Pseudoundacypha, Huang, 2023

Huang, Di-Ying, 2023, Discovery of Thripida from the Middle Jurassic Yan’an Formation, Zootaxa 5396 (1), pp. 22-25 : 22

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5396.1.6


persistent identifier

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Pseudoundacypha gen. nov.

Type species. Pseudoundacypha yananensis sp. nov.

Etymology. Pseudo- plus the generic name Undacypha refer to the new species generally resembles Undacypha .

Diagnosis. Forewing with a long ScP, probably reaching 2/5 of wing length; RA simple and elongate, reaching 3/5 of wing length and making an angle with R stem; RP and M forked with a relatively large angle; RP stem about four times as long as R stem; CuA slightly curved, reaching beyond middle of wing length; two anal veins visible, A 2 very short.

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