Orthogonius nigripes Tian & Deuve, 2000

Tian, Mingyi & Deuve, Thierry, 2016, Stepwise and cooperative assembly of a cytokinetic core complex in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Belgian Journal of Entomology 42, pp. 1-19 : 1-19

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Orthogonius nigripes Tian & Deuve, 2000


Orthogonius nigripes Tian & Deuve, 2000 View in CoL

Figs 13–15 View Figs 13–15

TIAN & DEUVE, 2000: 295

MATERIAL EXAMINED. 1♂, 1♀: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B / Vietnam, Cuc Phuong N. P., 20.1900 N / 105.3630 E; 19- 23.VII.2011, night collecting, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I. G. 31.933] ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .


Length: 18.5 mm (male), or 20.0 mm (female); width: 7.0 mm (male), or 8.0 mm (female). Habitus as in Fig 13 View Figs 13–15 . Body broad, strongly shiny and glabrous, black; male slightly smaller than female; antennae, palpi, lateral expanded margins of pronotum, coxae, trochanters and femora of all legs reddish brown; underside light dark brown; head densely and coarsely punctate; sparsely and coarsely punctate on pronotum (except disc); base of intervals 4 and 6 with three or four punctures, all intervals with faint and irregular punctures; head with rough sculptures or wrinkles; pronotum moderately striate; elytra glabrous; microsculptural meshes isodiametric on pronotum, indistinct on head, and strongly transverse on elytra.

Head: slightly wider than long, HW/HL=1.07-1.09; eyes very large and strongly prominent; frons and vertex moderately convex, frontal impressions well defined, small and short, not beyond level of mid-eyes; clypeus quadrisetose, basal portion raised, with a median longitudinal impression in base, joined to clypeal-frontal suture; labrum six setose, straight at apical margin; palpi stout, subcylindrical; 3 rd maxillary palpomere as long as 4 th, both glabrous; 2 nd labial palpomere dilated on apical half, bisetose in inner margin and with a few short setae near or at apex; 2 nd palpomere as long as 3 rd which is evenly expanded medially; ligula small, bisetose at apex; mentum edentate, asetose; palpigers setose; antennae short, extending over base of elytra; pubescent from basal 1/3 of 4 th antennomere, slightly expanded at pubescent portion of the joint; 3 rd antennomere as long as 4 th, and 5 th.

Pronotum: strongly transverse, PW/PL=1.75-1.80, widest at about mid-length; disc moderately convex; sides extraordinarily and evenly expanded; fore angles protruding beyond fore margin; anterior and posterior margins well beaded, anterior one wider than posterior one; base distinctly bisinuate; lateral expanded margin well defined, evenly widen throughout, flat and rough, widely reflexed; both transversal impressions distinct, basal foveae big and deep, median line clear.

Elytra: elongate ovate, EL/EW=1.53–1.55, widest at about mid-length, moderately convex; sides nearly parallel at mid-length; basal border incomplete, interrupted against 1 st- 5 th intervals; apex roundly truncate, inner apical angle small, denticulate; striae moderately deep; intervals convex, subequal in width; 3 rd interval without setiferous pore; 7 th interval not carinate.

Legs: fore tibiae slender, slightly expanded at apex, with apical margin arcuate, and nearly obliquely truncate near outer angle, outer angle nearly rectangular, outer margin distinctly serrate; middle and hind coxae smooth and glabrous; middle tibiae slender, not dilated in male, hardly expanded at apex; hind tibiae slender, slightly expanded at apex, with apical spurs long and sharp; 1 st hind tarsomere much longer than 2 nd; 3 rd tarsomere slightly longer than 4 th which is nearly bilobed at apex (lobe 2/3 as long as joint); all claws weakly pectinate (each claw with three small teeth).

Ventral side: prosternal process bordered at apex; abdominal ventrite VII complete in male; ventrite VII with two pairs of setae on either side of apical margin in both sexes.

Male genitalia ( Figs 14–15 View Figs 13–15 ): small and stout; dorsal opening very wide and long; base slightly dilated; ventral margin nearly straight towards apex, which is more or less blunt; apical lamella very short and small, hardly visible from above (concealed by dorsal membranous).

SEXUAL DIMORPHISM. 1 st- 3 rd Protarsomeres covered with two longitudinal rows of spongy, scale-like setae in male along middle portion; female broader and stouter than male.

DISTRIBUTION. China (Hainan Island) and northern Vietnam. It is recorded from Vietnam for the first time.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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