Allopygmephorus persicus

Häckel, Martin & Anichtchenko, Alexandr, 2015, Megacephala marginicollis, Acarologia 55 (3), pp. 311-320 : 311-320

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.6109396

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scientific name

Allopygmephorus persicus


Allopygmephorus persicus

Khaustov & Hajiqanbar, 2005 Material examined — 8 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov. ,

Tonekabon, Sehezar Forest (36°41’N, 50°51’E, altitude 380 m a.s.l.), 26.VIII.2013, clinging to abdominal sternites of three specimens of Cercyon laminates Sharp, 1873 (Col.: Hydrophilidae ) attracted to light trap. 5 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Noor, Noor Forest (36°34’N, 52°02’E, altitude - 33 m a.s.l.), 29.VII.2013, from vial containing Enochrus bicolor (Fabricius, 1792) (Col.: Hydrophilidae ) attracted to light trap. 4 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Noor, Noor Forest (36°34’N, 52°02’E, altitude - 33 m a.s.l.), 29.VII.2013, from vial containing 8 specimens of an unidentified heterocerid beetle (Col.: Heteroceridae ) attracted to light trap.

World distribution — Iran, Mazandaran province, phoretic on an undetermined hydrophilid beetle ( Khaustov and Hajiqanbar, 2006).

Remarks — Thus far beetles of the families Heteroceridae and Dryopidae (superfamily Byrrhoidea ), and Hydrophilidae (Superfimily Hydrophiloidea) have been documented as hosts of some Allopygmephorus spp. ( Krczal, 1959; Khaustov and Hajiqanbar, 2006). Consistently, our study recorded beetles of the same superfamilies for A. persicus . Considering the fact that most of these beetles generally inhabit semi-aquatic habitats namely littoral banks, riverside debris swamps and etc. ( Alekseev, 2012), it can be elucidated that these mites are damploving and frequent in such habitats.

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