Haasea gruberi, Antić & Akkari, 2020

Antić, Dragan & Akkari, Nesrine, 2020, Haasea Verhoeff, 1895 - a genus of tumultuous history and chaotic recordsredefinition, revision of taxonomy and geographic distributions, with descriptions of two new species from Austria and Serbia (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Haaseidae), Zootaxa 4798 (1), pp. 1-77 : 51-57

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scientific name

Haasea gruberi

sp. nov.

Haasea gruberi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 27–30 View FIGURE 27 View FIGURE 28 View FIGURE 29 View FIGURE 30 , 38 View FIGURE 38 , 41 View FIGURE 41

Orobainosoma flavescens flavescens— Attems (1954) (misidentification)

Diagnosis. New species differs from the other congeners by the presence of a unique, short and simple angiocoxal mesal process columnar in shape, without additional teeth and by the presence of a strongly developed coxal process on the posterior gonopods of almost the same size as telopodites.

Etymology. The new species is named in honour of our colleague Dr. Jürgen Gruber for his significant contribution to understand the taxonomy of genus Haasea , his impressive collection of specimens and literature he made available for us and his overall dedication and work on Austrian millipedes.

Material examined: Holotype ♂, Orobain. flavescens , det. Attems, Natterriegel 48 Franz [= Austria, Styria, north of Admont, Natterriegel hochalp., 30.07.1948, H. Franz leg.] ( NHMW9470 View Materials ) . Paratype ♀, same data as holo- type ( NHMW9471 View Materials ). See comments below .

Non type: 1 ♂, O. flavescens Attems det.; with label “x212” of H. Franz; referring to “Admonter Kogel near Graz, 02.08.1942 ”, Austria ( AGES) .

Description. Body in adults with 30 segments (including telson).

MEASUREMENTS. Males 8 mm long, vertical diameter of the largest pleurotergite 0.7 mm. Female 9 mm long, vertical diameter of the largest pleurotergite 0.8 mm.

COLORATION ( Fig. 27A View FIGURE 27 ). Brownish yellow.

HEAD ( Fig. 27 View FIGURE 27 B–E). Setose, frontal side straight in males, slightly convex in female. Labrum with three medial teeth in paratype male and female ( Fig. 27D View FIGURE 27 ), one medial tooth (abberant?) in holotype male, with 4+3 labral and 1+1 supralabral setae ( Fig. 27 View FIGURE 27 B–C). Mentum semicircular, without setae. Lingual plates (holotype male) with 5+4 setae arranged in one or two rows. Stipites with 5+5 long setae and ca. 20+20 short setae. Antennae elongated, slender, with dorsomedial and ventromedial row of small papillae-like outgrowths (as in Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 D–F), 1.65 mm long in holotype male. Length of antennomeres (in mm): I (0.07), II (0.18), III (0.44), IV (0.18), V (0.37), VI (0.18), VII (0.18) and VIII (0.05). Length/breadth ratios of antennomeres I–VII: I (0.8), II (1.6), III (4.9), IV (1.8), V (2.8), VI (1.5) and VII (2). Antennomeres II, IV, V, VI and VII with one, three, one, four and one sensillum, respectively. Lateral to antennal sockets a group of similar papillae-like outgrowths present (as in Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Number of ommatidia: 10–12 in 4 rows in males; 12–13 in 4 rows in paratype female, arranged in triangle.

COLLUM. Narrower than head, with six macrochaetae. Anterior edge semi-circular, posterior margin gently concave.

BODY SEGMENTS ( Fig. 27F View FIGURE 27 ). With lateral humps. Macrochaetae long and trichoid. CIX (segment 15) = 0.8; MIX (pleurotergite 15) ~ 3; PIX (segment 15) = 0.6; MA (segment 15) ~ 105˚.

TELSON. Epiproct with a pair of spinnerets and 3+3 setae (1+1 paramedian, 2+2 marginal). Hypoproct semicircular with 1+1 apical setae. Paraprocts with 3+3 marginal setae.

LEG- PAIRS 1 AND 2 ( Fig. 28A View FIGURE 28 ). In both sexes leg-pairs 1 and 2 with tarsal combs; prefemora with several long and robust setae; femora and postfemora each with several long and robust setae arranged in a group.

MALE SEXUAL CHARACTERS ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 ). Leg-pair 2 with genital openings on coxae ( Fig. 28A View FIGURE 28 ). Leg-pairs 3–7 enlarged. Distal half of tarsi 3–7 with ventral papillae ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 B–F). Leg-pair 10 significantly smaller than the rest of the walking legs; with coxal sacks and with a robust, blunt coxal process. ( Fig. 28G View FIGURE 28 ). Leg-pair 11 with coxal sacks, but no other peculiarities ( Fig. 28H View FIGURE 28 ).

ANTERIOR GONOPODS ( Figs 29 View FIGURE 29 A–B, D–E, 30A–C). Typical of the genus Haasea . Mesal process (mp) simple, columnar in shape, oriented posteriad. Without anterior lateral process; posterior lateral process (plp) simple, short, straighten and hardly visible. Posterior lamella bilobed, upper lamella (pl1) smaller and rounded, lower lamella (pl2) large, ear-shaped and bent down into an extension. Mesodistal lobe (mdl) without fimbriae-like outgrowths.

POSTERIOR GONOPODS ( Figs 29C, F View FIGURE 29 , 30D View FIGURE 30 ). Typical of the genus Haasea , with well-developed two-segmented and setose telopodites (t) and strongly developed coxal processes (cp). Coxal process almost the same length as telopodites, with three branches. Anterior branch (ab) strongly developed, bifurcated, curved posteriad; medial branch (mb) short, subtriangular in anterior or posterior view; posterior branch (pb) simple, with slightly extended distal end.

LEG- PAIR 3 IN FEMALE. With lateral sternal lobes.

VULVAE. Not examined.

Distribution ( Figs 38 View FIGURE 38 , 41 View FIGURE 41 ). Known only from Natterriegel in Haller Mauern and Admonter Kogel in Styria, Austria.

Type locality. Natterriegel in Austria .

Comments. Attems (1954: 311) misidentified this new species as Orobainosoma flavescens flavescens —“Natterriegel hochalp., 1 Ex., 30.7.48” and “Umg. Graz”.

The vial with holotype and paratype we examined, contained only a label with Attems’s handwriting: “ Orobain flavescens Natterriegel 48 Franz”. According to Franz’s fieldtrip diary from 1948, he visited Natterriegel only on 30.07.1948. There, only two places (with different habitats) were stated: Admont—Natterriegel and Natterriegel hochalp. Since Attems (1954) stated this new species as O. flavescens flavescens from Natterriegel hochalp. collected at the same date (30.07.1948), we stated the same date in material.

In the second vial, with non-type male, there were two labels, one with Attems’s handwriting: Orobainosoma flavescens Latzel , and the second with the reference x212. According to Franz’s fieldtrip diary x212 stands for: “Admonter Kogel, 2.8.42, S-Hang, Gesiebe in Buchenwald mit etwas Quercus pubescens ; recht trocken”. Although there is a doubt since this locality is relatively far from the type locality and the habitat is completely different, we have listed it as such. This locality is stated with a question mark.

















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