Trichoscypha arborea (A. Chev.) A. Chev.

Breteler, F. J., 2001, The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Upper Guinea: A synoptic revision, Adansonia (3) 23 (2), pp. 247-264 : 250

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Trichoscypha arborea (A. Chev.) A. Chev.


1. Trichoscypha arborea (A. Chev.) A. Chev. View in CoL

Explor. Bot.: 161 (1920); Keay in Hutch. & Dalz., Fl. West Trop. Afr., ed. 2, 1: 736 (1958); Aubréville, Fl. For. Côte d’Ivoire, ed. 2, 2: 196, fig. 198 (1959). Emiliomarcelia arborea A. Chev. , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 58, Mém. 8d: 151 (1912).

Type: Chevalier 22322, Côte d’Ivoire, Yapo , fr. Oct. (holo-, P; iso-, K, WAG).

Tree up to 30 m tall, trunk to 40 cm diam. Leaves 6-8-jugate with coriaceous, glabrous leaflets. Inflorescence up to c. 80 cm long. Flowers (Aug.-Nov.) red to purplish. Fruits (Nov.-Jan.) red and glabrous at maturity. — Figs. 1 View Fig A-B, 4.

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Rain forest of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Also in western part of Lower Guinea.

SELECTED SPECIMENS. — CÔTE D’ IVOIRE: Aké Assi 13045, Soubré, ♂ fl. Sep. (K); Aubréville 70, Abidjan, fr. Jan.(B, P); Wilde3111, Nieky, ♂ fl.Oct.(K, WAG). — GHANA: Enti R 1101, Ankasa F.R., fr. Dec. (WAG); Jongkind et al. 1794, Atewa Range F.R., Oct. (WAG); Taylor 5357, Tarkwa, ♂ fl. Aug. (B, K, P). — LIBERIA: Baldwin 10202, Karmadhun, fr. Nov. (K); Versteegh & Jansen 778, Tchien, Oct. (WAG); Voorhoeve 55, Gola Nat. For., ♂ fl. Aug. (WAG). — SIERRA LEONE: Small 861, Booni (Mende), fr. Dec. (K, P).

NOTE. — Trichoscypha arborea is rather difficult to distinguish from T. patens (Oliv.) Engl. , a common species in Lower Guinea. Both occur in Nigeria and western Cameroun. Apart from the difference in flower colour, the two species look in fact quite different, especially their leaves, although these differences are not so easy to circumscribe (see KEAY, 1958: 734). The distinction between these two taxa will be delt with when treating Trichoscypha from Lower Guinea.

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