Xue
51. Flagellomere 1 black, about 3 times as long as pedicel .................................................. .................................................................................... C. testacea (RobineauDesvoidy) View in CoL
Flagellomere 1 yellow, about twice as long as pedicel ................ C. xanthocera Hennig View in CoL
52. Flagellomere 1 entirely yellow. ................................................................................... 53
Antenna black or only flagellomere 1 yellow on basal half; trochanters yellow at least ..................................................................................................................................... 54
53. Flagellomere 1 acuteangled at apex, parafacial about threefourths width of flagellomere 1 ............................................................................... C. flavicornis (Fallén) View in CoL
Flagellomere 1 obtuseangled at apex, parafacial about twofifths width of flagellom ere 1 ............................................................................................. C. subflavicornis View in CoL Hsue
54. Femora black or fuscous except for apex ................................................................... 55
Mid and hind femora yellow at least on basal half ..................................................... 57
55. Tibiae black except for basal part ......................................... C. nigricornis View in CoL Wu and Xue
Tibiae entirely yellow..................................................................................................56
56. Mid femur with av, mid tibia with 1 ad, hind tibia with 1–2 pd. .................................... .................................................................................................... C. amplicauda View in CoL sp. nov.
Mid femur without av, mid tibia without ad, hind tibia without pd .. .............................. .................................................................................... C. 1ongiquadrata Xue and Wang
57. Fore femur black at least on basal twothirds ............................................................58
Fore femur mostly yellow or distal twothirds yellow on dorsal surface.................... 67
58. Fore femur fuscous on basal twothirds, mid and hind femora entirely yellow.............. ............................................................................................. C. monticola View in CoL Xue and Zhao
Fore femur black except for apex, mid and hind femora dark brown on distal one fourth. .......................................................................................................................... 59
59. Mid tibia without ad .................................................................................................... 60
Mid tibia with ad ......................................................................................................... 63
60. Mid femur yellow on basal onefifth to onefourth, hind tibia without av .................. 61
Mid femur yellow on basal twothirds at least, hind tibia with av .. ............................ 62
61. Fore tarsus yellow, abdomen distinctly with middle vittae and lateral spots.................. ............................................................................................. C. flavimixta View in CoL Feng and Xue
Tarsi black, abdomen without middle vittae ........................... C. grandis View in CoL Xue and Zhao
62. Frontal vitta orange, palpus brownish, parafacial about half width of flagellomere 1; scutum without spots ........................................... C. unguligentilis View in CoL Xue, Yang and Feng
Frontal vitta black, palpus black, parafacial about onethird width of flagellomere 1; scutum with 2 brown spots. ........................................................... C. albicornis View in CoL Meigen
63. Hind tibia with 1 developed pd, about twothirds length of the prst dc .......................... ............................................................................................................ C. xuei Cui and Li View in CoL
Hind tibia without pd ................................................................................................... 64
64. Tarsi yellow, mid and hind femora brownish in distal onefourth on dorsal surface; body length 4.0 mm ............................................................ C. fanjingensis View in CoL Cui and Xue
Hind tarsus fuscous or black; body length varied. ...................................................... 65
65. Legs yellow except for coxae and tarsi black ....... C. campestris (RobineauDesvoidy) View in CoL
Leg colour not as above .............................................................................................. 66
66. First tarsomere of fore leg yellow, first tarsomere of other legs dark brown or black, mid and hind femora black on basal half. ........................................... C. verralli View in CoL Collin
First to fourth tarsomeres of fore leg and first tarsomere of mid leg yellow, mid femur yellowish brown on distal onefourth, hind femur fuscous on distal onethird .............. ................................................................................................. C. pygmaea (Zetterstedt) View in CoL
67. Fore femur fuscous on distal twothirds of dorsal surface, mid and hind femora fus cous on distal onefourth .................................................................. C. striolata View in CoL Hennig
Femora entirely yellow or fore femur slightly brownish on dorsal surface, mid and hind femora brownish at apex on dorsal surface......................................................... 68
68. Apical scutellar seta distinctly shorter than the basal one........................................... 69
Apical scutellar seta longer than the basal one. .......................................................... 70
69. Wing narrow on basal half; lower facial margin and the anterior margin of frons in the same vertical plane ............................................................................ C. pedella (Fallén) View in CoL
Wing not narrow on basal half; lower facial margin behind the anterior margin of frons in profile .................................................................................. C. griseiventris Ringdahl View in CoL
70. Basal scutellar seta less developed than the apical one, about threefourths length of the latter .................................................................................... C. nigrifrons View in CoL Cui and Li
Basal scutellar seta as developed as the apical one..................................................... 71
71. Hind tibia with pd ........................................................................................................ 72
Hind tibia without pd ................................................................................................... 75
72. Hind tibia with 1 developed ad; 1 fine hair before prst dc, about onethird length of the latter. ............................................................................................... C. luteipes View in CoL Ringdahl
Hind tibia with 2 ad; other character varied................................................................ 73
73. Femora entirely yellow; thorax with indistinct vittae... .................. C. lacustris View in CoL Schnabl
Hind femur with dark brown spots on dorsal surface; thorax distinctly with two dark vittae. ........................................................................................................................... 74
74. Abdominal tergites 7–9 subequal in length to tergite 5; tarsi fuscous ............................ .................................................................................... C. punctifemorata Cui and Wang View in CoL
Abdominal tergites 7–9 shorter than tergite 5; tarsi brownish yellow ............................ ........................................................................................ C. taibaishanna View in CoL Cui and Wang
75. Mid tibia with ad ... ...................................................................................................... 76
Mid tibia without ad .................................................................................................... 77
76. Abdomen coneshaped, tergites 7–9 distinctly longer than tergite 5 .............................. ........................................................................................................ C. conica Cui and Li View in CoL
Abdomen normal in shape, tergites 7–9 shorter than half length of tergite 5 ................. ........................................................................................................... C. paludis Tiensuu View in CoL
77. Flagellomere 1 yellow on basal half; hind femur fuscous on distal onefourth of dorsal
surface. ............................................................................................... C. pudorsa Collin Antenna entirely black; hind femur entirely yellow.................................................... 78
78. Mid and hind femora with developed pv on distal onethird.. ............ C. sallae Tiensuu View in CoL
Mid and hind femora without pv on distal onethird................................................... 79
79. Frontal triangle reaching the anterior margin of frons, palpus brownish yellow on basal half, fuscous on distal half... ................................................. C. mandschuricda Hennig
Frontal triangle reaching onethird to half way to frons, palpus not as above............80
80. Frontal triangle reaching onethird way to frons, palpus entirely fuscous; femora with out spots... .................................................................... C. spatuliforceps View in CoL Xue and Zhao
Frontal triangle reaching half way to frons, palpus black; femora with annular black spots at apex .................................................................... C. lagenicauda View in CoL Xue and Zhao
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.