Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) naranjina Morón and Solís, 2001

Morón, Miguel Angel & Solís, Angel, 2001, Seven New Species Of Phyllophaga (S. Str.) Harris From Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Melolonthinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 55 (1), pp. 11-29 : 24-26

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Carolina (2021-06-04 17:30:01, last updated 2024-11-27 08:01:55)

scientific name

Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) naranjina Morón and Solís

sp. nov.

Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) naranjina Morón and Solís , new species

Figs. 22–27 View Figs

Holotype. Male. Clypeus, frons and pronotum shiny reddish testaceus; elytra light yellowish testaceus, head with erect, short setae; pronotum shiny, with short setae around the margins and very scarce short setae on the disk; elytra shiny, nearly glabrous with scattered setae along the suture and toward the posterior half; mouthparts, sterna, pygidium and legs shiny reddish testaceus. Clypeus 5.0× wider than long, anterior border widely rounded, with clearly elevated margin, surface concave, with irregularly distributed, shallow, round punctures, glabrous. Frontoclypeal suture sinuate and effaced at the median third. Frons 1.3× wider than long, convex, coarsely rugo­punctate, with short slender setae on entire surface. Antenna 9­segmented, with 3­segmented club, lamellae of 7th to 9th segments 1.5× longer than length of preceeding 5 segments combined. Frons 2.4× wider than dorsal diameter of eye. Eye canthus long and wide, with 12 setae. Labrum bilobed, shallow and widely sinuate, with scattered slender setae. Mentum slightly convex, with slender setae on each side, anterior border nearly straight. Pronotum 1.6× wider than long and 2.9× wider than frons. Pronotal disk shiny, with deep, round punctures irregularly separated from one another by 1–6 diameters; lateral borders strongly angled, lateral marginal bead crenulate with regularly located, long, slender setae; basal bead indicated by punctures, mainly toward the sides; anterior angles right, clearly prominent; posterior angles obtuse, slighly prominent. Scutellum 1.6× wider than long, with some deep punctures, glabrous. Elytron 2.9× longer than wider, shiny, densely punctate; epipleural border very narrowed, extended along the complete margin, provided with dense fringe of short setae all along; humeral callus rounded, prominent; apical callus rounded. Metathoracic wings completely developed. Propygidium shiny, densely punctate rugose with scattered short setae. Pygidium moderately convex, shiny, deeply punctate rugose toward the midline with scattered erect short setae; apical margin with 12 long, slender setae; basal margin effaced medially. Pterosterna with long, dense, yellowish setae. Visible abdominal sternites II–IV concave, with scattered setiferous granules toward the midline; sternite V nearly flat, shiny, moderately granulose setiferous at the middle, with fine ridge on the posterior border; anal plate moderately narrowed, slightly punctate, convex, with coarse setiferous punctures, a vage longitudinal furrow at midline, anterior border slightly elevated at sides, posterior border not elevated, without setae. Protibia slightly shorter than protarsus (0.7:1), with external border tridentate, basal tooth short, preapical spur acute, slightly curved, shorter than 2nd protarsomere. Mesotibia with one oblique, sharp, setiferous carina on external side; upper apical spur straight, narrow, and as long as lower spur. Metatibia 0.6× shorter than metatarsus, with one oblique, sharp, setiferous carina on external side; upper apical spur articulated, curved, with apex acute, 0.6× shorter than basal metatarsomere, and 1.6× longer than lower spur; lower apical spur articulated with tibial border, with acute apex. Tarsomeres semicylindrical, not much elongate, with enlarged apices and some setae apically; mesoand metatarsomeres 2–4 each with two longitudinal carinae with lines of short setae on ventral side; protarsomeres 1–3 each with subapical small hook­like tubercle. Tarsal claws symmetrical, similar on all legs, with a small acute tooth near the middle of ventral border ( Fig. 22 View Figs ). Genital capsule with short and wide parameres, dorsally and ventrally fused, ring shaped, apex curved, progressively narrowed to acute apex, ventrally with a transverse strongly sclerotized wide blade with sinuate border directed backward. Aedeagus short, with a long curved bristle and tuft of yellowish setae on the dorso­apical area of the sclerotized support ( Figs. 23–25 View Figs ). Tectum with two vague tumosities toward the base. Length of genital capsule from apex of parameres to border of basal piece: 2.7 mm. Total body length: 11.8 mm. Humeral width: 4.6 mm.

Allotype. Female. Similar to the male except as follows: antennal club as long as the preceeding 5 segments; visible abdominal sternites II to V convex; anal plate 1.2× longer than male anal plate, convex, punctate, with 25 scattered slender setae. Protarsomeres with subapical hook­like tubercles reduced. Metafemur 1.1× wider than metafemur of male. Metatibia at apex 1.2× wider than male metatibia. Both apical spurs of metatibia articulated, wider than in male. Tarsal claws each with large tooth near middle of ventral border ( Fig. 26 View Figs ). Pygidium less convex. Ventral genital plates slightly sclerotized, nearly symmetrical, round with elongate apex; dorsal genital plates articulated with lateral borders of ventral plates, apices rounded with 3 setae on each side ( Fig. 27 View Figs ). Total body length: 12.9 mm. Humeral width: 4.5 mm.

Paratype Variation. Males. Similar to holotype except in total body length: 10.0– 13.1 mm, humeral width: 4.8–5.9 mm; antennal club 1.3–1.5× preceeding 5 segments; two males with scattered short, erect setae at the sides of scutellum. Females. Similar to allotype except in total body length: 11.9–13.0 mm, humeral width: 4.9–5.2 mm; three females with scattered short, erect setae at the sides of scutellum.

Type Series. Described from 9 males and 7 females. Holotype male ( INBIO): ‘‘ Costa Rica, Prov. Alajuela, El Rosario de Naranjo, Estac. de Peaje. LN 226000, 496700, 6­IV­98, A. Solís. ’’ GoogleMaps Allotype female: ( INBIO) same data as holotype GoogleMaps . Paratypes: same data as holotype (8 males, 6 females). GoogleMaps Paratypes deposited in INBIO and MXAL.

Type Locality. El Rosario de Naranjo   GoogleMaps , 3 km N Naranjo   GoogleMaps , province of Alajuela, Costa Rica (approx. 10°10'N; 84°22'W).

Biological Data. All males and females of P. naranjina n. sp. were collected at lights at the border of coffee plantations located at 1,050 m of altitude. Phenology: April (16).

Remarks. Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) naranjina n. sp. does not belong to any known species group (sensu Morón 1986), but the nine segmented antenna may related it with the ‘‘ porodera ’’ group, and the shape of tarsal claws, male anal plate and protarsal spurs are similar to some species in the ‘‘ anodentata ’’ group. The very short clypeus, number of antennal segments, scattered granules near the middle line of the sternites, shape and details of the male genital capsule, and small body size will aid in the recognition of this new species.

Etymology. Derived from the name of type locality ‘‘El Rosario de Naranjo.’’

Moron, M. A. 1986. El genero Phyllophaga en Mexico. Morfologia, distribucion y sistematica supraespecifica (Insecta: Coleoptera). Publ. 20, Instituto de Ecologia, Mexico, D. F. 341 pp.

Gallery Image

Figs. 22–27. Phyllophaga naranjina. 22) protarsal claw, male; 23) genital capsule, lateral view; 24) paramera, distal view; 25) paramera, ventro­distal view; 26) protarsal claw, female; 27) genital plates, female. Scale lines 5 0.5 mm, except Fig. 23 5 1 mm.













