Kyphosidae, sensu Randall, 2005

Knudsen, Steen Wilhelm & Clements, Kendall D., 2013, Revision of the fish family Kyphosidae (Teleostei: Perciformes), Zootaxa 3751 (1), pp. 1-101 : 8-9

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Key to the species of Kyphosidae View in CoL View at ENA :

1. Fewer than IX dorsal fin spines (VI–VIII); more than 19 soft dorsal-fin rays (20–23); more than 22 soft anal-fin rays (23–26), anterior part of soft dorsal- and soft anal fin distinctly elongate ( South Africa, southern Mozambique).......................................................................................... Neoscorpis lithophilus Stone View in CoL bream

– More than IX dorsal fin spines (X–XI); fewer than 17 soft dorsal-fin rays (10–16); fewer than 16 soft anal-fin rays (10–15), anterior part of soft dorsal- and soft anal fin not distinctly elongate.............................................. 2

2. Scales absent on interorbital region; fewer than 9 postorbital scales (5–8); 25 vertebrae in total........................ 3

– Scales present on interorbital region; more than 9 postorbital scales (10–21); 26 vertebrae in total...................... 4

3. Caudal fin with white edges; 14–16 soft dorsal fin rays; more than 12 soft anal fin rays (13–15); no distinct vertical bands across body (Western Australia)............................................... Kyphosus cornelii Buffalo View in CoL bream

– Caudal fin without white edges; 10–11 soft dorsal fin rays; less than 11 soft anal fin rays (10); 5–6 vertical dark green bands across body (southern California to Baja).......................................... Kyphosus azureus Zebraperch View in CoL

4. More than 21 (occasionally 19) total gill rakers (19–32); more than 56 total scale rows along the lateral line (usually more than 65) (56–85); often more than 70 scale rows along longitudinal row (50–77); unpaired fins not dusky.................... 5

– Fewer than 21 (occasionally with up to 22) total gill rakers (15–22); fewer than 76 total scale rows along lateral line (usually less than 66) (52–76); fewer than 68 scale rows along longitudinal row (48–67); unpaired fins dusky.................. 10

5. No more than 12 soft dorsal fin rays (occasionally 13) (11–13); 10–13 soft anal-fin rays (usually 11) (10–13); never more than 33 pterygiophores in total (32–33); not more than 70 scale rows along longitudinal row (50–69); soft rayed part of dorsal and anal fins often highly elevated in individuals with 13 dorsal fin rays.............................................. 6

– Thirteen or more soft dorsal fin rays (13–15); 12–14 soft anal fin rays; 34 or more pterygiophores in total (34–39); often more than 70 scale rows along longitudinal row (52–77); soft rayed part of dorsal and anal fin not elevated................... 8

6. Soft-rayed part of dorsal and anal fins extended; fourth dorsal fin ray long (8.7–19.1 %SL); second anal fin ray long (10.4–22.3 %SL); 25 or more total gill rakers (25–30) (Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific Ocean)...... Kyphosus cinerascens Highfin View in CoL chub

– Soft-rayed part of dorsal- and anal-fin not extended; fourth dorsal fin ray short (4.8–12.0 %SL); second anal fin ray short (8.5– 16.1 %SL); 25 or fewer total gill rakers (19–25)............................................................. 7

7. More than 21 total gill rakers (22–25); pelvic fin short (11.8–19.0 %SL); second anal fin ray short (8.5–15.2 %SL) (Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific Ocean)................................................... Kyphosus sectatrix Beaked View in CoL chub

– Usually fewer than 23 (never more than 22) total gill rakers (19–22); pelvic fin long (19.3–20.8 %SL); second anal fin ray long (13.5–16.1 %SL) (Hawaiian Islands)....................................... Kyphosus hawaiiensis Hawaiian View in CoL chub

8. Soft part of dorsal fin with 13 rays; anal fin with 12 soft rays; interorbital width 11.0–13.8 %SL; 21–22 dorsal pterygiophores; no more than 13 anal pterygiophores; 52–57 pored scales in lateral line; not more than 69 total scales along lateral line (61– 69); relative low number scale rows in the longitudinal row (52–62); body colour uniform grey or bronzed brown or mottled with white spots; no conspicuous golden horizontal scale rows along body (east Pacific).... Kyphosus elegans Cortez View in CoL chub

– Soft part of dorsal fin with 13 or more rays (13–15); anal fin with 12–15 soft rays; interorbital width 9.6–14.2 %SL; more than 22 dorsal pterygiophores (22–24); 13 or more anal pterygiophores (13–15); 52–64 pored scales in lateral line; regularly with 70 or more scales in total along lateral line (63–85); relative high number scale rows in the longitudinal row (56–77); body with either clear golden horizontal scale rows or with large distinct yellow and blue wavy stripe horizontally along body.... 9

9. Soft part of dorsal fin with 13–14 rays; soft part of anal fin with 11–14 rays; 22–24 dorsal pterygiophores; not more than 14 anal pterygiophores (13–14); golden yellow horizontal scale rows along body from operculum to caudal fin; caudal fin not deep emarginated (Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific Ocean)............................ Kyphosus vaigiensis Lowfin View in CoL chub

– Soft part of dorsal fin with 15 rays or more (15–16); soft part of anal fin with 14 rays or more (14–15); 24 dorsal pterygiophores; 15 anal pterygiophores; a blue and yellow wavy stripe horizontally across body from operculum to caudal fin; blue streak behind eye; caudal fin deeply emarginated (Pacific Ocean)..................... Kyphosus ocyurus Rainbow View in CoL chub

10. Pored scales in lateral line 51–61; scales in longitudinal row 54–67; total gill rakers 18–22; anal fin base long (18.1–24.8 %SL); line along ventral edge of anal fin extended backwards through caudal peduncle follows dorsal edge of caudal fin (Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Pacific Ocean)........................................... Kyphosus bigibbus Darkfin View in CoL chub

– Pored scales in lateral line 42–56; scales in longitudinal row 48–57; total gill rakers 15–20; anal fin base short (14.0–22.4 %SL); line along ventral edge of anal fin extended backwards through caudal peduncle cuts above dorsal edge of caudal fin....... 11

11. Vertebrae 10 precaudal +16 caudal; caudal peduncle not deep (9.9–11.8 %SL); sixth dorsal-fin ray length short (8.7–11.8 %SL); pelvic fin short (13.4–16.2 %SL); green vertical bar on operculum; line along ventral edge of anal fin runs parallel to the dorsal edge of the caudal fin (west Australia)............................... Kyphosus gladius Gladius View in CoL drummer

– Vertebrae 11 precaudal +15 caudal; caudal peduncle deep (12.1–14.5 %SL); sixth dorsal-fin ray length long (11.4–16.1 %SL); pelvic fin long (14.7–22.5 %SL); no green bar on operculum; line along ventral edge of anal fin does not run parallel to the dorsal edge of the caudal fin (southern Australia, northern New Zealand).......... Kyphosus sydneyanus Silver View in CoL drummer

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